Remember Her?

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Never heard of her

Yes, very indelible in the hippopotamus

You mean the woman who tells the truth
>pic related

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Literally who

sounds professional. I believe you.

I don't believe I do?

One ugly looking dude who is it? Bruce Jenner?

Literally whore?


literally Kavanaugh in drag, it was all a psyop

how is he doing the "scared-5-year-old-girl"-voice?

look up the "university" of palo alto it's a bunch of bullshit.

Oh, God, please tell me I didn't fuck her.

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I only care about people who can stop DRUMMPF

Not really. She was kind of a cunt, and not the least bit mixed race.

She indelible in the hippocampus. My cortisol and norepinephrine caused a basic memory response of it.

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Shame on you n*zi scums!

try it, a male's voice has another 'mode' it can go into way above your highest normal pitch where part of your throat closes, useful for talking to little babies and sounds p much exactly like her

Party on Wayne


Talked some shit got a million bucks. Job done.

Indelectible in the hippopotamus is the laughter.

You didn't really make me fly to get here, did you? Because I hate flying and living in places that have one doors pre-2018, cuz that is when I was triggered, cuz it wuz fashionable. #meetoo

Literally who

Wow such scientific language! I fucking LOVE science!!! Are you some kind of genius psychologist?

Just because you black out and fuck two guys at once doesn't mean you were raped you fuckin whore

still getting free money every day

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just think for a minute, when was the last time you saw both of them together? That's right, you never have!

>giving a tenured professor money
>her lawyer worked pro bono anyways

For what purpose?

lying whore

You mean Him?