What percent of posts on Jow Forums are made by paid shills representing a government agency or private lobbying firm?

What percent of posts on Jow Forums are made by paid shills representing a government agency or private lobbying firm?

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Other urls found in this thread:



About tree fity

I work for the FBI.


Probably only like 10-15%
Kikes finally discovered they were wasting their money on this place. You can't change us.

More than that lol


What do you think it was at the height? Maybe that would be 2016 presidential primaries

Wait, people have been getting paid? I’ve been doing it for free this whole time

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you're a janny here? I feel bad for you

Everyone except you is an agent. We'll be visiting soon, Tom

Really hard to say, but I'll guess like 20ish% at the absolute max. I mean they also thought they would win no problem.

its less than you'd be lead to believe by the shitposts here, most times you all say "shill" or "nice try fbi" is just shitposting from fellow anons, intel agencies wouldn't waste the time or resources on a waste of time like Jow Forums its pretty tame here honestly, i know for a fact though many reputable anthropologists study this place intently.


It wouldn't be resource heavy to have bots generating the same threads over and over. Honestly considering how much US intelligence astroturfs online it would be shockingly negligent to avoid this extremely popular social networking site

If it's one talking about Brexit and saying a second referendum is the only way then 100% it's Open Society (even if they use it's what Farrage wants ploy)
If it's talking about a second Scottish independence vote in relation, or as a condition of Brexit, then 100% it's Open Society.
If it's talking shit about Northern Ireland, Democratic Unionists Party (without an Irish flag or posting the Irish flag when referring to Northern Ireland) orblaming Ireland for messing up Brexit, then 100% it's open society.

Everything else is CIA FBI and we're all fucked.

intel angencies have zero reason to make threads, they would only watch and log ip addresses of potentials, they aren't going to make threads or interact with you, if you know they are here they aren't doing their job they aren't going to try and mingle and potentially alert anyone to their existence here that'd be counter productive, use your tiny pea sized brain for once in your life user.

Good attempt at obscurity, department of homeland security.

That is remarkably stupid. They want to divide and conquer, stoke fear, and control impressions. That is what a psyop is. Google COINTELPRO and related programs. They never ended, they got more sophisticated

you watch to many movies user, get a grip. what reason would an agency that is trying to data gather get by making a thread and potentially tipping off the people they are trying to track.
they don't want you to know, they know they couldn't mingle effectively enough to be convincing so why do it at all when their is only a negative and no net other than some nonsensical "psyop" to serve little purpose.

They aren't merely trying to gather data, idiot. They're trying to get people to think and act in ways that maximize their benefit.

The /mlpol/ experiment revealed that most Jow Forums posting is by shills and bots.

That's why gookmoot and his mods squad quickly shut down /mlpol/.

Attached: mlpol.jpg (1624x791, 74K)

Idk. I'm a NEET but if a US govt agency has been monitoring me then they know I deserve to be hired.

I don't recall this. Quick rundown?

for what? to entrap some fat retard doing something local police can do to bust small time dope dealers, this isn't x-files user thats not what the agency is here to do, go take your meds.

>the CIA doesn't try to control public opinion
You are so naive it boggles my mind. You must be baiting. Look at this for a single example of the lengths they're interested in going:

you guys are always so paranoid this is your problem, you get so entrenched in this echo chamber on Jow Forums you start losing touch with reality.
if the agency was here ( its not) they'd only be here to watch and log ip's of potentials thats it, everything else would be a waste of their time and for no real return on the effort, big agencies go after things worth investigating not some fat fucks jacking off to animated porn and arguing about being some kind of shadow cabal that elects presidents.

>if the agency was here ( its not) they'd only be here to watch and log ip's of potentials thats it
This is a massive speculation that you (a retard) are not qualified to make. Whatever helps you sleep at night, bluepill brother

do you really believe the nsa has a team of agents that monitor this place? can you imagine what they'd find? let me tell you
NOTHING, its a big fat nothing the stuff you all post here is pretty pg when you get right down to it and its not even that extreme honestly barely worse than the shit you'd find on other social medias but with way less active users and way easier data gathering. the few times something pops up here it gets floated down to local police to investigate if that Jow Forums in general has gotten way less controversial than it used to be at least from a legal perspective.

was going to say ~80%, easy. fpbp

Are there even real people here?

wrong question, the real question should be, how many posts on Jow Forums are made by the same person for the sole purpose of gaslighting autists into action. now I can tell you that today, i've made over 200 posts on Jow Forums, 70% of which reached over 100 replies. i've been doing this for a very long time.


Look OP. First, you must understand and appreciate both the military and all the 'intelligence agencies' realize memetic warfare is now a real fucking thing.

Then you must realize Jow Forums won the 2016 election for Trump using nothing more than memes.

So of course they are here. Watching our every move. They want to learn.

Hi Q, big fan. How does it feel to have a human botnet of boomers?

Pigs don't care about murderers and drug lords, they worry about shitposters on Jow Forums.

this right here is what im talking about, this user needs a therapist these kinds of schizophrenic posts are so outlandish and nonsensical.
seek help, pol isn't a shadow cabal that elects presidents how delusional are you all?


I bet more are made by video game companies and the like.

I wish I got paid to shitpost all day :(

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For April Fool's last year the mods thought they'd outdo their sjw selves and combine /mlp/ with Jow Forums. The mods, thinking everyone else is as violently prejudiced as their sjw asses are, expected to sit back in superiority and laugh as the two boards they hate most destroyed each other.

Instead the two groups got along spectacularly well. The horsepussy kept the normies as bay, and because the shills and bots hadn't updated their scripts to retarget to /mlpol/, what remained was real human beings have real, polite, and substantive discussion about politics (and horsepussy). It was one of Jow Forums's finest moments.

That this is the true nature of the humans who post on Jow Forums exposed that the cesspool of excrement that is usual Jow Forums *is the explicit intention gookmoot and the mods*. They want to kill Jow Forums, but to do so outright would expose them for the tyrannical sjw's they are. So instead they take a page from war criminal Ariel Sharon's playbook and let others - in this case shills and bots - drown Jow Forums in tidal waves of shit.

/mlpol/ was so much fucking fun.

Attached: mlpol memeball.png (300x449, 127K)

Explain to me what exactly is nonsensical about saying Jow Forums runs the memes. I'm waiting.

i'm just Microchip doing my thing, I have boomer bots and real bots and don't have any plans to stop any time soon. Remember the goal: acceleration.

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Ya but like 2 cents a post max. We're not talking about even 5 dollars an hour.

listen nerds, if i can get a few more stripes under my belt, i'll start paying autists to cause global chaos on massive scale, just hold on tight, shit's being worked on.


Yeah, but they would be predictable, uninteresting, and crappy shitposts.

Completely contrived. Totally non-organic. And all the oldfags would call your ass out.

What if they are accidentally redpilling each other like some fucked up machine learning algorithm seeking approval and the truth is the feedback variable.


Don't ask me how I know.

prbly like 2%

Old banned mod here. There are several 'Protected' IPs that act as gateways to post here. In mid-2016, there were a half-dozen or so and they would generate about ~40% of the Jow Forums board's traffic. I assume these were paid-for by special interest (election) or simple JIDF to sway public opinion. As for Intel/LEOs, I assume they will just randomize their IP locally.

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Easy. Ask everyone to type pizza in their posts then count.

of course they are and there's nothing they can do to stop us unless someone incites violence or breaks any other law. much can be done legally

Microchip is the original 'Q' LARP. Hot times.

Still, why lie about the rest of it bro? You know as well as I do you were replaced.

Fuck off James. Pizza means baby fucking and you know it.

But more importantly, why the fuck are you still coming here is you're so fucking innocent?

10-50% depending on what is happening in the real world.