Let's see them. Orange Man Bad edition.
Your Costumes
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Shit, I guess I'm a bad guy then.
Not bad.
>St-stop it goy!
>stop showing them our plans goy!!!
>they wont wear the masks that get you institutionalized a week from now when the shootings begin!
Here's mine, I'm wearing night cammo so they won't see me when I put up the posters
cringe tier waste of trips
YOu have glasses, all villains have glasses
I kind of want an Uncle Adi costume ww2sale.com
Nice, you could wear it for Purim
We are Anomalous.
We are a region.
Forgive and forget.
Expecto Patronum.
that paint could be toxic.
be careful user
Flag checks out
you shit talkers post this guy all the time
unironically he has more balls then you faggot
Nobody has claimed he doesn't have balls. His balls are just attached to an incredibly cringe worthy faggot.
Ok just joking. This is my costume. Is it too soon? Getting warmed up and starting to have regrets
>This is why we can't be friends, Greg.
>that guy who makes a fun holiday political because its all he thinks about
Pretty badass tbqh, probably smacked some leftists around too
I wanted to say that darn it!
You were going on about this for months. Shit's not gonna happen.
This meme has been boiling in a lot of our minds for years now. This was an extremely organic meme to me.
Ah yes, how could I forget about the nerd kid who thinks he can sit at the cool kids table
; ;
That is so triggering! Stop appropriating my culture.
Seriously though, Happy Halloween Everyone. So my daughter, who loves fictional & fantasy characters, went as a CNN 'journalist'. She went as her fav race-baiting female pundit, Don Lemon. My other daughter, who is very sensitive to the cultural appropriation issue, went as Democrat Senator & Native American Elizabeth Warren. She teamed up with my son, who went as an ANTIFA member. They led all the neighborhood kids on the Trail of Liberal Tears as they demonstrated Democratic Socialism to them by stealing all their candy. I am eating it right now. Please enjoy this Halloween video sure to 'trigger' snowflakes:
Friendly reminder that this is the guy who gives you advice about women.
Nope...In fact I started it...years and years ago. Specifically using NPCs. It just never caught on till now.
I also started the Le meme...sorry about that one.
Oh and a response to the age ol question of " are you full? " to which the response should be. "Stuffed as a turkey on thanksgiving."
Chop chop! Get that one out there...my longest standing one and I nev r hear it...sad.
And obscured by a bitchin' fanny pack.
Same faggot different thread
The fag bag cracks me up every time.
I really, really hope none of you who actually got invited to do something with friends and people who like you ended up embarrassing yourselves like this.
>Dresses up as his cousin
user, you're doing it wrong.
Have you ever considered suicide, user? You should try it.
Moar butter keks
Holy shit is that Ronald in his early years before he was a clown?
awesome smelly nigger costume! so realistic.
I call this Silicon Valley Urban Camouflage
you're doing god's work
Fuck off niggerfaggot, why do mutts always get butthurt over memes?
make more beer
> be me
> dress up like we happy few
> white face
> get lectured all night about political statement
Tell them you don't give a fuck next time
but orange man is a jew puppet you fucking npc
hahaah one of my friends did this too, i think it's popular in the normie community, have the normies always been so self aware?
I just went as a spooky scary skeleton, mixed an NPC pumpkin in with the other jack-o-lanterns though.
lose weight btw
Average redneck?
i hope this isn't you and you got this from reddit, this is cringe
Results in massive asshurt every time
Results in massive asshurt every time.
Results in massive asshurt every time.
I just went naked this year for Halloween and spent the night edging.
3dpd sheep are disgusting
this man knows 2d waifu sheep is best
kek i remember watching this pic like 14 years ago at 12years old on my aunts computer thinking what a disgusting and gay thing that was while condemning my aunt thinking she was a total degenerate now i'm here addicting to jacking off and degenerate porn.
God I need to quit the internet for a year at least. Seriously fuck the internet man especially porn.
went as tbone
Imagine convincing a bunch of right wing retards that every incident was a fasle flag.
What, these people who wear the costume think they are above that.
Would fuck
Imagine convincing every canadian that 3 steaks are worth $50
Nobody cares about what you did when you were 12 user, go tell reddit and fuck off back to your blog.
Mongrel-Theism = Despotism...
>that hooded figure on the far right
user, w-what is that?
From the thumbnail I thought that was m00tykins
Rate me goys
>in debt
what did he mean by that?
jesus christ, americans are cringy af
0% chance you left your room with this on
but still based
That our country is 18 trillion in debt.
R8 me goys
any goblina cosplay?
best costume
Are you old enough to remember when Iceland told their central bank and the IMF, "Meh, we're all set. Not paying," and started issuing their own currency? What's to stop the greatest country evar from literally ending the fed after this election?
>Playing dress up like an infant when you're an adult
I seriously hope you guys don't actually do this.
What drugs are you on
i dressed up as marisa from touhou
Best time of year to go out since i can go out in sweatpants and be comfy
I will be 23 in a week. When do you guys think is to old for halloween anymore? Personally i lost the magic at 21, last year. But i have a gen z brother who wont meet up with any of his friends (if he has any) so if i didnt dress up, id feel like hed be alone getting candy. Idk its a shitty feeling cause i loved meeting up with friends and talking. I feel like i have to be there and dress up and have fun together so hes not alone you know?
Are you even old enough to post here?
I think we both know the answer to that.