Jared Taylor's newest video


Have you watched American Renaissance's newest video?

I feel like these don't get talked about much here because most of the videos are so simple and logical, there's not much to throw a shitfit over. What do you think?

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Why is he dodging Duke? Duke with one hand behind his back v Taylor irl fight

(((they))) look huwhite to me.

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Do you want to preserve Nigeria, like uncle Jared?

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Jared's view counts are just way too low

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Nothing wrong with that

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This pseudo intellectual is married to a Jew.

Fuck him.

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Do you have evidence?

Nope I take that back, I'm not sure if she's Jewish, even though there is speculation that she is, but I don't really trust this goy.

I don't buy the speculation on her being Jewish unless someone can present info.

Jared's videos I think are a very valuable tool to get whites to start thinking racially. Which is a very important element of politics, and our world, today.

He's too old and out of touch to deliver his message. He needs a young successor to deliver this in a way presentable to youth.

it's a great video.

Whites will only start thinking racially when their quality of life decreases due to subhuman migrants causing crime, leeching off of productive society, and the dismantling of societal structure and norms.

All of the conditions are have existed for a while already and are only getting worse.

The truth will always be the truth.

There is no messenger, it's only a matter of time.

Is he really, though?

Yes, that's a legitimate concern and it shows. Needs to take someone or multiple people under his wing or something

He should make his vids in Japanese.

He could do that. And French I believe.

I dunno, are young people really unable to see the wisdom in his message?

>Kathleen R. Arnold a professor from the Political Science department at DePaul University states, "unlike many other white supremacists, Taylor is not anti-Semitic, and in fact encourages Jews to join his fight...however many within the white supremacist/anti-immigration movement disagree with Taylor..... and he has been under tremendous pressure to break ties with the Jewish community."[41] The Southern Poverty Law Center notes that Taylor is unusual among the radical right in "his lack of anti-Semitism."[42] The Jewish Daily Forward reported that Taylor "has been trying to de-Nazify the movement and draw the white nationalist circle wider to include Jews of European descent. But to many on the far right, taking the Jew-hatred out of white nationalism is like taking the Christ out of Christmas — a sacrilege.
Jared Taylor on Jews
Sucking Israel's dick

only if he displays himself as a virtual anime girl though

t. Jew

Just read his books. Every single one of his videos are basically him saying the same thing over and over coupled with that weird way he says “HU-WHITE” like he’s going to hock a loogie.

It does look disingenuous when you say that we should examine each jew individually and not treat them as a group, and the same time apply the exact opposite of this to niggers.

I don't think he says that.


i love jared. Not many are better than he on the right, despite his stance on the jq.

He needs to rap it yo. Fuck you.

>Have you watched American Renaissance's newest video?
I did last night. Pure facts.

the jews control everything, whos to say they can't control him? besides, if he started going 14/88 he'd immediately be shut up

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That's what he says in that first vid.

Based Uncle Jared

>It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

He doesn't openly name them constantly so that means he must love Jews and want whites to die

He's arguably the most reasonable and articulate voice for whites so he isn't promoted by the media or shilled endlessly here in eceleb drama threads

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Yes! Let Nigeria prosper so those Nigerians can stay the fuck over there

Give me a timestamp of where he says that jews need to be judged individually, and another timestamp of where he says blacks should not be judged individually.

Japanese aren't being replaced

The vid is two and a half minutes long, just watch it you lazy nigger.

I did. I'm asking you for two timestamps because you're not able to provide them. Because you lied about what he said.

I don't get why Taylor thinks he can reason with these people. I thought he was a race realist. Jews can't even be reasoned with either, and they're suppose to be smart.

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His videos are pretty much all directed at white people.

Well, I don't know what you took away from that video, but in reality that's exactly what he says. It's weird that you don't seem to comprehend your own language. Either that or you're being intentionally obtuse with your semantics bullshit in a vain attempt to defend your idol.

>still not providing two timestamps

Evelyn Rich is not Jewish. It's not just Jews who have that name. She wrote a whole big public letter about it

Jared is a true treasure of the white race.

>still smokescreening with semantics
There are no timestamps because I paraphrased what he said. Surely you know what that is. Anyone listening to that video will realize that that's exactly what he's saying, although not verbatim.

based and redpilled and bumped

JT is a boss

>There are no timestamps because I paraphrased what he said.

I didn't ask for direct quotes.

Provide two timestamps that provide the general meaning that you paraphrased.

There you go.

Alright. Please tell me which of these two tells us that we should judge jews individually, and which one tells us we should judge blacks as a group.

They're both about jews, can you not tell? He's talking about jews in that video. And judging blacks as a group is what his whole ideology hinges on. He wants all whites to live separately from all blacks. A white country makes no sense if you start letting some individual blacks in.

>They're both about jews, can you not tell?
I can tell. You said he said that we should judge jews individually, and judge blacks as a group in the video. so I asked you for two timestamps for those two views which you were attributing to him.

You obviously weren't able to do that because you lied.

>And judging blacks as a group is what his whole ideology hinges on
It does not

>He wants all whites to live separately from all blacks
He does not.

You're misrepresenting his actual views. He even explains them very simply here His views are
1) Race is real
2) Whites should have rights, including to live in white spaces or to live in racially integrated spaces.

Also, I'll mention

3) people shouldn't have be to be made into minorities in their own countries.

Because Duke would win and Taylor knows that. He just wants to focus on the race question. I don't like it but I understand.

This video is awesome.

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You cannot have white rights or white spaces or even race itself without judging people as a group. Those are all group properties. The moment he starts talking about race is the moment he starts treating people as a group. And it's not a bad thing despite people like you willing to contort themselves around it lest God forbid they have to own it. You should apply the same standard in all your thinking, which means that both jewish question and black question should have a group solution - you can't solve one by dividing people on a group basis and the other by dividing people individually if you want to have any sort of logical coherence. The man is applying a double standard to try to avoid the JQ like so many of the so called "our guys", and you know it, and I know you know it. This is exactly the sort of intellectual feebleness that allows the left with all its bullshit to somehow come out on top, and refuse to acknowledge it, or even defend it would be an insult to the white man's plight.

>You can't have race without judging people as a group

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Amazing argument. I'm thoroughly defeated.

I figured you would be.

I don't actually have to argue against things like "groups only exist if you judge all constituent members of a group simply as members of the group and not individuals."

For somebody accusing others of misrepresentation you've done an excellent job at it yourself.

You must be rubbing off on me.

Arigato-gozaimasu oji-san.
I'm going to have 7 White kids and combat the anti-Whites with something powerful

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I guess I'll accept it as a concession. Hopefully the courage to face the JQ has rubbed off as well.

top fucking kek at that answer.
He is one suave fuck

Also, He probably has a soft spot for the Anglo Sephardic Jews in America's early history since they were pro-slavery, pro-Confederacy, pro-states rights, anti-Lincoln and groups of them fought for the south in the Civil War and northern ones supplied Confederates when the North was starving the South out. Not sure how many groups of those jews are left any more tho. The Eastern European Jews who were always more anti-white and anti-christian greatly outnumber them now.

Slavery has only hurt Whites in the long run. Fuck having niggers anywhere near your proximity, slaves or no slaves

pretty sure I've heard Taylor make the same point in the unedited version of that ABCNews vid.
I'm just speculating on why Jared is softer on jews. I also assume that's why Jared broke with David Duke. David Duke uses that same group of jews to show how involved in slavery Jews were. They were basically the farm equipment merchants for the plantations of the south and the manner houses of the north. Duke doesn't differentiate between the early sephardic jews that came here from England as shipping merchants and the Ashkenazi that came here right after our Civil War. The Ashkenazi were mostly socialists and gave us the melting pot propaganda. From what I can tell, Duke also ignores that sephardic's role in the Southern Cause that he seems sympathetic to.

We would've all been better off if slavery never happened here.

In his video what I think his stance on the Jews is that we know they are responsible for brainwashing Whites, but it's our responsibility to break the conditioning. It was pretty fucking easy for me, don't understand how some Whites can hate themselves so much, Jew propaganda or not.