How do Australians deal with the fact that their ancestors colonialism has led to aboriginals living in alcoholism and...

How do Australians deal with the fact that their ancestors colonialism has led to aboriginals living in alcoholism and squalor?

Attached: 49B7DA3C00000578-5452713-Paul_Blackmore_took_this_picture_of_Aboriginal_drinkers_surround-a-1_152012 (962x642, 374K)

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They aren't people. They're animals. I think it's funny how sky high their domestic abuse rates are.

abos seem happy, leave em alone

To be fair, everyone in Australia is an alcoholic living in squalor. Its good to know everyone in Australia has adopted a common culture.

what the fuck you'd have to be a millionaire to afford to be an alcoholic in Australia


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It’s a free country and they do whatever they want. They choose to. You can lead a whore to culture but you can’t make her think

Attached: 99E2D20E-CA77-4BB5-B3D4-C114C17F4894.jpg (1080x1432, 956K)

this x10000

This. Those are some rich abos. Beers are triple the price of USA even.

strewth it'd cost 200pw to be alcoholic (30*7)