How do Australians deal with the fact that their ancestors colonialism has led to aboriginals living in alcoholism and...

How do Australians deal with the fact that their ancestors colonialism has led to aboriginals living in alcoholism and squalor?

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They aren't people. They're animals. I think it's funny how sky high their domestic abuse rates are.

abos seem happy, leave em alone

To be fair, everyone in Australia is an alcoholic living in squalor. Its good to know everyone in Australia has adopted a common culture.

what the fuck you'd have to be a millionaire to afford to be an alcoholic in Australia


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It’s a free country and they do whatever they want. They choose to. You can lead a whore to culture but you can’t make her think

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this x10000

This. Those are some rich abos. Beers are triple the price of USA even.

strewth it'd cost 200pw to be alcoholic (30*7)

At least they have clothes now, stop complaining

How well do you think the abos would be doing if white people had never visited Australia? You think they'd have skyscrapers and nanotech by now? Have you ever heard of the Yanomami? They were found around the same time as the first ships reached Australia in the late18th century deep in the Amazon rain forest... living much the way they probably were living in 2AD, just eating bugs, fucking and beating each other with sticks. I'm sure the australian abos, the inuit and all the other first people's tribes wouldn't have even survived contact with the Aztecs or the Norse, much less industrial era Europeans.

Aren't the empty cans worth something?

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Pure bliss, boongs should be eradicated

The Australian government has given these people everything they they have ever asked, they wanted land rights, they got massive land grants in NT; they want more community facilities in NT? They got it. They want aboriginal councils to have precedent over the law and act as the local mafia? They got it. They want local police to stay away from their NT shitholes and let them self govern? They got it.

They have been given literally every single concesion that they have asked for and they still live in squallor and still don't make things of themselves.

That is not an issue of the white man, that is a total lack of responsibility for your own races lack of productivity

Well most aboriginals actually live in the city now, and those people do perfectly well for themselves. Mind you those numbers include people who are as white as snow but just chose to identify as Aboriginal even tho it's no more a part of their heritage as Scottish or Irish.

The problems like with the minority (albeit still a large number) of aboriginal who live in the Bush. The main issue is inter-generational abuse, where parents and communities abuse their children who grow up to abuse their children who grow up to abuse their children and so on. Australia is basically at a stalemate in regards to this because despite it being a serious and pressing issue, governments get shot down for even thinking about taking serious action. So they just keep pouring billions of dollars into these areas (literally pissing it into the ground) and nothing changes. So as we sit here, the next generation is being abused, basically guaranteeing that the next generation will be abused. So it's hard to see these issues improving for at least a few generations.

The left also hamstring any real attempts to drive economic development of regional areas because they're against basically any successful industry or business that gets started.

The left are very violent about this issue, you'll get death threats for talking about this like I have. The major talking points for Aboriginal activists and leftists are trivial things like the date of Australia day, the national anthem and statues of Captain Cook. So it's a blatant bury your head in the sand issue for them. The reason is because its so dire, it's going to require tough and sometimes unfair action to mitigate and protect future generations. It also requires shifting the narrative from whites are evil and the cause of all ill, to something more along the lines of Aboriginals have self determination and need to have self responsibility to help their own communities.

I didn't know this word existed until I heard an Aussie say it earlier this year

So fucking sick of seeing this gay ass modern mustangs all over the place.

blimey cobbla you neba here a lad from uk then

Based and redpilled.

This is almost exactly the same problems we face with our abos here. Infact, it's pretty much bang on.

Some things never change.

Get fucked ya seppo pelican

>colonialism has led to aboriginals living in alcoholism and squalor
>as opposed to simply living in squalor like the last 40,000 years
What did boongs do all day before the ebil White man gave them booze and petrol?
Beat the shit out of each other sober?

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Does the left even attempt to talk about semi-serious issues there or is it all the same bogus "racist white people" talking points like I listed?

Literallly this
The entire mindset in state governments seems to be that industry is a swear word
If this continues we'll be fucked in 10 years and massively in debt because we don't provide any service to the world so have no place at the table

Blimey it's hot in here Bruce

More concerned with apologising to literal monkeys than helping their future

They would spend their days hunting and fishing. They would be able to go wherever the game is. They would be truly alive and self-actualizing.

Now much of the land has been fenced off. And they live on welfare. That is what wrecked them.

Personal responsibility. I'm here shit posting because of the decisions I made, nothing pushed me to shit post here just myself.

feels great

Actually it's entirely possible for most Aboriginals to live like this today, the government will pay them to do it through welfare and ranger programs.

get a load of this shit cunt

what were aboriginals doing before the english showed up ?
scratching their butts and eating their children corpses?

they are vile and cheap. They are a true motoring pleb filter. They have replaced HSV's

Maybe senators but clubbys and maloos are sick.

At the end of the day you're driving a commodore that costs 80k

By giving them billions a dollars a year to alleviate their consciences and enabling them to continue

tapping sticks together

Sucks because buying used hsv's and holden utes is so hard because 95% have been thrashed

How chinks do with tibetans and uighurs?
How indians do with lower castes that are treated worse than slaves?
How turks do with the native greeks?
This is our land and have all the right to decide who want to enter or not

Reminder this is what the average Aussie is like

give me a break Steve - they are all shit

It doesnt. The aussies just made it up.
Its one of their nonsense words like 'sobriety' and 'deodorant'

As opposed to what ya drongo?

Are abbos really as dumb as people say?

Or is it just a meme

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Yeah, I've heard of the "Original Affluent Society" theory too. It's bullshit and I can prove it. Any species that manages to find equilibrium with its environment ceases to evolve and will, as soon as the opportunity arises, be displaced by a more evolved and aggressive species. It's exactly BECAUSE the aboriginals and yanomami and native americans and inuit did NOT evolve that they got wiped out by people who did.

This, in fact, is why white people have come to dominate the Earth... because white people have experienced more evolutionary pressure than peoples living in the same or similar environments as where they originated. White people were forced to conquer the harsh environments they made their homes. Forced to make tools, to forge alliances, to develop immunities, to fight for survival... and when they had achieved the ability to return to locations where the living was easy, they conquered those undeveloped peoples without any significant effort. White people are simply more evolved and this is why they win.

Study Dark Forest Theory if you want to understand the true battle that all races must ultimately fight. You destroy your competition before they destroy you... because they will as soon as they are able.

op thinks the subhuman petrol huffing abbos don't have free will.

aboriginals had a very advanced society, just very different to that of euros. Their artwork and society is much more advanced than anything whites have ever invented.

The ultimate irony of the English language is that now the majority of the English population is Pakistani. So we'll say G'day while you say As-Salam-u-Alaikum.

The pure bloods yes, but half-casts are generally about average I think.

Nice id

there is no pure bloods

It's exactly like you listed and it's been getting worse at the most accelerated pace we've ever seen in this country since Trudeau and the liberal party was elected in 15.

White people are evil colonizers. Diversity is our strength. If you kill your enemies they win. Etc. Etc.

It's all so tiresome yet it keeps getting worse.

you funny little sheep fucker

eh, they ain't hurting any one or any land that's valuable
it's not like they're not allowed to get jobs or go to school. If they choose this lifestyle, go do it

One last point. The only reason white people have not eradicated lesser people from the world is because they succumbed to the power of greed. Conquering whites believed they could use the less developed races for their own benefit... but now are finding that you simply can not allow a conquered people to live in captivity because without strict controls, you will grow fond of and soft toward them and they will eventually out populate and overrun you. The power of stupid is infinite and anyone who attempts to wield if will be consumed by it, as we're just now beginning to learn.

what is goon?

They're one of the dumbest races on the planet by IQ

Also get a load of this guy

As opposed to any asian or european car - which is why GM stopped building the shit things here. The market changed. We no longer want shit re-badged American cars.

We seem to buy the straight up shit American cars now. Work it out fuckwit.

The Australian definition of "city" is about 75km from the CBD

Considering they turned australia into the desert it is today, fuck abos.

welcome to the big city

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statemen's were unironically ok cars

We provide specialised services, payments and subsidies to mitigate against the effects of poverty and ensure a good theoretical quality of life, but stop short of any interventional action that could actually solve the underlying domestic problems that cause this kind of living due to their historical failure as well as pressure from aboriginal community leaders.

The current government is also forcing people living in regional and remote areas into work for the dole schemes, knowing that they don't have access to personal transport and it's impossible for them to attend so their payments and access to services get cut and the problem becomes even worse.

So to answer your original question my sheep fucking neighbour, we don't deal with it very well.

Australia had to develop their own special formula for gasoline because Abbos wouldn't stop huffing it to get high.

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I dont give a shit. why should I?

you are a drug dealing abo arn't you?

Yeah, but keep in mind the overwhelming majority are mixed.
They're still stupid, but they're not much more stupid than the average redneck you'd find innawoods

Wait, what?
By fucking over-farming?

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Yes folks that's right - There are men who actually fuck these stinky savages. It always amazes me.

burning down the landscape

very well actually, fuck the digeridindus

But Western Europe has an easier climate than Siberia, and Westerners dominated more than the East

I ask because I went travelling in Aus and we met an Abbo

He didn't seem to be retarded or anything, he was pretty normal. I think he was a bit mixed, but he looked pretty abbo-ish to me. Maybe they just picked one of the superstars to meet with tourists

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Pretty sure they pay for their gibs so it all balances out.

Yes, firestick-farming.

Do you think the intoxicant defines the Civilization?

The West conquers with Alcohol.
The Mideast with Cannabis.
The Far East with Opiods.
The Indies with Stimulants.

They turned a large chunk of Australia into a dustbowl. Seriously, the abbos did that.

No, but my Dad ran Townsville and Thuringowa Cash Converters in the 90s and we had a kickass Statesman

that's even worse

Abos were always living in squalor. At least the alcohol and gas huffing gives them something to do.

Some of the racism ITT. Yikes.

They probably don't think about it at all.

And? it was stimulating the local economy.
People who shit on Holden are subversionists undermining the country, knowingly or not.

they never needed money. In fact their society was too advanced to require trade at all. Their civilization was more advanced than westerners realize.

Kind of both.

They can do as well as anyone else with the right support network, however most grow up in appalling home environments and self medicate to cope until they're brain damaged before they even exit their teens.

You ever met an abo? Fucking deplorable people. They were shit tier even before we conquered the fuck out of them and nicked their land.

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Eat shit you literal nigger.

That's ah, that's a real load of shit I reckon. But prove me wrong by all means

audible kek

thats a white guy with abo mixture, I wouldnt call him abo. Its like calling a predominantly spanish mexican mestizo a "native".

Or just not have a dead end job.

Yeh that's been debunked mate


Australians take it as hard as they dished it out

They even let the abbos fuck their waman

100% true

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the picture is fucking saddening as hell, really powerful. Anyone who dosen't feel anger at white people for what they did is a heartless bigot.

This is weak bait even for a wog

Well thats your own fault for giving them matches.
Every time i see ray mears circlejerking the 'noble indiginous people' and their skills, they're all using steel tools and wearing western clothing, using zippos to light their cigarettes and eating from tableware.

You can take the blame fo teh alcahol.