I'm an anarchist, debate me

I'm an anarchist, debate me.

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Why bother?

Don't tell me what to do


Do you believe in solidarity with the ML's


I don't. If someone thinks they've got it though...

don't command me what to do you fascist

who enforces anarchy?

Any halloween parties going on?

A Jow Forums halloween party would be great ha


ancoms arent anarchists

Alright that makes you better than most other anarchists. How will you determine when you do and dont have consensus when issues arise.

No fuk you

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Debates are for statists

Verbal and/or written consent from all individuals involved.

So you think that thats tenabke in the long term ehike also promoting anarchy? As an ancom what if a commune agreed to adopt private property using said system?

Sorry im drunk that was supposed to say do you think its tenable

why would i debate you when i could just shoot you?


Lol, goooooood fucking luck with that

were you born retarded or gas lighted into it?

Why does anyone still believe in this when human nature will always drive some people to lead and some people to seek a leader

What are you going to do when you get anarchism and I instantly create a fascist state to fill the power vacuum and throw you out of a helicopter?

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Private property would be impossible because the newly-created oppression via private property would be a threat to the libertarian society, and children born into the society don't have a choice whether to be coerced or not.

When society collapses and the law of the land is kill or be killed, I'm going to form my own group men, preferably white men. We'll loot everything we come across and kill anybody that tries to stop us. After I have enough men and possibly women, we'll create a harsh, yet simple code to live by. For example, if you find something unique, it's yours. If you steal something from the group, you die.
After killing off other groups and gangs, while slowly increasing our numbers, we'll start a settlement, where everybody has a job to do. After years of letting in new people and defending our new home, we start breeding, farming, and expanding. My right hand man or possibly a group of men I can trust will enforce the law and make sure everybody is doing their part. They'll recruit, oversee, and make new laws with my ultimate decision in the end. Fast forward a few more years, we have ourselves a miniature, but growing civilisation, with other possible settlements and towns in the country as well. We'll trade with each other, maybe form alliances, councils, and possibly even war with each other for resources. Somewhere along the line, settlements will join each other.
A decade goes by and we have a full country.

Conclusion: anarchy doesn't truly exist


Stay mad, fuck Catalonia

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I use "private property" in the classic socialists sense, not the misnomer that "right libertarians" have created, which they use to conflate personal property and oppression via a bourgeoisie.

Also, re-adopting a private property system, or any form of oppression would be unthinkable to an anarchist society, and certainly not wanted.

Are you an anarchist on consequentialist grounds or on deontological grounds? If the former, what's your argument that anarchism will lead to the greatest amount of good in the world? If the latter, what moral principles are you reasoning from to get to the conclusion that anarchism is a morally necessary outcome of everyone applying them?

Neither, I suppose you could call anarchist ethics utilitarian. The whole existence, the whole process of the actions of the individual, including the consequences, should be a process of liberation, and finding the utility thereof.

The time for debate has long passed. Communists all get bullets, you ruined a political ideal with corporate cock sucking, being the product of subversion and the footmen of billionaires and spooks. I hope it was worth it for your actions are now the sole thing that motivates me.

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Utilitarianism is a subset of consequentialism me man so you're kinda losing me, especially when you're seeming to suggest that liberty is the basis of your values.
Would you say that you want anarchism because that represents maximal liberty? Or do you think that sort of set up would maximize well being? Perhaps both?

Implying some cuck from the land of bending over to the law could survive without it, if your shit hole made leaders capable of such actions we would have seen it.

I'd kill you with the weapons you are no longer allowed to own and dump your bodies in the swamp.

How do you enforce no property without a government?

It's not our fault the ancom flag is the one for "anarchist" in the flag dropdown

how can you be an anarch"ist". why would you take the time to adopt a political "ism" why wouldnt' you just be out murdering and raping if that is what you believe in?

Words have the meaning assigned to them by use. Your use of words is anachronistic. When you are assigning words a different meaning than what they actually have, discussion with you becomes impossible.

Communism is less autistic than Anarchism. Most commies start as anarchists and realize communism is the only solution to their big brains. Become a commie soon comrade. The LGBBQ is waiting for you.

Gotta find me, homie


This guy gets it

I'm an anarchist but not blind to the laws of nature, debate me.

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The millennium question for X-anarchism, what prevents any type of governments to be formed within the anarchic state?

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CNT backstabbed FAI. Communists are not your friends. Their principles fly in the face of Anarchism as a whole. Stop being a dumb fuck.

>Communists are not your friends.
Time and again...

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faggot op left the thread

Mob rule or human nature in the post-telecom age. With the right lines cut only localized organizations could be formed, which is what many wanted anyway. Power in the hands of many.

Yeah, well I'm an Arcanist.

Anarchy, being a denial of hierarchy, is a denial of the most basic unit of humanity, the family, the father is the rightful head of a family so there is an inherent hierarchy in every functional human society. A man, woman or child without a family is a dead thing walking unless adopted or restored.

The Aether is real, God really did make everything, Jesus is Lord, Messiah and King.

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>mob rule
That's called democracy, not anarchy

no u

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Make me

Why do you support anarchism over a stated society

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Think for more than two seconds. You done? Good. Now tell me why youre retarded.

In democracy its all mediated all controlled, the man is elevated or destroyed via bureaucracy, but in the modern age it's all a show, the winners and losers picked well ahead of time by CIA niggers.

The mob operates differently, bodies hanging from trees, buildings burning, pure townie fury. Just dudes operating with similar interests in the night, dispersing when its over.

You're not invited


>oppression via bourgeois

No matter how reasonable you sound at first you always reveal yourselves to be talentless retards bitterly angry at your own inferiority

>muh personal property isn’t private property

>”right libertarians”

As in the only actual libertarians who exist

>The mob operates differently, bodies hanging from trees, buildings burning, pure townie fury. Just dudes operating with similar interests in the night, dispersing when its over
That's called direct democracy, nigger

How could an ideology based on individuality have utilitarian ethics

Do you realize that you already live in anarchy? If the government were to be abolished today small groups of people would begin to band together for security. Then these small groups would begin to form coalitions to defend each other from other more hostile groups and form rules to distinguish their own behavior from that of their enemies so that they can demonize them and retain a sense of moral superiority necessary for social cohesion and to motivate the warrior class to fight off invaders. Once such a coalition has existed for long enough you essentially have a state. Government is the natural result of the inherent anarchy of nature. Order always will form out of chaos.
The State's power is not absolute. Millions of Americans committed crimes today outside of the authority of the state. If you did something to offend someone you can expect the state to retaliate on their behalf, just as in anarchy you could expect retaliation from the person you offended or their brother or their friend, etc...
The State exists to protect those who cannot defend themselves from the wicked. The mere fact that you feel the need to abolish the state to have the balls to do what the fuck you want (despite the fact that it is the body that parasites like you feed on) just goes to show that you are one of the weak ones from whose protection it exists.
>Be anarchist
>Abolish the state
>Chad makes you his slave

>Power in the hands of many.
This is physically impossible, user.

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I'd say left libertarians are even more pro liberty. They even want objects to be free and not owned.

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A debate is an organized format, and you inherently oppose organization. You’re contradicting yourself.

what is it like being a jew?

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Your gay as fuck and you probably smell like eggs

beaten in time and grammer. Well done good sir

how will you enforce horizontal structures without restricting people's basic right of freedom of association?

An-caps answer the question "How will you enforce laws?" with competing arbitration and security agencies.

But since ancoms don't like capitalism or profit, how do ancoms answer the question of "How will you enforce laws?"

If we didn't have police I would rape you to death.

In anarcho-capitalism, there would be no restrictions on gun ownership, so people would be free to defend their property with tanks if they need to from any kind of gang or mafia or government.

seems OP is selectively answering questions, specifically the ones that leave enough wiggle room and don't attack the core of anarchist retardation. That being, how the fuck do you stop a state from arising in an 'anarchist' society. I mean, isn't the natural state of the world anarchy? and look what arose from that.

You do know that the anarchists in the CNT were purged in front of the peasants, the communists are not your friends. At least we openly dislike you

>implying a poorfagg is rival to a group of multitrillion monopolies' army who wants the land for a new water park
Lol, you're delusional