The Apocrypha

Against miscegenation.
Edomite jew redpills and Israelite Spartan redpills.
Hate speech against edomites.
More antimiscegenation stuff.
Against turning the other cheek for bad people.

The jews also wanted Luther to remove John, the book that calls jews devils. How can there be any doubt that the KJV without apocrypha is a jewish subversion of the Bible?

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Other urls found in this thread:ča_symbols

K keep me posted

why didn't you list enoch which directly details events we are living through and supports a flat earth model of the world?

Neither of those are apocrypha

also this

Reminder that the word "Jew" didnt exist until the 12th century.
There are those from the tribe of Judeah, Judah descendents, Jesus was such a one.
There are those from the tribe of Jacob/Israel, the Israelites, which Jesus was too.
Then there are those from the kingdom of Judah in which at the ends only edomites lived, Jesus wasnt such a one, he was born in Galilee.
Then there are those from the faith of Judaism, which Jesus also was not. Around the 12th Century all those were lumped together under the term "Jew", and the KJV is the one that started using this term for all 4.
For example 2 Kings 16:6 says:
>6At that time Rezin king of Aram recovered Elath for Aram, drove out the men of Judah, and sent the Edomites into Elath, where they live to this day
Which makes it clear, descendents of Judah, and pretty much every translation has this one while the KJV uses "Jew".

Revelation 3:9
>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you
originally uses "Ioudaios", Judeans, they claim to be descendent of Judah, but are not.

The Jews we know are the later 2 category of Jew, the first 2 are the europeans, possibly Anime nigger and Poos too.

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Where would you recommend learning more about the bible in this line of thought?

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honestly, i have no idea. Most of what I have is scrabbed together from all kinds of sources, and often some post here pointed in the right direction. if you are interested
this is a collection of everything i have on ancient history and interpretations of the bible and how it fits other mythologies across the world plus some esotheric stuff. its a lot to read, but as i said, everything i can provide on that stuff basically. i can just answer questions too though even though im going to bed in a bit, but im by no means any expert, so always keep your critical thinking on.

>mein israelitische Deutsch brudi
Good to see you're still kicking.

not planning on leaving any time soon

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Good, just be careful with the esoteric stuff man.

why? i feel its accurate and important.

Because some of it could be, and probably is, satanic deception.

well, as i see it it all just shows another bit of Gods glory that a bit more difficult to grasp. i know i also go into how the different symbols are used and their purpose (or at least what i believe it is) but only so you see these black magic practices yourself when they do it out in the open anymore. the reason we dont go and burn witches anymore is because we stopped being able to spot them, and i try to kind of revert this. i dont want anyone to start using the symbols, just have them able to spot them.
The best way to influence reality is faith in God and faith that God will do it to you either way, and probably the only acceptable form of magic, but being able to spot it is essential i believe, and thats all i try to accomplish, and the other esotheric stuff i talk about i feel fits the bibles tellings too.

>but being able to spot it is essential i believe, and thats all i try to accomplish,
Okay then we are on the same page.
Also, I dont think we are in a time of burning witches anymore. It may happen during the third covenant, but I doubt it.
Anyways, bitte redpill me on Enoch

Depends on the Ezra. There’s, like, 4

>there's, like, 4
Negro, what?

Wow all those books that aren't in the fucking bible.

The better than version

Imagine to be a projecting faggot and unironically believe in number magic. You know, like in the Kabbalah

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well, father of Noah, his book is fairly interesting. It identifies the Nephillim as giants and offspring of fallen angels and humans while the other mentionings leave room for interpretation.
It also describes the process of creation in another way.
Where as Genesis seems to describe the physical process of creation, of this material world
Enoch gets told by God from another point of View, which I believe to be the realms of Existence. He for example says he took from the invisible (primal matter i guess) the light, and fixed it at the highest point, then took from the same invisible the solid/matter, and put it on the lowest point. In between, iirc, he puts the water and the air too.
I think its somewhat like Pic related, on the bottom the dualistic material world, symbolized by the checker board the pillars, and the realm of light, at the freemasons attributed to Lucifer (and probably was his domain before his fall and turning to satan). They see the Ladder i believe as the symbol for ascention, climbing the different realms and states of conciousness until they reach the highest through works rather than faith and eventually become gods themselves. Water afaik is associated with the spirit, thus possibly symbolized the spiritual realm, and the other stations in between probably something of the same kind, but sadly its some time since i read and didnt finish it yet. while metaphysical it also symbolizes how our world is build if you consider the earth to be the plane you have the earth, the solid as the lowest, then the water forming seas and oceans on top of it and then air and on top, the stars and the sun being the light, thus being a description of multiple phenomenas.

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You think you can just lost Christian pics and become acute angle gang?. Try harder factor ONAchan out

Redpill here

Do you know WHY Samaritans are not considered Israelites but rather Goyim. Because their FATHERS WERE ASSYRIAN AND THEIR MOTHERS WERE ISRAELITES. Meaning being an Israelite WAS DETERMINED BY THE FATHER NOT THE MOTHER. The Assyrians conquered Northern Israel, and took the Israelite Woman FOR THEIR WIVES, and their CHILDREN WERE SAMARITANS. The Matriarchal Jewish line is a medieval invention. ITS A LIE AND THEY KNOW IT. Even non biblical geneologies from biblical times of Israelites NEVER EVER MENTION THE WOMAN.

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Some might have mixed but archeological records seem to indicate they largely remained tribal.
They later fled north after Assyria fell and became Europeans.
I see. What about Michael and Gabriel?

Here are some of those bible verses from the "Apocrypha" that OP mentioned for reference, to be continued in later posts

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having a son ensures he gets you Y chromosom, i would guess something important is on there that defines the lineage and thus is important which is why its always the sons that are meant to pass it on.
Also since you mentioned Isaac:
When Abraham wanted a child God told him he will have one. But because his wife was over 90 years old she believed she cant get a child and told him to knock up his maiden hagar. From this comes Ishmael. However since Abraham broke the marriage God didnt accept Ishmael as Child of Promise and told him to make a child with his wife Sarah from which Isaac was born. Hagar always told her son to kill Isaac to become heir of the lineage, so God demanded them to be kicked out. However Ishmael still was blessed.
>20As for Ishmael, I have heard you, and I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly. He will become the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation
The Muslims say they come from Ishmael (In their stories Hagar is Abrahams wive, they got a son and Abraham was eventually told to leave them as God had plans for those 2). And now look how many muslims are there around, almost as if the blessing is real. Also this means that Muslims are our half brothers and thats another reason why the Jew tries to divide us by creating the refugee crisis and making us war in middle east.

Funnily enough "Javan" is the Hebrew name for Greece or Hellas as they called their own land.

Ezekiel 27:19
>Dan also and Javan going to and fro occupied in thy fairs: bright iron, cassia, and calamus, were in thy market.
Danites were the ones who were considered Spartans, and it's not accident that every Greek myth ever involving a giant snake, dragon, or the famous Hydra is strongly associated with Argos in some way. Since the snake is the symbol of Dan

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>I see. What about Michael and Gabriel?
Gabriel i dont have anything, however regarding Michael:
However Jupiter is also known like Zeus, throwing his lightning bolts or thor with his thunder also being lightning to some extent
Zeus, as i see it, is either what God is in the bible or Michael which would fit since Michael is the one who threw Satan (saturn) down to earth as Zeus defeated Cronus.
The way Satan falls here is
>18So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
So Zeus (Jupiter) defeated Cronus (Saturn)
Thor (Jupiter) locked away Loki (While fairly antagonistic I couldnt identify him as a planet)
Michael threw Satan (Saturn) down to earth with lightning.
In all occasions its Jupiter is BTFOing Saturn (or in the nordic one at least an antagonist) with lightning
In general I believe Jupiter is representative of Gods right hand man. Wether its in form of Michael or God himself appearing in the flesh like Jesus
However i need to add that while most of the symbolism around God and Jesus refers to the sun, there is one connection to Jupiter. The september prophecy states a child is born and is continued to be described like Jesus is usually (will rule the world with a rod of iron). What happened was virgo, the virgin, birthed Jupiter in the manner the prophecy told (moon at the feet of virgo clothed with the sun aka the sun was behind virgo and crowned by 12 stars) and Jesus is all about rejection of the flesh, of the material and embracing the spirit which gives somewhat a connection to the lightning as its the very force creating the conciousness in your brain (neural impulses animating your whole body even

Ishmaelites were the white arabs, Mudslimes were white at the top with non white slaves that were mixed because they imported large amounts of sub saharans after the Islamic Conquests. Here's a real Arab. This is what they looked like. The reason why it passes on through the son is because A HOUSE TAKES AFTER ITS FATHER. And all ancient Civilizations recognized that the children inherited the Father's nationality. Sure If let's say Danites married Aryan white women successively for generations theyd look ALOT like those Aryans, however their father's would always have some trace of physical ancestry and along with that the son takes after his father. Race mixing doesnt count with any of this

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>20 King Arius of the Spartans.
>To the high priest Onias. Greetings!
>21 It has been discovered in a written record that the Spartans and the Jews are relatives and are both of the family of Abraham. 22 Since we have learned this, please let us know how you are. 23 On our part, we write to let you know that what is yours—your livestock and property—belongs to us, and ours belongs to you. We therefore command that our envoys report to you in keeping with this.
Identifies the spartans is Abrahams children, as the Semites thus the rest of europe is likely israelites too (there is a lot more hinting towards this). another interesting thing:

we have in Egypt this guy here
Who later became a monotheistic God. Coincidently
>In the 14th century BC, Atenism was Egypt's state religion for around 20 years
this fits perfectly the Yuya mummy
>Yuya (sometimes Iouiya, also known as Yaa, Ya, Yiya, Yayi, Yu, Yuyu, Yaya, Yiay, Yia, and Yuy)[1] was a powerful Egyptian courtier during the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (circa 1390 BC)
So around the the same time Yuya, who most likely was the biblical Joseph, they started worshiping a single God, Aten, and Aten coincidentally is also associated with the sun again as most symbolism around God.

>the rest of Europe
I wouldn't say that, the Catholics however state that plenty of Israelites lived in Europe because they joined the Catholic Church which was their stronghold. Catholics traditionally stated that the large amount of Europeans are sons of Japtheh who are traditional Europeans. Germanic Kings for example all stated with confidence that their ancestror were of Japtheh not shem. Celts claimed to be of Scythian heritage (not sure what they are from) except for the Druids who were a separate racial religious caste.

But yeah that stuff about Egypt is very interesting and yes traditionally because of a verse In Judges and that one in Ezekiel the Spartans were always identified as Danites, as were the Men of Argos aka ARGONIANS

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incomming 3 post pasta on ancient aryans including biblical stuff:

The white race, the caucasoids are the actual chosen people, the Israeli people. This gets clear already when you see that Mount Aratat, where Noah landed with his arc is the same place where the white people, caucasusoids, come frome from, the Caucasus
It is also known that the blue eyed people all have a common anchestor
Which most likely was Noah

Furthermore the blue eyed white people are known across the world to come around and bring technology and knowledge and rule them for some time.
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki (even though i came to believe that the blue eyed possibly are other people during the sumerians, they at least have the blue eyed people and swastika as well).
The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own.
The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
And Europeans were the first in the Americas as well

Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out the actual israelis are the whites with the jews being the blue eyed people, who are said that they will spread across the earth and rule everywhere. Same they did during colonisations. Hitler found out the (((jews))) of today arent the jews of the bible who are just
>those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead.

The "white privilege" people go on about, is actually the blessing of God

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Look I found Yuya too

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The bible story is actual real history. This gets clear when you look at the story of Joseph alone. Joseph, in the bible, was sold off as slave to egypt, where he became friends with the pharao and married his daughter. He was given authority over everything. Compare that with the Yuya-mummie which was blond by the way.

Hitlers "Herrenrasse" probably was meant to mean "Rasse des Herrn" "Race of the Lord"
The 1000 year Reich was meant to be the 1000 year Sabbath, the 7th day which never happened because Satan interrupted it and which is for God like a thousand years.
This is why the Nazis had a sense of superiority like the Israelis had for the goyim.
The (((Jew))), like everything, stole their identity from others. Just like they took german names, have plastic surgery to look more white, act white when it suits them they stole their whole identity of being a jew from the whites

>20 King Arius of the Spartans.
>To the high priest Onias. Greetings!
>21 It has been discovered in a written record that the Spartans and the Jews are relatives and are both of the family of Abraham. 22 Since we have learned this, please let us know how you are. 23 On our part, we write to let you know that what is yours—your livestock and property—belongs to us, and ours belongs to you. We therefore command that our envoys report to you in keeping with this.

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Note that hebrew like we know it exist like this like the middle of the 19th century.
>Archaic Biblical Hebrew from the 10th to the 6th century BCE, corresponding to the Monarchic Period until the Babylonian Exile and represented by certain texts in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), notably the Song of Moses (Exodus 15) and the Song of Deborah (Judges 5). Also called Old Hebrew or Paleo-Hebrew. It was written in the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. A script descended from this, the Samaritan alphabet, is still used by the Samaritans.
Originally the bible was written in Paleo-Hebrew.

Pic related, left is Paleo Hebrew and on the right the Vinca Runes found across europe giving a further connection between thoseča_symbols
given a further connection that the real isralites and chosen people are the aryans
>This is the Hebrew word for "man". It could be ultimately derived from Hebrew אדם ('adam) meaning "to be red", referring to the ruddy colour of human skin
red, like whites are right after birth or when too long in the sun
>(1) O Three-One God of the land of Thrace,
>(2) I vow in Truth to bring you all due offerings, O great Son of God,
>(3) And only you (shall) I praise (and exalt), O my God (for you are) great!
>(4) You who are now in your temple, (I pray, hear me), keep me safe and deliver me (from all evil)!
Three one god, the trinity being a theme in the oldest text we have deciphered so far. The trinity is another theme which draws itself across a lot of culture, from sumer to egypt, to the Nordics and of course christianity written in the Vinca Runes

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the german is half turkish btw, his mother burned the coal

The Catholics have no proof of their claims.

Well Adam quite literally means "to blush" or to show blood in the face. The word Adam in hebrew is used to dye something red. Only white people can blush or non whites with strong white ancestry can partially blush.

But yeah whites are from all over the world, not just Europe, Europeans are just a sub group of the white race. Whites were native to India, the Americas, the Far East, the Near East and every where in berween

BUt yeah I know about the Macabees verse and the explanation of what kind of Hebrews the Spartans were, were Danites because of Judges and Ezekiel

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You mean besides ancient catholic geneologies since every early Eurpean genological record was kept and preserved by Catholics, including death, birth, baptism, ancestry, marriage certificate? Catholics have the best sources. Most Europeans are of Japtheh, although there were plenty in Europe that were Israelites up until the Protestant Reformation, after that Parents stopped telling their kids who they were and many fled to far away places

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Although the neat exception are the Romans. Romans were a mix of Shemites and Hamites, if you know how to identify them. Greece was all over the place, lots of different groups but plenty of Japtheh

do you have the verses stating that?
also if spartans were israelites, why wouldnt the other europeans be that are closely related? and yes, i believe indians are on tribe too based on their european facial features, specifically i thought of them as danites since danites were into golden calf worship, and the indians do that to this day with the cow.
Another tribe i think are the japanese based on their aryan values and some symbolism. but those are more or less guesswork.

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>heavy doubt
The Israelites were known to have colonies in Europe during and before the time of King David. Archeological records show us that some of the israelites journeyed north after the fall of Assyria. Others, judeans, became Parthians and IIRC became some of the gothic tribes alongside scythians, who were related. These people, along with Cimmerians, form the foundation of what we call Europeans today. Considering the catholic churches stellar record of lying and murdering, I'm okay disregarding them.

Problem is that cant be qualified because of the purity laws.

Stating what exactly? That Adam means to blush? Well if you know Hebrew or have a HEbrew Lexicon its easy to prove.

>Indians were Danites
Some were not most were Aryans of Japtheh but there was a lot of intermarrying. So was Dan prone to idolatry? Sometimes yes but infrequently, Revelations did originally include Dan as one of the 144,000 but it was mistaken for Man. meaning Manessah. Manessah is already however including under the name of Jospeh in that chapter, so without Dan, Manessah is names twice. Which is obviously incorrect.
>Indians worshipped the Cow because of Dan
well no they worshipped it because it was ameme long before Dan, it goes back to Babylon and Egypt, long before even Abraham ever left Ur for Israel. Worshipping cows was a meme over there because the White Indians had B Blood which is heavy on dairy intake, they didn't like killing their cows and so they made them sacred for dietary reasons.

>Colonies from David's time
Danites lived in Greece for centuries before Israel even had a king, Judges mentions Danites left Israel on their ships, Ezekiel then clarifies stating that it was primarily Greece.

>Goths were Israelites and Parthians
Well Parthians and Goths were both infamous for a lack of bathing. son I would say probably not the majority population.

Thanks, user, I really enjoyed reading your posts in this thread.

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a verse identifying the spartans as danites i meant.

>son I would say probably not the majority population.
The only thing that matters is record

>aren't other Europeans closely related? Because Sparta ect ect
Well look at this man here, this is a Greek, he's a Danite Greek in appearance, you can tell because he has no (((nose))). Danites were called Snakes because they did not have the Semetic Nose, Dan's mother was not a Shemite but some sort of Aryan most likely, Danites were infamous for being able to hide among Europeans while being semetic inwardly/in thought. If you add that jewish nose on him though you see the happy merchant though. Most Europeans are of Japtheh since most Europeans in Catholic times and the pagans that conversed with catholics clarified "yes this guy you call Japtheh, that's our paternal ancestor" Lots of catholics were Israelites but these days they are harder to find because of Martin Luther,. Semites are whites from teh middle East, Hamites are whites from teh Middle East, Japthites are whites from Europe and Asia

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EXECUTE ORDER 66 (books)

I thought Adam meant Earth or something. Because of the whole “you are dust of the earth” thing

I already quoted it in Ezekiel also Judges it says
>Why does Dan leave us on their ships
Traditionally speaking Catholics and the Jewy Jews both have identified Dan leaving Israel and founding both Sparta and Argos. Since both are heavily associated with snake symbolism and those bible verses

It means "red" Edom is just the same word, Edom was called Edom because he had red hair. Scroll down and this guy proves it

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i think they are niggers, or at least canaanites, those of his son, and at least one breed of them.
>And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
The serpent, Satan, here is said to have produced offspring with Eve. Now Eve got Cain and Abel (and Seth, which we dont go into here).
This text goes deeper into the stuff of Cain being the serpents off-spring

Cain, who is the offspring of Eve and the serpent then kills his brother Abel. For this Cain got cursed.
>12"When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth."
>And the LORD appointed a sign for Cain, so that no one finding him would slay him.
This Curse made the land not bare fruit to him, and "marked" him

Now we skip a bit of time until after the flood. people mixed with each other, everyone has some Seed of the Serpent in him, but not all express that seed and thus the curse but because its mixed into everyone, everyone is a sinner in the christian ideology. We go to Noah when he was blackout drunk and his son Ham was "seeing Noahs nakedness" (probably raped him). When Noah woke up:
>And he said: Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
Note that Canaan is also considdered to be of the Seed of the Serpent, which at this point got its second curse.
They are unable to agriculture, "servants of servants" aka slaves, and are "marked". Does sound a lot like niggas which in all these years still cant farm, are historically usually used as slaves and are marked by their skincolour
remember how the niggers engaged in cannibalism and all the other degenerate stuff.

All the stuff about humans allegedly not being properly adapted to this planet, and the degeneration of genes comes from this corruption which was mixed into everyone.

Been gone from pol a while. What are anime niggers? Chinese?

Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek; later, the Levites would receive tithes from their countrymen. Since Aaron was in Abraham's loins then, it was as if the Aaronic priesthood were paying tithes to Melchizedek. (Heb. 7:4-10)

The one who blesses is always greater than the one being blessed. Thus, Melchizedek was greater than Abraham. As Levi was yet in the loins of Abraham, it follows that Melchizedek is greater than Levi. (Heb. 7:7-10)

If the priesthood of Aaron were effective, God would not have called a new priest in a different order in Psalm 110. (Heb. 7:11)

The basis of the Aaronic priesthood was ancestry; the basis of the priesthood of Melchizedek is everlasting life. That is, there is no interruption due to a priest's death. (Heb. 7:8,15-16,23-25)

Christ, being sinless, does not need a sacrifice for his own sins. (Heb. 7:26-27)

The priesthood of Melchizedek is more effective because it required a single sacrifice once and for all (Jesus), while the Levitical priesthood made endless sacrifices. (Heb. 7:27)

The Aaronic priests serve (or, rather, served) in an earthly copy and shadow of the heavenly Temple, which Jesus serves in. (Heb. 8:5)

Well no Hamites were the
1. Babylonians
2. Egyptians
3. Hittites
4. Some Romans but not all
Hamites were whites. Shem is the merchant man, Japtheh is the philosophical scientist, Ham is the bully that picks on Japtheh and Shem uses Ham as a proxy to bully Japtheh.

Hamites got a building bonues and were "blood for the blood God" 40K tier love of war. Hamites are not niggers. Canaanites were essentially like slavs, a white slave race that served everybody else, including other Hamites. Hittites, Babylonians, and Egyptians were all Hamites that were not servile historicalyl speaking. Nor are they spoken of in the Bible. The niggers are not desended from Adam since Adam means "to turn red in the face" something a nigger cannot do. Because he is not white

No I will defend Ham and say they are whites and generally decent people, canaanites really are the worst though but they were white

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And Amelia sounds like Emily. The names are even remotely similar

>Seed of the Serpen
That's a condemned heresy in the book Against Heresies by Saint Irenaeus who was the discple of St Polykarp who was the Apostle John's personal best friend and student

Slavs are much better than Canaanites, I mean no offense to slavs

>I already quoted it in Ezekiel also Judges it says
maybe im blind, but i dont see the verses.
I also see no proper reason to assume other europeans come from Japeth when one group of europeans is identified as Israelite/Semite already. I know traditionally its said Europeans are of Japeth, but it also traditionally is said that the kikes are of Israel, which is obviously wrong. And if they arent its begs the question who are, which the whites are the best fit.

There is a list around, sadly i dont have it but maybe someone else, with all the prophecies the Israelite people will live through, and it also all fits the white mans story

Just look at my posts.

Well acient Pagan Germanic Kings and their catholci Children claimed that the Nordic Race descended from Odin who was a real person that became Diefied later on and was a son of Japtheh. That's according to Catholic history books

Well some Catholics from Europe were indeed of Israel but there aren't many left because of the Protestant Reformation, they either left, didn't tell their children, or got purged. It's really sad but true, if there's a staunch Catholic community somewhere in Europe you very well are likely to find some.

Kikes are descended through Israel by the Mother which is ILLEGITIMATE. For times before catholic Europe Id say who ever actually looks like the Greek Statues or who knows they are legitimately desencded from Druids, that is the place to look for sure.


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Search Brittish Israelism and Christian identity.
This guy has some stuff on it too.

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>Just look at my posts.
just give me the specific verses. i did look, but didnt see the verses.

>Well acient Pagan Germanic Kings and their catholci Children claimed that the Nordic Race descended from Odin who was a real person that became Diefied later on and was a son of Japtheh. That's according to Catholic history books
Odin is also often appearing as the allfather, from what i got basically the allmighty God, highest of all from which everything comes. If you see him that way it relates back to the biblical also with the story of his son (Jupiter, Thor, Michael) fighting of his brother, Saturn, Loki (bloodbrothers at least), Satan making their story much more similar to the biblical narrative than thought, being them also descendents of God.

serpent seed interpretation can be seen in many ways, another is involved the serpents seed being commerce and usury
It just fits too much to just discard it because its herasy. did he ever hear it from John personally or is it his own statement?

So white people are Jews?


Well when it comes with paganism usually is the case you get some mixed information. I'm familiar with Zeus being apparently once a real man who was later deified, but there are also Greek sources that claim Zeus was something like the All Father. Both can be true, but various cults mix up information and discrepancies can be lost. So I'd say nobody is lying there.

But no Serpent Seed was condemned a heresy by the very men who were taught by the Apostles, drop it, it's a serious mortal sin to hold to it when knowing better.

2 kings 18:13
Judeans were among the captivity even at the time of ASSYRIA! Babylonian Judeans that didnt return to Judah became Parthia.

You mean Send a rack of rib

No that would be the Druids. They were called snakes but the men beneath them were called Boars or Horses

Can you prove the disciples said it?

Also Goidel Glas and the Milesians.

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there is no such thing as a "Jew"
There is someone from the tribe of Judah, a Judean, which Jesus was and some European are (I believe germanic ones to be those, with their usually full hair and beard being like the mane of a lion (Lion of Judah)
There is someone from any of the 12 tribes, from the house of Israel, descendent of Jacob, which Jesus obviously was too since he was from the tribe of Judah and most europeans are.
There is someone from the faith of Judaism, which Jesus was not and which are the kikes.
There is someone from the kingdom of Judeah, which Jesus also was not, he was born in Galilee. IIRC the kingdom of Judah at that time was mostly inhabited by Edomites which probably are the kikes too.
Someone in around the 12th century merely decided to put all these 4 under the new term "Jew". The Jews today are not the Judeans or Israelites of the bible. They fall in the later 2 categories. The first 2 are Europeans, eventually Poos and Japs too.

Can you prove that the Apostle John chose the wrong disciples after 50 years of training them

i assume he got many, and one maybe just understood something wrong, or made a wrong assumption. its human nature.

The Lion of Judah mane is a red mane since Lions are given red manes in greek and Roman art very commonly. See here. Ancient Pagans and Catholic Germanic Kings all claimed to be of JAPTHEH not SHEM. Israelites that moved to Germany through the Catholic Church can be considered among Germans but Israelites that were in Europe before Catholic times would be from Southern Europe or be from teh Druids

He was confirmed by 3 generations of Saints living after and before John

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Can you prove apostle john actually chose them? Can you prove that the disciples of the apostles are infallible? Why should ice are what your neo pagan cult thinks anyway? It's quite obvious that the bible speaks against catholic tradition, which is why the convenient excuse of
>muh sola scriptura
Is spewed from you papist shufflers

This ep. W/ E. Micheal Jones on Logos. His series with Robert Roe on the old world christian order is no longer on you tube. Provides a strong case that jews are the tribe of Judas and the twelve tribes were the house of

Yes all the Church Fathers and Popes confirm them

They are close to being Infallible on matters of Doctrine since they established what books you read in the Bible today

I dont care what your boys think. The Pope is a blashpemer.

Which is funny because they don't really keep them.

Someone who lived in Europe but was probably a Shemite that had blond hair looked like this. Like Augustus, who apparently publicly worshipped the Lord according tyo pagan sources complaining about it

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Pope Clement I was called elect of the Lord by the Apostle Paul, it's in the bible

The salem witch trials weres a psy op by the puritans who were jewish to blame the christians and bring forth the enlightenment & new religion of scientism.

Here's another person that suspiciously legalised the Israelite religion and got them out of having to worship pagan gods, which the Senate tried to attempt

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Greeks that were secretly Danites looked like dwarves with aryan noses

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>He was confirmed by 3 generations of Saints living after and before John
and yet he could just have a misconception about it. as i said, it just fits too good to disregard it because of a third hand source.
and if you just look there is also lion art with normal colours around, its just hard to get by some colours thus occasionally used similar ones. red haired are of essau.
As for Kings claiming it, any source for that?

That doesn’t answer my question you fucking moron. Yeah yeah “there’s no such thing as Jews because they only came around at a certain point long after Jesus” and whatever, but if we take the civilian idea of what a Jew is (descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who lived in Israel, are the protagonists of the Old Testament and can’t eat Pork or Shellfish) then are white people actually Jews?

It's in Against Heresies, which is a primary source not a tertiary source. And yes he did meet the Apostle John and John's other Apostles and Paul's apostles also confirm him in correct teachings

Yes Catholic Medieval texts pretty easy to find, just look into ancient geologies concerning Noah and "evidence of noah and his sons" in pagan religions, that sort of thing, its all Catholic and documented for over a thousand years

Only some whites are Jewish, Most but all Humans are white people

The lost tribes of Israel. Some of us anyway. Adam is the father of the White race. Everyone else are either "beasts of the field" or mixed to some extent. See Eber in the chart? The Hebrew language was named after him as were Iberia(Spain) and Hibernia(Ireland). He came long before Judah the man modern "Jews" claim to be decended from.

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