Nancy Pelosi has called it. She knows the democrats will win the house.
Say hello to your new speaker of the house.
Nancy Pelosi has called it. She knows the democrats will win the house.
Say hello to your new speaker of the house.
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But the demotards aren’t winning their respective races, good luck with that LOL.
lol you still believe the in blue puddle?
Madam Speaker!
>it's her turn
>unholy doubles of deceit
They will win the house at this rate.
IOTBW Tonight!!!
Post em
Why return to the same hated leadership?
list the other things she also know please, need more good laughs.
Diane Pelosi Nancy Feinstein
Dem turnout is a disaster, so they're trying to kick some confidence back into their NPCs.
It won't work.
Ma'am you might consider another false flag
Calling the victory before it happens?
Maybe someone should investigate that? Meh, maybe not, last time someone did that Trump won the presidency.
lol. she is a demented delusional hack who will be out of office by her next election if she isn't institutionalized before that.
In this moment captured in pic related, Nancy Pelosi is exposed as being the demon-controlled, four-fingered beast she is in reality.
Notice how the cacodemon is manipulating her right hand.
>Speaker of the house
She literally can't speak without sounding like a deranged retard.
>muh blue wave
Crypt Keeper Pelosi is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.
Odds are they take the House, the map is as ugly for us as the Senate map is ugly for them.
is Nancy really a (((Merrano)))????
If Trump and Pence die, Pelosi will become President.
If that doesn't get you running screaming to an election booth on Nov 6 to vote Republican, then nothing will.
What reality does she live in?
Could Chief Spouting Bullshit lose after this?