Redpill me on doctors, are they really their to help or just money hungry shills?

redpill me on doctors, are they really their to help or just money hungry shills?

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Medicine is very costly to go into (although long-term you end up making good money) so if they are an American-trained doctor, I would say no. A lot of doctors do help people for their own egos, though rather than for the good of the patient

If the doctor is a foreign medical grad (where med school is dirt-cheap and they can come here and make a shitload more than their home country) then I would say watch out. Looking at the DOJ website for Medicare fraud arrests, it seems like the all the docs arrested are Nigerian or South Asian

Wether they know it or not, they serve a fucked up industry that solves problems humans create

amphetamine abusing brainlets who epitomize why rote memorization has no use in the real world

They know it, and doctors are constantly fighting with hospital administration

It's honestly both, user


Takes a lot of motivation to go through all those schooling.

why? why does it take motivation to sit by on stolen money and abuse drugs 24/7?
where is this meme that med school is hard work coming from? it simply isnt true. memorizing things is incredibly easy, especially now that poos are lowering the standards to rock bottom

Everyone in my immediate family and extended family is in healthcare. I personally know over 30 physicians/surgeons/dentists and currently work in a hospital myself.

Most primary care doctors are in it for the people. Relative to the cost (financial and time) of school, they don't make that much money at all. I would venture to say that anyone who is dealing with chronic illness, cancer, etc., are all in it for the patients.

It becomes more of a toss up when you get into the more procedure based specialties like surgeons, dentists, etc. Most are good but you do get some jocks who just roll through surgery for the money.

By and large though the profession forces you to have at least some baseline compassion for humans, or at the very least, appreciation for mitigating death.

What medical school did you graduate from?

It's not just the doctors, it's the insurance kikes, the pharmaceutical companies, the laws

My experience of American healthcare is that most doctors want to help, and Hospital Administrators are the money hungry assholes.

This simply isn't true. Medical school is the most intense, grueling process you can go through outside of the military. You're completely disregarding the 4-6 years of intense rotations where you're working 30 hour shifts for little pay, constantly moving to different specialties, etc.

And it isn't just memorization, you have to be proficient in physics, chemistry, biology, microbiology, etc. Memorizing every single bone, feature, muscle, and structure in the body is difficult, but it is the easiest part.

Exactly. Doctors have little to nothing to do with shitty American healthcare. That is all a scam from the insurance companies, drug companies, the government via insane regulations, and massive bureaucracy.

They’re like webmd except much less accurate.

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Doctors are like that, the only ones that help out of actual goodwill are EMTs/paramedics and sometimes nurses.

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Theyre there to help if you have money. Doctors arent your slave retard.

You don't need chem or physics to be a doctor. That's just a meme. Also, some of the dumbest people I know became MDs. It's more persistence than sheer IQ tbqh iyam imo.

in my experience, modern medicine has no concern for the well-being of the patient, it is all about the disease. They do not seek to cure the patient, only to treat the disease.

Shanigger ain't got time for goodwill

A bit of both usually

they're money hungry virtue signalling helping people as their goal

People who pursue healthcare careers specifically for financial reasons rarely complete their respective programs.
You have to care about people, but we also care about ourselves and know what we are worth.

t. Pharmacy student, big pharma shill

Just like every job there are people that make a really good work and the others. Almost all the time the more recognizable ones are more expensive and most of the time you will get what you paid for.
But there is this strange dichotomy albeit medicine in nature is altruistic but, people in general it's really shitty and most of the time they assume that anyone as doctor is rich or something like that and modern practice has become a battle to not get sued, and it's really sad because, it goes for both sides patients and physicians, that for the mistakes or actions of few the population at large pay the consequences, basically more lawyers and more paperwork.

RN here

Nursing and medicine are too grueling for someone to just do it for the money. You have to care about people to a certain degree

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Medics do have high IQs but you could make a lot more money for a lot less work with the same IQ in a variety of other fields. It simply does not make sense to go into medicine if you're interested in money. I suppose some people are motivated by prestige and social standing, but we're mostly just nerds.