Why does everybody regardless of political stance seem to hate boomers?

why does everybody regardless of political stance seem to hate boomers?

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Because kikes do d&c

Because they ruined literally everything. See the pic you posted to see how they ruined dancing and backpacks.

Because Boomers love the nanny state.

Generation X are their guilty henchmen.

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This site is inhabited by Millennials, so they hate Boomers just like the Boomers hated the WW2 generation.

Because boomers vote for welfare to fill their medicare coffers and for immigrants to come mow their lawns. Next thread, faggot

It's easy to blame the eldest generation for all the problems you can't fix that way you never have to assume responsibility. Think about what the youngest generation will think of us in 50 years

The boomers are responsible for the 60s. The decade that started the decline of western civilization.

They used up three generations of wealth and prosperity to buy shit they couldn’t afford and then used their collective voting power to keep other generations paying for them long after they retired

God quads truth

Boomers are the best generation, millennials have destroyed this country.

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those are quints young man

Probably because we got all your money

And those are doubles my guy


Half of the millennials dont even work. You have to DO something to destroy something. Whining about muh feelings and "why cant i find a $200,000 a year job right out of college" on the internet doesn't count.

How are these not being vigorously checked??


Because this isnt /b/... we're not a bunch of 12 year olds losing their shit over numbers.

because fuck the housing market. they do everything to prop up housing prices so they can feel good about having an expensive home (that they'll never sell)
then they're like "why don't you move out and buy that $300k home?"
gee i dunno because i don't want a 5 bed 4 bath and a lifetime of debt?

we boomers have everything you would like to have, but we drive slowly and call you lazy

no we're a bunch of 13 year olds losing our shit about niggers and jews now get the fuck out of here faggot

Fuck off cunt

I did something quintessentially zoomer today
>got my juul confiscated from my mom
>yell at her and call her a cunt
>get kicked out of the house
Good times.

>why does everybody regardless of political stance seem to hate boomers?
Because boomers birthed and coddled the most horrific generation to ever plague the Earth (the millennials), while simultaneously destroying Western culture with their atheist fruitcake hippie ideals and burning through decades of accrued wealth.

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Go to bed Caleb you got school tomorrow.


Because everything went to shit in the 60s.

they are the niggers of generations. There are many redpilled millenials (pol for example), but Z E R O redpilled boomers. They are the only ones who repeatedly step up to bat for Israel and jews, also they think its the 70s and any liberal cause is legit. They destroyed the west with their politics and they hoard all the wealth and resources. They're arrogant smug old piles of crap that need to fucking die. Also they just WON'T FUCKING RETIRE. ie, all the top positions in companies are held by dudes in their fucking 60s and older, it was never like that when boomers took the reigns.

>The decade that started the decline of western civilization.

Actually that was the 40s. WW2 was where anglos took undisputed world dominance and allowed the jews to do whatever they wanted.

Because they fucked up everything

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anyone else kek at boomer forums like yachting and car restoration sites? the boomers always attach their own massive egos to their profiles, and vicious unironic arguments happen. Its fucking crazy.

Because they fucked everything up, and continue to fuck things up.

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Fuck you Zoomer
I’m off to take my 40 thousand dollar hog to Sturgis, maybe I’ll see Mt. Rushmore too and stop at a saloon and drink and drive

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To be fair the generations after boomers are more and more liberal. And there are a few redpilled boomers who are angry and see the decay, unfortunately though most are Zionists. As much as I am annoyed at many boomers, I fear what will happen when they are gone and the younger more brainwashed generations take charge.

Younger folks hate boomers because the left today thinks they are still old white racists and the right thinks they are cucks who allowed their societies to be taken away and who enjoyed better lives than they ever will.

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We hate our parents and grandparents.

Our grandparents weren't retarded tho.

My hog is worth more than what you’ll make in 5 years, Zoomer scum

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Lol to who?
No ones buying your rusty old kawasaki Derrill

boomers tend to have zero self awareness and are very narcissistic

Because they take 1/6th of my pay check to keep the life support machine running while they disrespect me and enable the kikes.
If I could press a button that would kill every single boomer on earth I would press it.

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It's also thanks to them its nearly impossible for young people to buy homes.

Stay mad Zoomer
You’ll never ride a hog into the sunset with a woman behind you
You’ll never have the disposable income to stick 200 dollars into a strippers ass at Sturgis
Pic related

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i wish there werent so many levels of irony anymore

Quints never lie.

I'm actually a millennial. I am doing quite well for myself.
I have plenty of money, that I am not concerned about. ( should have bought bitcoin grandpa )
When your ticker starts to mess up, or your
back goes out, or your diabeetus starts to get bad, or your gout flares up and you need to pay off those medical bills, I hope you end up letting your Kawasaki go for not even half of what you THINK its worth.
Same goes for your house. Which I know you didn't do maintenance on, or did shoddy repairs yourself because you refused to just CALL A GUY, or have NOT A MEXICAN do the repairs.
Happy Halloween.

The boomer is probably going to reverse mortgage his house so that the bank will own it again. Can't risk the prospect of leaving your offspring an inheritance.


Yep, after they squandered everything and fucked up society, while making us pay for it all, they're goal before dying is to spend it all or donate it to a charity who will squander it. All because we didn't pretend to walk 5 miles through the snow.

Where the FUCK in America can you buy a 5 bed 4 bath home for 300k? My 1 bed 1 bath condo was 400k.

Stop being a grumpy ass faggot

The same reason boomers hated the generation before them that was in control. Every half smart kid whos read half a dozen books thinks they know everything, but they usually dont. They fell for every Jew trick and fucked the world, and every generation after them has, its a constant cycle of know it all fuckwits arguing about why they're 'smarter' and wouldnt have done the same things, but ultimately end up doing them anyways.

>and the right thinks they are cucks who...

I know it's D&C, and it wasn't their fault intentionally, but it's still true to a degree. They stopped reading and started watching TV. As a consequence lost themselves to trivial bullshit and shoved humanity back inside Plato's Cave.

West virginia

But this new generation won't ultimately be doing the same things. They don't have guts for marriage for one, their smarts seem to lead to masturbation. Thank god for immigrants.

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Fuck off gramps, cruisers are better. Your hogs are practically expensive wheel chairs that need a lot of horse power to carry your old fat ass around

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>Double doubles +1

Yep, checks out.

Why even marry a woman at this point?

Boomers have no reason to hate the generation that brought them unprecedented prosperity, booming economy, and a spending power 10 to 1 compared to ours now. Boomers utterly raped and bankrupted the system at large on several fronts and had the chance to be millionaires several times over, but decided to cash in early by selling out their posterity and leaving the future generations for dead. A lot aren't prepared for retirement, either that or they just break even at everyone else's expense. The day of the pillow will come when they entire retirement homes and expect their entitlement to carry over. I plan on becoming a social worker and licensed mental health professional so I can evaluate all these boomers with mental problems entering retirement and pocket their hoarded money.

thread starrted 3 hours ago. Op is probably in some other thread. I had some interesting banter, but I'm going to hold of..

The reason zoomers are called zoomers is because they're gonna zoom us right into the next holocaust.

Everyone hates Boomers because sacrificed america for their personal gain.
Who benefited from mass immigration?
Who's the ones covered by social security before it runs out?
Who had the easiest rode to success compared to any other generation?

Kek wills the Boomercide

Boomers are going on 75
Genx is approaching 50
Millemials are now around 25
Genx and millenials adopted the internet before most boomers. Genx has invaded what were millenial sites. Genx had a huge variety of independant small businesses online now 90% of traffic goes through like 10 companies and theyre mostly populated by genx. Now generations are experiencing pressure from their parents and grandparents.

now this is boomerposting

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When you get a job look at your social security and Medicare tax
When you look out the window and see shitskins you also know why

>Everyone hates Boomers because sacrificed america for their personal gain.
>Who benefited from mass immigration?

Weak excuse. Interest rates are the lowest we've ever had. Start a biz and stop bitching fag.

I hate them mainly because of how retarded they are. like literally can't figure out how to use a phone that has one button on it and tells you what to do every step of the way. Like they have the brain of a small child. I've heard it's because of all the lead that was in the air when they were children from the leaded gasoline


whatever this "old biker" is just some troll. $200 LOL OK. Hundreds of Thousands of people live in Silicon Valley in $2M+ houses and every 5th car is a Tesla. Troll harder

Take a look around what happened to west after ~1990 when generation previous to them retired and boomers took full control.