Third caravan on its way to the US

With murmurs of violent backlash by the left in they don't get their way next week, and then seeing this news, I can't help but wonder if they are actually planning an invasion.

Leftist groups are obviously providing support to these caravans. What if the leftist plan was to use the caravans to help carry out their plan to bash the fash? The immigrants invade from the South and push inland while small leftist terror cells within the US borders cause havoc of their own and attempt to make contact with the caravan militias. From there, they initiate a modern day Underground Railroad and get all of them to Commiefornia.

This is some dystopian shit dude.

Attached: AndAnotherOne.png (643x616, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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If the size of the caravans are actually as large as the estimates show, the left just gained an army.

if they can enter

Attached: trump_3.jpg (784x643, 57K)

Feed me burgers and ill come help

We'll see.

>implying it's the left that is funding these caravans

The right wing president of Honduras was even telling Pence that Venezuela was behind the caravans... I wonder why....

This is so painfully an obvious stunt by Pro-Trump groups to create a false crisis so Trump can come in and be a hero to all the retarded rednecks that don't realize that he's the one manufacturing all this bullshit in the first place. Crating division is the only way the Republicans can motivate their voter base for the midterms. Wake the fuck up.

Honduras has a right wing president? I heard that he did tell that Venezuela was funding it as well

Yes, he's a complete puppet of the US. They're working with the US to create this false crisis and blame Venezuela for it (preparing for an Invasion). The democrats have nothing to gain from the caravans.

Attached: FU-Honduras.png (926x1414, 201K)

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>This is so painfully an obvious stunt by Pro-Trump groups to create a false crisis so Trump can come in and be a hero to all the retarded rednecks that don't realize that he's the one manufacturing all this bullshit in the first place.
your post made me dumber

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Good goyim! Let daddy Trump save you from da evul invaders!

>my insane conspiracy theories that don't make sense are the truth!!!
take your meds Chaim, I know you Jews have a genetic predisposition for Schizophrenia

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>da druuumphs

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How much is Kushner paying you shills for this?

I'm a leftist and I want to nuke the caravan

>Departed from El Salvador because you're deported from the US

Are you going in?

>doesn't even deny it

5 Israeli Shekels have been deposited into your account Malachi!

Why doesn't the Honduran government encourage people to open businesses there to hire people for work? Keep people away from crime also

Caravan after caravan. You need to send a serious message.
You know why back in the day our commies didn't dare to flee to their loved utopia Soviet Union? The same reason why our fascists threw commies in the trunk, drove them to the border and forced the commies to walk over.

why can't the army just shoot them all on site?


Mad Dog just ordered 5200 armed troops to deploy ASAP to the border in addition to the 2900 national guard with barricades and constine wire
and said number will increase if necessary

Attached: mattis12.jpg (480x480, 37K)

and for the Muh sauce

>When the Faithful Patriot deployment is complete, border forces will total nearly 24,000 personnel.

Ok ill entertain your faggotry for one post:

If GLURMNTH is responsible for the caravan are we supposed to be mad that thousands of beaners are walking a thousand miles for nothing or that it helps us win an election?

these are the Barbarian migrations of today

Then it will become a political stand off and the democrats will take levi of the situation and use it, just as the civil rights groups come and start demonstrating. It's far from over.

He's creating a fake crisis so you can be mad at the situation and go out and vote. God damn, are you really that retarded?

>The democrats have nothing to gain from the caravans.
C'mon bruh
>Cheap labor to keep their toilets cleaned
>A minimum of two generations dependent on gibs.
>At minimum of two generations of democrat voting party members with high breeding rates. 14k can 50k within 15 years at the rate they breed. Then there's the "bring in my huge extended family" visas.

heard all soldiers being deployed have some sort of combat expierence.
makes me think.

Mattis allowing shit lib press in a middle of a military operation


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But this is somehow wrong? I fail to see the problem

They will be on Mexican soil though

It will be a glorious slaughter

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Mattis also stated they have c-130's on standby locally to move people, and will be at valid crossing points of entry to turn people away that dont met the standard, told to go back home and apply there

if Mexico wants their new comfy trade deal to be a reality they wont do shit

It's wrong because he's manipulation you idiots (and the caravan) into creating a problem that doesn't exist for political gain. The reality is these caravans wouldn't exist without Trump.


Attached: x2.png (783x796, 875K)

manipulating* fuckin autocorrect

Same good news to me. Dead refugees are welcome

I don't know what to say.

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buzz the board with some A-10s and 80% of those fuckers will turn back
> Hitler Trump is sending flying death machines to kill brown people,,,,I'm out

Oh. That sounds like alinsky. I can't bring myself to be outraged about winning. Sorry

Yes. Left and right are the same thing. It's all bull shit and scripted like pro sports.

>Terrorizing doctors and engineers.

Attached: goldberg.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

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What's the name of that french post-apocalyptic book that got banned because it was "unrealistic"? It predicted vast migrant trains entering the west with no political will to stop them long before they started happening.

Is it the book of revelations?

Fake news. Couldn't find the source.

What exactly are you winning against? The made up crises' that Trump feeds you? He just wants your vote so his buddies in Tel-Aviv can benefit from a Pro-Zionist majority in our government

>trust me now and it'll pay off later
Nah. I like winning and you have no arguments (hence why im responding)

>The reality is these caravans wouldn't exist without Trump.
Yea your right, they would normally just trickle in unnoticed. Its a good thing actually that they are making such a shit show out of it, this way, Americans have an in-your-face source of illegal activity to confront where illegal immigration is concerned.

does the caravan know its fake?
>full potato

Le camp de saints / the camp of saints by Jean Raspail

Camp of the saints

>blumpf is funding the caravans
Funny, I thought it was Puebla sin frontera or whatever

>but he didn't so they will
It's like getting your house knocked down in a hurricane AND THEN realizing you should have built it out of bricks instead of sticks.

My god, who the fuck these pieces of shit think they are? What right do they think they have to cross borders like this?

Holy shit I'm going to rage so hard if you burgers let this fucking scum of the earth cross your border. I can't imagine how furious are you seeing this bullshit!

Can't wait to see these fuckers get returned to their shitty countries.

Attached: fuckingraging.jpg (426x566, 56K)

All of central America is invading.

>build the wall out of burgers
Holy shit I just solved the broken window Keynesian fallacy. Did I just complete the system of German Ideology?

Attached: burgerwall.jpg (474x430, 56K)

People are retarded for not reading your idiot mind? Hmm.

Anyway good. Hope it works then.

Oh fuck off. Immigration and illegal beaners are more of a fucking problem than ever. But your tv doesn't feed that to your weak mind so it escapes you.

Realistically how will this situation end? What will happen when they all reach the border?

>Camp of the saints
Thank you.

Man I just finished the revolutions series on South American independence and this is the first thread I see. Literally as soon as they expelled the Spanish they started killing each other and toppling their governments. And then Mexican history is another shitstorm. Jfc