Heil hitler
Who agrees that the lgbt flag should be the new alt right symbol?
Heil Hitler.
Separate is beautiful. Mixed is ugly.
the nazis were sodomite occultist so youre actually entitled to the fag flag
And it’s beautiful
If you can get it to the mainstream news and have them report the pride flag as racist it would make for good keks
Remove the order of the colors, but keep them separate. Add brown, black and white. Remove purple. Remove the swastika.
Scrap that. Just take he Olympic Rings and add on to those. I think that would actually be more triggering because it’s nuanced and suggest physical agility. White background would also be nice.
Photoshop anons feel free to give it a shot.
I will try my nigga
Good troll, but remove the swaztika, or you're gonna look like a tiki torch faggot
Proud Gay National Socialist here AMA
go read himmler's speech on you faggots and kys
This meme is so fucking old, my grandma keeps telling me about it. Nice that Jow ForumsThe_Donald has found it as well now.
The SA were openly gay and masculine
Checked. This should definitely be a board focus. It will work.
Sure they where, buddy.
Idk if i did what you are trying to say
Im not an english person so you can try to finish this
Getting a youtuber eceleb such as Styx or Pool will help boost it. Then the mainstream is next.
That argument doesn't work here. A blended rainbow is beautiful
>Shit idea
>Can't use paint
You are welcome in the right. You always were. Alt right is the same as far left. They hang you from cranes and kick you off high buildings.
Spectrum is all colors. Their flag has the colors separated.
A blended rainbow... is brown
Himmler died like a bish so his opinion is irrelevant
Maybe turn it upside down. Maximum subversion potential.
You don't get to teach children though. Only people with skin in the game truly care what happens in the future.
>Uses the NPC meme in a context that makes no sense
>Thinks he knows what the National Socialists did because someone told him on the internet
>Can't even read any of the primary sources because he doesn't speak German
>American education
Even dragon ball, an cartoon created by a nip, poked fun at fag Nazis
What happened with that mass Swedish Snuggle in Munich?
>Look, post war propaganda told me this
>That means it's true
but some subtle rainbowy chromatic abberation on otherwise simple black and white fashy symbols like the sonnenrad would make me cum
Shut the fuck up you disgraced mongrel excuse of a human being
Read the fucking speech and seriously kill yourself, you're not a true natsoc and should get gassed
Nazi Germany was a product of papal subversion, the epicenter of faggotry, only natural their sock puppet drones would comply
did any families get furious?
I'm Irish. We would be planning the end of every cunt involved nailed to chairs and blowtorch. Why are you so weak German
just role playing would never be involved in such a thing
>you're not a true natsoc
Soooo that would me that we're winners, right?
>Kill fags and pedos
>Kill subversives that promote degeneracy
>Try to replace cucked Christianity with your own volkish religion
>You're actually homosexual and subverted by the pope
Makes sense.
What happened to that gang raped girl?
Munich. Green party voter
fuck I know
leftist will only agreed if it benefits them like firing people over the Circle Game
that's cultural appropriation. check ur (((kkk))) privilege boi
Why are you not doing something
>We would be planning the end of every cunt involved nailed to chairs and blowtorch
I'm sure they're terrified of right wing spoon squads.
There where protests and it's used for propaganda.
>Why are you not doing something
He has the rainbow flag. Is he a multi-racial white supremacist?
Loyalists did that to Irish Catholics
t. Shankill Butchers
It's peace time now.
We have centuries of hate. Waiting
A foreigner interfered with a retard girl in Newcastle. 50 newfriend homes were emptied in response. Sent back on the boat.
Nazis were only successful in murdering Christians and Jews, people of the book. Also successful in being the catalyst in creating the Rothschilds counterfeit Israel. The coopted Swaztika represents the black sun, a pagan occultist symbol indicative of the mystery religions practiced by the papacy and the Nazi salute itself was coopted from the Roman salute, because the Nazis were puppets for the Holy Roman Empire and so is the US, and so was Britain and so was every other major player during WW2.
Thanks man
more normie friendly version
If you’re trying to find meaning and an identity than try opening your Bible because your only walking the path of destruction adopting destructive ideologies
Loyalists are insane. So happy I'm not one.
Is this good?
Haven't got this role play thing.
Really though. Someone you know gets raped by a foreigner. A child, teenager. Innocent presuming to be free in her, or his own culture.
As a parent I'd be angry.
Please use trans-inclusive flag
I can read primary sources and don't have to rely on what schizos on the internet tell me about the National Socialists. They killed a lot of degenerates, they didn't kill Christians (for being Christians), your claims are absurd. Blaming the National Socialists for what you did after you won is completely retarded. They fought against the Jewish world order, calling them "catalyst" just because you helped the Jews to destroy the west after they lost makes absolutely no sense.
Good good
You watch too many youtube rabbit holes while smoking weed. They were definitely not sodomites, and occultist is a meaningless term. Let me guess, you have only a precursory understanding of the bible, haven't read it or the any apostolitic apocrypha, and yet claim to be christian. You aren't as bright as your fantasies have told you you are, lightweight
Hegel was German, Marx was a cunt
Marx was a Jew.
Its not just a meme you weird internet obsessed halfling. Get out more and read books. Not everything is a le epic meme war go bak to leddit XDddd you fkin megapede
Eh seems ok
yes it will be fuckin hilarious! we start indoctrinating the LGBT community. Make it happen!!!!!!!
Yes go to CNN and this fags twitter and tweet it out
>Its not just a meme
So you actually enjoy sucking dick?
Checks out.
Nothing is your fault. Interesting history. Wish you lads would stop blaming yourselves. We're it biggest socialist promoters now.
Best part is all the light starts as white.
use San Fransisco Font by Apple. It will subconsciously subvert the SOI Bois, because of the familiarity .
20 bucks is 20 bucks