Is the Way Trump Conducts Himself the Only Way His Agenda Could Happen?

Trump ran on an anti-establishment platform that went against all status quo's and had the media against the entire time. As a result, he became arguably the only incorruptible president with a no-fucks-given attitude. That said, would his existence in the White House even be possible if he was a milquetoast schmuck? Is being a brash populist made of steel the only way to take on the establishment? Is his personality and the way he conducts himself the only kind that would make all this possible? Was he just baiting boomers?

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You still don't fucking understand. THAT'S JUST WHO HE IS.

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it's 4 lines long you literal fucking retard

ok, so was he literally the only person able to push such an agenda? could no one else possibly do so?

His agenda is 40 years+ in the making

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Who cares, Trump is punk rock af

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>I am the least anti-semitic person you've ever seen in your life

he really is the perfect anti politician. Problably the first and thus far only in history. There is no bigger troll than trump and of course only he could of won against one the most well financed candidates in history ever. The right wingers who negate trump because of his brassness and want him to calm down are dumb.

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You're just fucking lucky bastard motherfuckers.
Be greatful to God

you also have to keep in mind the lefts outrage. they have never been so easy to bait in this era. And they keep falling for the same tricks, so it's easy for trump to make the left look like idiots

I'm sick of hearing about this old faggot, take your cocksucking over to ptg

>could no one else possibly do so?
not like Trump
someone else could have beaten hilldawg, but very few with Trump's style and fuggin wicked bantz

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i love the guy but what makes him different from mussolini, for example? Big time populists?

Unironically this.

What Trump and his campaign did can not be compared to anything in recent history.

It is absurd to call trump a fascists (despite what others may say)He's worked well within the confines of democracy and hasn't criticized or sought out to seriously change the democratic process. And whats really the differences between american left-wing populism and right wing populism? Because from what i've seen, the left has been far more tribalism and identitarian, only dealing in absolutes

probably not.

i agree. his tactics are definitely populist but he doesnt overstep any other branches which is a stark contrast between him and Obama.

He's the Elvis of US politics.

Ron Paul proved that mere Populism can be ignored and isolated back in '12. Bernie Sanders proved that even under favorable conditions, mere Populism can be overcome with some degree of Force in '16.

I would have to say the Cult of Personality is vital to an 'Outside' campaign. It's not 100% proven that Trump's way is the only way, but that might as well be wishful thinking.

Pretty much.
People say that Hillary was a bad candidate and that any other candidate would've won. I just don't see that.
Hillary wasn't considered a bad candidate when she first ran. She was considered a very good candidate. By the time Trump finished with her, she was a bad candidate.
Rubio or Cruz would've been slaughtered by the media/opposition in the same way Romney was.
The bottom line is Trump understands how to fight. We all implicitly get this- it's why he has such a cult following in spite of the fact he's pretty loose ideologically.
The kavanaugh confirmation made cucks wake up to this fact, and many said as much. Despite the fact he is often called thin skinned, he really isn't. He can take being hated by almost everyone, as long as those he represents trust him.

I don't know, but he's been elected and Goldwater wasn't, Perot wasn't, Buchanan wasn't, Paul wasn't, so it's really worth considering.