We need a 3rd political party

Where all the nativist people could rise their voice and influece the corrupt democrat and republican traitors
A party like this would be the key to form aliances and would retrat the entire establishment as the same glovalist corporation controlled puppets they are
Lets make our flags for the party

Attached: depositphotos_121871886-stock-illustration-north-american-bison-usa-flag.jpg (1023x607, 46K)

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It will draw voters from either dem or rep and make the other one win the election.

Party name? Stances?


Political parties are inherently jewed. Democracy is fueled by Capitalism and (((Lobbyists))). Thinking the US will ever change via politics is hysterical.

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Maybe " citizens" making a clear contrapoint with the corrupt elites but at the same time saying we will play the democratic rules

Retarded and doomed to fail because it has no clear platform. Cool logo though

should be the party of no party the way george washington intended
the logo should just be the waves of grain or the simple

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Your best bet to gaining traction would be to make the Dems implode and go bankrupt so you can fill the void with your new party.

We dont need to win election only 5 % of the votes would enought to destroy the entire threatre that usa politics are
So maybe we should be quite radicals if we are only hoping for that 5%
Making the points of the walll , zero inmigration , economic nationalism
Shoulfnt be so hard to breake with some digital newspaper in our side

This government is dead.

We need our own breitbart and the rest would be easy to do especially if we only aim at that 5%

No, I'd rather kill Jews.

Why no both?

Because I'm done talking.


Bad Idea.
Injuns already have their sovereignty and by no means have the right to also have our government.
Injuns are already to hateful and racist and their belief system is like creationism, they think they have been on north America a berzillion years.
In reality no race is native, aboriginal or indigenous to North America, and Injuns were not even the first ones to come here. But you cant tell them that or they freak out.
If anything will work it is the Whig Party, since it has already beaten both republican and democrats in the past.
A " nativist party would be full of nothing but brainwashed Mexicans and Injuns.
Bad Idea for the USA.

Attached: whig.jpg (320x204, 28K)

bring back the Bull Moose!

Attached: bull_moose_party_1912.jpg (700x600, 39K)

Go away troll

Go /// wrists and KYS. puto.
The LAST thing we need in the US is a bunch of racist Injuns and Mexicans that want to be soveriegn but also want to control our government.
" nativist". Government -dumbest fucking idea ever.

America didnt even exist until the first british colonialist came
We are the first american natives

Except for that guy named Amerigo Vespucci, that America is actually named for or the Conquistadores and vikings before him. And the Solutreans before anybody else.
Yes in 1854 that concept seamed legit but today every injun posting a pic of a buffalo would claim to be more Native.
The Piratar' Party or a modern whig party would work, but you cant define a party by who's more Native.
The entire cemtral American caravan would claim to be more Native. It would be endless.

Learn to spell first, retard.

The only influence a third political party does in America is influence the final tally between the two established political parties. As long as Winner Take All voting exists, no third party will have the financial backing or voter turnout to ever win the important elections. Otherwise, Bernie would have kept running as an Independent.

When you became something more that the laught stock of the world

Do you want another Wilson because this is how you get another Wilson


I'm a nativist and brought up the Know Nothings a few days ago.

Lets make this shit happen.

Also lets bring this flag back.

Attached: know-nothing_flag.jpg (400x229, 30K)

I vote for "American Democrats." The "American" appeals to the right, and the "Democrats" appeals to the left. Like a nativist left-wing party. Nationalist, yet with some socialism. We're Democrats, but we're Americans first, by golly.

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we already have like 10 parties though
the only party with a real chance to getting as big as the big 2 would be the libertarians

2 parties is a gift not a curse. Nothing ever happens or it does so slowly because of constant gridlock and power switching keeping the govt out of your life as much as possible. Beats the EU where someone owes fines for insulting prophet Muhammad (I shit upon his name) from Austria upheld by the European Human Rights Courts

There's a name for that party. And is Ziberalism.
Here are the 15 truths about it (in spanish):

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The Solutrean theory is shit because it presumes that all the natives living thousands of a miles apart, speaking hundreds of languages all somehow simultaneously agreed to exterminate them.

>We need a 3rd political party
You can have 10 parties if you want. they will all by dominated by the jews because we have enormance power and influence in banking and media. We will buy them all.
This is Jew-SA bitch !

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No actually The Younger Dryas event killed them off a long time before siberians migrated over. Nature killed them and the mega fauna not a bunch of asshat siberians.
Thats not the theory either dumb ass. The oldest sites, tools, and human remains found that are before the YD are European. The oldest sites are on the East coast not Alaska and not the west coast.
The Beringia theory is shit and those that believe in that are also shit.
Injuns didnt kill of the Clovis and they didnt kill off all the mega fauna. The YD killed them.
Try some facts next time.

Nordfront faggot kike

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No man it goes further back than that.

I know you're from argentina but do your research.

It's the American Party, and was made after the Whig Party disbanded.


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holy fuck your hammered

he is fucking hammered boyz he is hammered as fuck i can tell just by the fucking way hes slurring his typing and his crazy ideas of having a third party when theres dozens
hammered as fuck i tell yah

You are right. My fault.

Also, pic related

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Source? The anus.
It's fringe theories that aren't facts unlike proven anthropology.

Proven Anthropology? Try basic math fuck stick.
The Beringia theory was disproven. The Ice Free corridor theory disproven.
The oldest sites are on the East coast, ie topper, Cinmar, cactus Hill, Mammoth Spring, Meadowcroft.
The vast majority of stone spear points are on the East Coast, the bi faced overshot design is European not microblade Siberian.
Eyed needles and atlats are found on the East coast.
There has never been a mammoth kill site found in Alaska and the oldest site is only 12K years old-Half as old as Virginia.
The oldest human skulls found are europoids, like Spirit Cave, lovelock, Sandia, Miller, Windover and the Moundbuilders.
The Younger Dryas event made a 3 foot ash layer, and thats where the mammoth and mega fauna are in situ, same as the Clovis.
The YD is Geology not Anthropology.
You have no proven Anthropology, just the same shit you learned from a common Core teacher in HS and repeat the same shit.
Source? Actual history, actual Geology, and actual Paleontology.
You are the Fringe Theory these days.

That's how all great political parties get started.