Be Jacob Wohl

>Be Jacob Wohl
>Convicted for defrauding investors at the age of 18 after starting a fake hedgefund
>Lick Trumps balls every time he tweets in the hope he pardons you
>decide to "help" trump by framing Mueller for sexual assault
>Say a private investigating company provided you with intel about his past assaults
>Turns out private security firm's website was registered under your email and the contact number re-directs to your mom's phone
>Meuller gets FBI to investigate your scam
>You are doomed to go to Federal "Pound Me In The Ass" Prison

We have an actual proven false-flag that both the alt-right AND the left is denouncing, and Jow Forums isn't talking about it. Why? Jacob Wohl is also Jewish, yet you guys give him a pass.

How fucked is he now?

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The leqader of the supposed "intelligence firm" that told Wohl about the accusations against Meuller.... is basically just a poorly edited picture of Wohl himself.

Come on you guys, if you are gonna pull a hoax, I expect better!

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oof sounds like you don't believe women

Didn't this guy go on JF's stream and say he was being targeted by a conspiracy?

This Wohl guy needs to be hung. He made conservatives look like shit a week before the midterms. And you can verify the hoax yourself. He used headshots of Bar Rafaeli and Christoph Waltz as employees without realizing reverse image search exists.

Good grief.

>and Jow Forums isn't talking about it
Is there a great deal to talk about though? The whole thing was just embarrassing from every conceivable angle and all we can really do now hurl antisemitic insults as we wait for him to get fucked by the long dick of the law.

The math doesn't add up. He announced the upcoming allegations on Twiitter, posted the dossier on Gatewaypundit, then people found out the intelligence agency was registered to his mom's phone number. That's just him fucking up hard.. Also, >He used headshots of Bar Rafaeli and Christoph Waltz as employees without realizing reverse image search exists. Everyone on the alt-right distanced themselves.

I mean, I could respect him if he pulled it off right to make a point about false accusations.

His plot went so hilariously wrong we should be able to kek about it until he gets fucked by the long dick of the law.

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so he's got maybe a month before he's some big black dude's personal fleshlight in prison. still fucking crazy that he thought this was a good idea.

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even if he did make it all up you need to believe women desu.

So when you totally fuck up and try to frame the former head of the FBI, how long does it take them to raid your house?

Asking because he defrauded some of my neighbors here in AZ.

cant imagine it will take long, matter was referred to the FBI. considering hes already been in legal trouble with his defrauding all of his hedge fund investors i think they will probably throw the book at him.

also checked

Guy needs to be locked away for a few years or a decade w no windows. Dangerous sociopath who needs to fear god

Probably was orchestrated by leftist powers precisely to do just that. Kid probably didnt do a thing and is related to some power broker

a lot of weird shit happen around Burkman.

or he's just some dumbass kid who thinks he's smarter than everyone else and who's already tried to get away with illegal shit, see hedge fund history

>be Jack Burkman
>hire a PI to investigate Seth Rich murder
>have to fire him due to him leaking shit to the media
>PI lures you to a parking garage, shoots you in the buttocks, and attempts to run you over with an SUV while you try to run away

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>a lot of weird shit happen around Burkman.
And Jacob Wohl. Both should be laughed off the face of the Earth, they just fuck shit up.

What are the odds this guy actually loses his virginity to Bubba?

By the time he's done, his insides are going to look like a sloppy joe sandwich. Crossing Mueller was the worst mistake of his life.

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weirdly your average guy dismisses these things. like his canned reinactment or the other time he got maced or something. yeah he's definitely involved in other stuff that they're keeping quiet about

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Never seen a person that could use such a humbling in jail before, get him Mueller.

when they see this twink in prison

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Jow Forums #believeswomen. We're a board of peace :^)

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team has asked the FBI to look into claims that women were offered money to fabricate sexual assault allegations against Mueller, who leads the probe into Russia’s attempts to influence the U.S. election in 2016.
“When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation,” Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller, said on Tuesday.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation declined to comment.
Jack Burkman, a Washington lawyer and Republican operative, told Reuters he was speaking to five women who claimed they were sexually assaulted by Mueller, and denied paying them for the information.
He said he would have a news conference close to Washington on Thursday with one of the women who claimed she was sexually assaulted by Mueller in 2010, and that the other four women still needed to be vetted.
Mueller is leading the politically sensitive investigation into Russian meddling and possible collusion between Republican Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign team and Russian officials.
Burkman, who is also a right-wing commentator on social media, has been critical of the Mueller probe and sought to raise funds for Rick Gates and Michael Flynn, two former Trump aides who pleaded guilty to charges brought against them by Mueller’s team.
Trump denies any collusion and has repeatedly described Mueller’s probe as a partisan “witch hunt.”

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>dumbass kid acts like a dumbass
>"right wing attacks mueller!"

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This is what happens when you only have high verbal iq


LOL I thought kikes were smart?

So much for that "High IQ" Jew's allegedly possess.

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Because it’s not worth talking about. He’s a lolcow. This is a /cow/ or farms issue.

This has to be part of the pathetic false flags going down.

Shoot up the synagogue, except victims died years ago.

Some cunts offer you a new paint job, if you'll let them put stickers on your car.

Accept, be arrested for fake bombs.

I don't know why Trump doesn't call these false flags out. He's said a few subtle things, but it gives me the shits.

This young bloke deserves gaol.... except we don't know if he's a bloody MKULTRA victim that needs deprogramming.

Maybe he's doing it so women won't be believed.

That's the biggest concern with these liars.

People very rarely lie about sexual assault, it's so hard to talk about.

This lot makes it sound like a fashionable sport.


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Maybe a double false flag. So inept I must wonder if it was not an attempt to slander the right by framing trump supporters for attempting a false flag operation.

Crafty democrats.