my uncles house got robbed by darkies today while he was at work (witness is pretty sure at least one of them was somalian).
we have CCTV footage coming soon too, should at least show what clothes they were wearing, and possibly some faces.

this is in melbourne northern suburbs, where the police are not capable or willing to investigate any crimes.
it takes several hours for the police to even show up for active emergencies, and the marxist controlled courts have literally given people community service for MURDER in melbourne during the last 10 years, it is out of control.

literally every house in my suburb gets robbed around 2 - 3 times each year, so this is really nothing out of the ordinary.
but this time, instead of stealing actual jewelry, which they seemingly ignored (fucking dumb monkeys), they only stole priceless war memorabilia from my uncles military career, including his army uniform from afghanistan.

i am fucking mad, i know the police will do nothing, and i KNOW that these primates are active on social media (literally everyone in melbourne has social media, even the worst criminals on the run from police will regularly post on instagram and facebook).

if i post a photo of his face and outfit tomorrow i KNOW we can find him.

Attached: 5684674568.jpg (205x286, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did they steal the shrimps he had on the barbie

yeah id like to know if i get some shrimps in this deal

Your uncle used violence for a state which is complicit in the disappearance of his people. Those robbers use violence for the material gain of themselves, their families and their communities. Who is more based? Who is more cucked?

Wanna play knifey spoony OP?

when i post the pic tomorrow, who ever finds the darkie will get free shrimp pizza delivered, paid for by my paypal (restaurant of your choice).

help a veteran and earn a free pizza.

Attached: MGS3-Salute.jpg (800x442, 71K)

>i KNOW we can find him.
and that's when you lynch em. Gotta put the fear of death into these niggers constantly to keep them in line.

>shrimp pizza
Uh, gross.

Well you know if its really as lawless as you say. You can use the stand your ground law. If they ever come to your property again.

the offer is also redeemable for a pizza of your choice (no extra toppings and standard crust only).

>he's never had pizza with shrimp on it
You're missing out user, shrimp is amazing with tomoto sauce and cheese.

I've had clams on a pizza once. I was not impressed. Shrimp tastes better?

Just wait for them to come back.

>army uniform from afghanistan
ZOGbot got his just deserts, should have been protecting your homeland instead.

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In dollary doos what was the total amount of vegemite stolen?

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we had an incident in australia a while back.
a young white guy woke up at 3am to the cries of his infant daughter.
he went to check on her, only to find a 350lb convicted aboriginal sex offender high on meth and jerking off over her cot.

he was somehow able to hold this guy down until the police arrived, but the abo had died from a heart attack in the struggle, due to the meth in his system.

that guy has been fighting for his freedom for 2 years now, aboriginal/marxist groups want him thrown in prison forever, they have actually formed mobs and tried to attack the prison he is being kept in (like some shit straight out of red dead redemption).

self defense of ANY KIND is illegal here.

Attached: 47684679.gif (480x366, 2.7M)

Name of man/case?

benjamin batterham

Take the earth leakage detector off your meter box and wire the metal of the door/window they broke into with mains power. These people will never ring the cops on you. Never.

unrealistic for many reasons (could injure an innocent person, or start a fire or something).
we need to accept the fact that self defense in australia is FORBIDDEN, and the ONLY protocol you can follow in a home invasion scenario is to run screaming in the opposite direction with your hands flailing in the air, and to hope the intruder doesn't rape and murder your children, or worse, claim you assaulted him.

Can’t find any crap about the abo jacking off over the daughter. Just says he stole the wife’s handbag

Lol get a gun

I have finally snapped and decided to become a vigilante antihero.
I will, in mine craft
>ca fentanyl + dmso solution pest control hose + backpack tank
>taser gloves
>body armour + hazmet suit
>complete rollerskate mastery
>sprinkler helmet connected to poison tank
I call myself rain man
I am Melbournes reckoning

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If your uncle's place has gotten that bad, there are two options.
> 1 - Move the hell out.
> 2 - Form a vigilante/militia group, start going around, killing off anyone your group suspects of being a thief.
That's how humans traditionally deal with this sort of shit when the local government fails. Move or band together and do the job government fails to do. Problem with the latter option is that it shames the government, making someone in the government get a flaming stick up his ass to shut down the uppity citizens. After all, if you guys start doing the government's job, how long until other areas of similarly challenged dysfunctional government starts? How soon until the citizens throw off their current government and form a new one? You can see how the government doesn't give a shit about burglars (as long as it isn't one of their own homes robbed), but will shit itself over citizens doing its own job.

It's prawns you ugly fat shart in marts.

As for you aussie bro, if courts are handing out community service for murder, why doesn't your uncle smash these nogs with a shovel or be a man. Has he not killed enough paki children in Afghan to get a taste for it cunt

Sorry you got nigged m8. This is why you have guns. But you don't. So, just keep a loicense bat nearby or a 2 foot rubber dildo.

>killing off anyone your group suspects of being a thief
Yeah great nice shitty mob that’ll kill innocent people. Americans think this is traditional instead of literally degenerate

Where do you live where house burglaries are that high?

Some days you wish the turner diaries were to happen

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He may suffer from an overdose of heroin if you catch him right?

upload cctv to youtube and link me

An open letter to anyone who has ever served in the US military:

Please, shut the fuck up.

You're not superior to people who never joined the armed forces. There are many civilians who serve their countries in ways just as noble and honorable as yours. The fact that they have never fired a weapon or gone on deployment does not make them inferior to you. And your training on an M-16 or six months spent humping around a desert doesn't give you the right to spend the next twenty years reminding everyone around you that they're all worthless and weak.

If I have to deal with another fucking security guard who gets paid minimum wage to drive a golf cart around a shopping mall but thinks he's some kind of superior ubermensch just because he's got USMC tattooed on his bicep, I'm gonna blow my top. Here's some advice for all of you in uniform right now: when you get out, just tell people, "I'm proud of the service I gave. It was a unique experience." not, "You'll never understand what is to serve, because you never had the courage to sign up." You, mister or miss ex-military, will never understand how insulting that is.

This goes double for ex-military types who live on a base and mouth off to the civilian sysadmin. If you want e-mail and Internet access and all that shit, you'd better not give the civilian in charge of those services a big fucking lecture about what a coward he is for getting an education in his youth instead of humping through the backwoods of Georgia for seven years. You'll get your ESPN live feed back when you stop acting like a fucking Neidermeyer.

Thank you, and good night.

doesnt matter, still do it

any bury the body

no you need to follow the mozambique protocol

sell your melbourne cuck home

and buy a bigger better house for less than half the price in QLD

and put the remainder into stocks like GXY PLS A2M etc

Peaceful community watch by itself won't get anywhere if it takes the cops 10 hours to show up to a call. That will lead to the group falling apart or taking action by itself. If it takes action, it is just going to start killing the "bad people", because nothing else will guarantee that the "bad people" don't come back looking for Big Trouble. Check your history. Once the police stop being effective and the locals start acting in their place, anyone that is suspected by the new local militia/watchmen are going to get very fierce treatment. Again, check history.

They robbed me off all my memes.. the days of revenge are near.

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Schizo. I’m gonna rape ya


You can fuck right off, basedboy. They are better than you, as far as the US civil society is concerned. Unless you are a police officer or a fire fighter or EMT. It's been that way since 9/11, in case you want to know when it all changed.

Seriously dude? You're asking randoms on the internet to be your personal detectives and you're not even gonna hook a brother up with like a meatball pie, cheese only? Weak.

>Schizo. I’m gonna rape ya

>Your uncle used violence for a state which is complicit in the disappearance of his people. Those robbers use violence for the material gain of themselves, their families and their communities. Who is more based? Who is more cucked?

you're the schizo cunt your a dumb little gay cunt

Dont live in Melb. Leave it to the savages as a wake up call as to what happens when you import 3rd worlders.
Civil War when?

Jesus christ America at least try it before you decide its shit

Go for it.

Here's my office details. Come try it, anytime. I'll sort your shit out for you.

1633 Broadway
5th Floor
New York, NY 10019


my extended family on my mothers side moved out of melbourne 20 years ago "because it was changing" i didnt have any clue what they meant at the time I was just a little kid

so basically melbourne has been too poz for typical blue pilled catholics for 2 decades already

what the fuck is anyone on Jow Forums still doing in melbourne?

Here's an idea; fucking move to a place that isn't having massive nigger problems, either a different town or interstate entirely. VIC is rife with the cunts and should be avoided at all costs, NSW also has a fast growing nigger population from what I've seen. So any place but those two states, I'd wager.

yeah they put some kind of sauce on it

its like saucey shrimp, its pretty good

its like chicken + mayo pizza only even more out there

sausages, beetroot and fried egg on pizza is the weird shit you dont want any of that

Yes dying for Israel is the ultimate honor(sic)

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Say hi to the podestAs for me ;)

Wtf is that thing ?

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did you and your uncle cruise around in a car looking for them afterwards?

coz when I heard that niggers slapped the phone out of my little bros hand while he was walking to work (he tried to keep the altercation a secret due to shame) me and my dad drove around looking for them

did you do the same? he is probably thinking about it but not sure if anyone is on his side or not you should suggest it he should appreciate that

el demonio ardiente

56% creatura
17% goblina
12% atrociadad
3% irish
34% african

I'm stuck in Bendigo, hopefully that isn't the next import place

Common American doesn't think of Israel. They think, "US servicemen and women are keeping the nation safe from terrorists by going around the world and bombing the shit out of those terrorist in their shitty little hovels and spider holes."

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yet they still die for Isreal. How long till you burgers make use of the 2nd and restore america to the way it was in the 18th century?

This is honestly the best idea, Melbourne is doomed. As soon as I finish my apprenticeship I'm fucking off up North.

whitoids BTFO

give him a gun, op. oh wait....

funny i had an australian (friend) whom i shared an rs account with for years. He decided to hack me out of nowhere one day for about 300m. I ended up finding out it was him because he hacked my skype account. the faggot continued to talk to me for 2-3 years after hacking me. I cursed Australia to be burned to the ground by muslims. You australians are fked.

Yo what's up Bendibro

was robbed by a Sudanese fucker about a month ago, would've beaten the shit out of him if he didn't have a knife and caught me at the wrong time. they need to fucking go.

>standard crust only

Attached: 14A21BE7-A400-416E-BA71-6F42B44DE3B5.jpg (467x349, 87K)

Highly underrated

>bury the body
>and leave evidence
baka desu senpai
HCl exists for a reason

Nine hundred.

About to be JUSTED in three hours, other than that not much.
Blame Mr Tookourguns and (((them))). Laws only apply to non criminals.
Feels like we're getting more shitskins including poos here but they seem to be in a minority so they do nothing.

Attached: 613e0001f902c7684aa7.gif (600x600, 1.82M)

>self defense of ANY KIND is illegal here.

Thats why you throw bricks at cop cars when they drive by. Kill a few cops snd they start to do police work again.

well...the emus won so they can take whatever they want

>stealing war medals
This will even turn NPC the normies against Africans. They are doing our work for them.
I feel bad for your uncle, but it's for the greater good, user.

Attached: concerned.png (225x225, 8K)

nah mate, you are thinking like you. think like a soulless demon sucking the blood from aborted fetus bones. only the decent ones will care about it, and there arent many of them. good chance for you to win them though.


They guy is asking if it is good not saying he won’t try it. Nothing about his statement says anything bad about shrimp on pizza. Do you know what reading comprehension is you dope smoking monkey fucking leaf?

Losing to emu's means nothing silly wypipo

Well, now you know why we have guns and our cops are trigger happy. God bless ‘em.

> fighting in the armed services is the same as niggering
You are more cucked

We fixed much of this in America with a few tricks in the 40s/50s.
1. Move into rural/suburbs areas with a smaller population but centered many of the housing in the middle.
2. Police force is the town residents, sheriff and deputies. Be on friendly terms with state and county but make it clear they are not needed.
3. Know everyone.
4. Shoo away any trouble makers and ban from town.
5. Kill the people that are too much of a problem.
6. Police will look the other way or take their time as you dispose of the shit people.

This CCTV footage caught the criminal in the act

Attached: image.jpg (512x384, 35K)

Part and parcel.

and he didn't bury the body in your ample deserts because....?

I like shrimp on my Hawaiin pizza.
Guess what my fursona is ;)