Twitter edition.
Reactions already coming in from the land down under. Aussie leftists are angry as hell.
It's not too late to go out and put some up.
Twitter edition.
Reactions already coming in from the land down under. Aussie leftists are angry as hell.
It's not too late to go out and put some up.
We wuz whytes
>white supremacist groups
Reaction spreadsheet coming in nicely. I'll have my work cut out for me tomorrow.
I commend you for your valiant effort user.
Keep up the good work!
FUCK someone broke the first rule
whoever posted this should be shot
Recommend archiving the Jow Forums images as well. Previous spreadsheet didn't age well, too much stuff 404s.
How the fuck are they making this leap? These people are the real hate-mongers just by stating that "it is not ok to white" like it's a fucking crime.
Kek these are working better than intended the left is just looking crazy
>it's okay to be you
>but it's not okay to be white
Even the archives?
>he's not a nazi
user i...
Anyone else feel physically sick when they see the reactions to these, it hurts to see my own people so hostile to being okay with their own skin color. It honestly kinda demoralizing, however it’s great that to any normal person that this is a blatantly anti racists message
I'm glad my grandfather isn't around to see what has happened to this country. He would be filled with immense regret.
Just the things that link to the board directly. If it's archived it'll be fine.
NPC here
I'm so confused was it ok to be white or are we hating whites now? because im white so does that mean i now hate myself? or am i ok?
The message itself is ok, it's the malicious intent behind it, that is questionable.
You white supremacists don't seem to understand that sometimes words can really hurt people.
women were a mistake
>words can really hurt people
No. They can't.
she probably read the article on wikipedia which links it to David duke
God I hope this is bait.
Ok leaf
Anyways the reason i don't archive the Jow Forums images is because the spreadsheet would become way too large. The 2017 one is already laggy af and I had to cut it in half in order to be able to post in on Jow Forums
Links 404 for me as well but since I have Jow Forums X it opens up the archived version automatically. The rest do the same thing. Not sure of a better way to store them.
I permanently banned this faggot from the infinity board
anons please dump salt here:
8ch dot net/iotbw2018
building a massive compilation and it's good to have it all in one place
doing God's work user that will become the prime tool for recruitment for next year in addition to the authoritative resource on the impact of the campaign
check the infinity board for more salt dumps
Here's Jow Forumsaustralia's take on this.
>the racists are back
Beautiful work user. Godspeed leaf!
It amazes me how programmed these people are to hate their own race and flip out over a totally innocuous message.
>Kek these are working better than intended left is just looking crazy
no, they are working exactly as intended. This is the height of propaganda warfare. 5 words devoid of anything else and our enemy destroys themselves and turn the public to our cause.
It is disheartening to be sure. The conditioning and demoralization of these people is deep and wide spread, but you must not despair and look toward the light. There are many that we can still reach, many that see their reactions and pull back saying "Wait, are you saying it ISN'T okay to be white?" Take heart that we are not so far gone that the message falls on deaf ears.
>no place in 2018
You can hate niggers and jews without being a nazi.
>malicious intent
Isn't it amazing that such an innocuous phrase can trigger anti-whites into such a frenzy? I believe it's called cognitive dissonance and the effect is literally painful to a leftist resulting them in lashing out
Good thing it's almost 2019
Holy fuck, you guys are organized. Bravo leaf, good show
They hate everything user which is why they are so obsessed with “oppression”, it’s all projecting their own self-hate that they can’t accelt due to their narcissism
Miserable creatures leading a miserable existence, literally not even human
fuck off hot wheels
Why do you lads get so triggered by it? Why is this rule important?
ad hominem fallacy: the post
What the fuck am I reading?
8/10 bait. quality stuff. If the board wasn't under siege right now you would get a lot of people with that. Ask your boss for a raise.
I feel like the IOTBW needs to adapt, everyone is aware of the game and people/the media won't outright say things like "THIS IS NOT OKAY!", they've learned to qualify it by saying "this meme has links to white supremacism" etc. If the goal was to get them to slip up and admit that (in their worldview) it is NOT okay to be white, people should improvise.
Make signs like "it's okay to be white or asian" to mix it up a bit maybe, especially if you are around Harvard/other ivy league schools. anything just to throw them off and make them slip up in their reporting.
Everything these fuck heads seem to do comes from Jewish prescribed media.
user from the last thread said he was having trouble posting on infinity:
anyone else having trouble?
8ch dot net/iotbw2018
>white supremacy groups.
I was in the thread.
THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT about ‘white supremacist groups’ I’m not in any fucking group except an image board of peace.
They are crazy maniacs. One says it so therefore it ‘has been linked’.
>Miserable creatures leading a miserable existence
this must be why they want socialist and communist govts
misery loves company
makes me think of a HS experience I had
>be me
>star QB was killed by drunk driver after a late football practice
>guy was a total chad, had everything going for him
>everybody upset except the losers in my class
>they were cracking jokes about how he deserved it
>present day
>realize the Left are comprised of these HS losers from all across the nation
Because it’s supposed to be a completely unbiased message that is super bland and not supremacist at all. Instead the message is taken to be supremacist by the media who then shows an easily agreeable statement to others stating that’s its white supremacist and thus hopefully breaking the conditioning. At the very least it confirms our world views
Because it needs to keep separate from other symbols. Pepe is seen and iotbw gets lumped in with alt right. It needs to be a cohesive branded comment.
I'm tired of elected officials always saying there is no place for us in this timeline.
It's because the ADL made shit up about it being a KKK slogan and now all leftists are picking up the same talking points. You know how it goes.
If they hate themselves and have white guilt, the left can easily manipulate them. I always thought reeducation camps were a joke until a few years back. That's probably going to be the only way to fix a bunch of these people.
Perfect and totally worth the effort, great job anons.
If you’re so thin skinned as to be hurt by words you’re a worthless waste of oxygen
I need to put this flyer on my door. Underage fags pretend like halloween is the biggest event of the year when most only started celebrating last year.
because the message is pure, innocent, innocuous and without any ties to any ideology
simplicity is paramount to success
based leaf
Kill yourself faggot
>I feel like the IOTBW needs to adapt,
now kindly fuck off shill
>liberal party
>enabling this
What the fuck are they smoking? Liberals hate this
>If you have to go around sticking stickers in public to help remind people that’s okay to be themselves, it’s a sign of deeply insecure people who need a big hug and a shoulder to lean on. It must be hard being in a permanent state of outrage and always ‘up in arms’
Irony coming from someone who probably supports pride parades and Asian/black/Indigenous/Mexican month
>please change something that's working extremely well
go fuck yourself you antifa pile of human garbage
She voted a few weeks ago that "it is not okay to be white"
A canned NPC response.
if european and american politicians in power during WW2 could see what would happen to their countries I think they would seriously consider allying with Hitler.
>Anne Aly
Her dad thought he was a funny cunt, didn't he?
Go look in the archive if you don’t believe me. I’m pretty sure it was exactly a week before they started getting posted.
I didn’t contribute fuck all of use but it was just random pol browsers who decided on the format and date to start posting them.
I’m going to bed but the proofs piss to find. It’s 8 am and I’ve not been to bed I’m literally about to pass out if I’d link it.
I will later if nobody bothers,
They are psycho’s
In my school when the jocks died in their cars it was because they were drunk or got stuck on the railroad tracks. How big of a jackass do you have to be to get hit by a train?
yep. every group is allowed to feel pride except straight white people
now the bigger question is, why is that?
I sometimes wonder if Hanson Young isn't just a retard someone entered into politics on a bet
then you were around to see the alt right fags try to steal the idea and claim credit for it. stormfront, infowars, milo, and every little alt right youtube channel between claimed it as theirs and started selling merch and coming up with retarded phase two plans. To an outsider it would look like it was linked to these groups.
>this shit has made me absolutely angry this morning!
Seems we activated angry.exe in that NPC.
Posting pepe with it gives the media the easy out of focusing on "associations" or "hateful intent" or other nebulous wrongthink style bullshit instead of owning to their actual feelings about the actual message which is they're unabashedly racist against white people or running cover for those that are.
The media supremacists need to be taken down several notches as a simple message that should be like "bread comes in bags" or "the sky is blue" is imbued with all manner of racist xenophobia by them as they attack, divide, and dog whistle about it. It was purposefully designed to be as bland and inoffensive as possible right down to not using a sharp edged italic font even so the lefists couldn't say "ominous looking words" or some shit. Basically cutting off as much of their NPC predictable mental gymnastics as possible.
>saying it’s okay to be white makes you a supremacist
I bet she's a proctologist too
CIA / JIDF please fuck off
>or asian
Why would you say that when Chinks and Poos are an ever growing problem? Do you hate America?
I have no doubt about that anymore. Or at the very least they would have stayed out of fighting Germany and just fought Japan.
>locked the post
Oh dear, a dangerous idea appeared, you can't even talk about it.
This thing is like liquid nitrogen to them, they don't even know what to do if they can't directly handle it. Mind blowing.
It's not okay to kill Jews?
maybe but this guy was a good guy
he was just hated because he won the genetic lottery and it seems that the people who lost the genetic lottery hated people like him for that reason alone, which is pretty pathetic and sad
It must be really easy to write for these shitty 'news' sites. What a cushy job.
I think one of the lessons here is that we shouldn't feel guilty as a race for the actions of a few bad apples.
Only a complete knob actually accepts the term "alt right" to describe themselves. It's a foreign label created by outside parties to make it easier for them to lump several wholly unrelated grassroots and decentralized movements together under a single, easily maligned and dismissed banner. It's a shame these assholes publically and gleefully smearing the MSM's rancid smegma all over their faces weren't tarred and feathered when they first showed up gleefully waving the opposition's own title made up just for everyone they don't like, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to muddy the waters nearly as badly as they already have. They are each and every one going to burn in Hell for their avarice and deceit.
But it's still okay to be white.
Jow Forums is a board of peace you glowing nigger.
"Ree are one, but Ree are many"
I'm not memeing, just Chinkanese