Mods 404'd your thread user who was losing your faith...

Mods 404'd your thread user who was losing your faith. I think this is important enough that it warrants it's own thread.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Who was the the Word become Living in the Flesh? Jesus Christ.
What is a word?
A word is a sequence of syllables that symbolically represents a specific meaning contextually.
A word is either expressed written or spoken.
What is sound? Energy. Waves. Frequency. Vibrations
What did Tesla say is the key to understanding the universe? Thinking in terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations.
What if the big bang and the beginnings of creation as stated in the bible can be the same thing just understood differently?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Attached: the transfiguration of Christ.jpg (1600x1062, 223K)

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Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek; later, the Levites would receive tithes from their countrymen. Since Aaron was in Abraham's loins then, it was as if the Aaronic priesthood were paying tithes to Melchizedek. (Heb. 7:4-10)

The one who blesses is always greater than the one being blessed. Thus, Melchizedek was greater than Abraham. As Levi was yet in the loins of Abraham, it follows that Melchizedek is greater than Levi. (Heb. 7:7-10)

If the priesthood of Aaron were effective, God would not have called a new priest in a different order in Psalm 110. (Heb. 7:11)

The basis of the Aaronic priesthood was ancestry; the basis of the priesthood of Melchizedek is everlasting life. That is, there is no interruption due to a priest's death. (Heb. 7:8,15-16,23-25)

Christ, being sinless, does not need a sacrifice for his own sins. (Heb. 7:26-27)

The priesthood of Melchizedek is more effective because it required a single sacrifice once and for all (Jesus), while the Levitical priesthood made endless sacrifices. (Heb. 7:27)

The Aaronic priests serve (or, rather, served) in an earthly copy and shadow of the heavenly Temple, which Jesus serves in. (Heb. 8:5)

Christian hypocritical cowards use the word "God" instead of Yahweh. Just say Yahweh you faggots, or are you ashamed to name your own Jew god? God or Godan is the same name as Woden, god of the Aryans. Christfags use the word God to fake being white and to disguise their Jewish religion. Woden would never breed a son with a Jewess, that's for certain!

Question: Were you at Mandalay Bay in Vegas a couple months ago? I swear I talked about this same subject with a guy at a bar there.

I hate this big bang trash. Im a scientist the one thing i can tell you about science is that if you cannot replicate something yourself its almost certainly a load of shit.

Global warming -- nigger made 30 earths so we can run a factorial expirement testing out different levels of polution.

Big Bang -- LOL WTF nigger that shit has no backing and no way to ever prove right or wrong. waste of time.

I know if you inbreed corn then cross the inbreds to different inbreds you get super corn. Scientist litterally still dont understand hybrid hetarosis.

Scientist are just some dumb goys that desperate want to get paid so they spew horse shit to keep thier family alive.

Only a handful of us are going to heaven. Everyone else is all aboard the dildo'd dragon into hell.

Threadly reminder that you worship a Host and God is the HostofHosts.
I've been waking up increasingly tired lately as if I have had no rest, so a tyler durden-esque persona is a possibility, but I doubt it. It's probably just the effects of 5g. That's interesting though that someone else has discussed this subject with you and his argument apparently is similar or the same as mine if you're saying this.

I didn't say I worship anything. What is worship anyway? Worship, worship, what is it?

It was totally random. I walked up to the bar and was waiting to tell the bartender my order. A young guy next to me started talking to me about the Word, energy, creation, etc., almost exactly as you’re describing it. I can’t remember the exact sentences he said because I was pretty buzzed, but it just struck me as odd and actually pretty cool. I told him that I lay in bed at night thinking about these same things; creation, energy, the afterlife, nothingness, infinity, etc. He told me to not think about too much because it will drive me crazy. Then he got up and left. Mandalay Bay has some weird shit going on in it nowadays tbqh senpai. Old dude who looked like Paddock bought everybody in his area of the bar a shot too. Must’ve been between 30 and 40 shots he bought. Strange fucking night, and I think it’s somehow all connected to conversation about the Word.

My OP was originally just a response to an user who said he was losing his faith after processing something to do with the big bang so that's why my OP is the way it is. Agreed about global warming and scientists being compromised.
user I think I may have cracked the code and it's going to piss off a lot of people. You know how it says that in the bible "Let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear understand?" Well, think about how Jesus Christ spoke in parables so that only those who listen to the Spirit could understand.
Now, consider the NPC phenomenon. The lack of inner voice and some people even report a lack of inner sight. In order to understand how Jesus spoke to the people and his disciples it takes the ability to reflect introspectively on what He said. The inner voice ability.
So yes, you are correct it would seem.
Oh, so you're a LARPagan just rabblerousing? Somehow that just figures. Worship is the highest amount of praise you can give to something. To wroship something is to make it your god. Notice the lower case g? Indeed.
That is..really bizarre. Do you think you can describe him a bit by chance?

>worship, worship, what is it?
You kinda remind me of eng dub Aisha Clan-Clan from Outlaw Star.

>Do you think you can describe him a bit by chance?
He was wearing slacks and a dress shirt. Probably early to mid 20s. Slightly tanned skin. Somebody in my group saw him and asked me “What were you talking to Johnny Depp about?” because he kinda looked like him.

Quite similar to pic related. A young Johnny Depp.

Attached: D6810CDA-3A7C-43B3-AFF5-E709D3DD5260.jpg (600x850, 238K)

I should elaborate, sorry -- I think that's actually pretty damn awesome, but it also kinda scares me a bit considering how for the last few months I've been waking up feeling like I've had very little sleep and my body hurting like I've had no rest at all. That was also before I shaved too. Shit. Did he have hair like Depp does in that photo?

If I remember correctly he had it slicked back, but it was thick like that.

Fucking christfags ruining the board. Christianity has lots of benefits, but that doesn't make it logical to beleive that there is one overlooking God who had to kill his kid to absolve humanity of guilt. It's bizarre.

Phew! Good, I'm glad. It wasn't me. Life is still not that ridiculous, thank God. This isn't the first time I've put this info out on this board so maybe he got it there or maybe he got the trickle down frequency vibration after I had first expressed it. That probably sounds arrogant but I'm just going off of the rarest personality percentages and how it's connected to frequency and vibration.

Abloo bloo bloo. If you can't understand the parables in the bible like Mark 12:1 you either don't have enough knowledge to connect the imagery or you simply lack an inner voice. God explains it in imagery.

I forgot to say, thank you for elaborating further.

Mods unlock my thread you faggots. My post just made it go back a page. You talmudists aren't slick.

How does that give evidence to suggest the christian God is real?

OPs can't bump their own thread on some boards.

I could have sworn the rule was that OP can't bump his own thread off of his own post, but OP can bump the thread using other's posts. I mean shit that's how I kept up decent threads during the mega shill wave of the 2016 election.

Can you not see how it addresses your own question in your earlier post? Who is the son of the landlord of the vineyard that the tenants of the vineyard kill?

Wow, it's jesus. The passage boils down to: You killed me son, fuck you.

God Bless.

Pretty much! It also says that the landlord will give the vineyard to others. This implies the so-called "chosen ones" lost their favor a long time ago.

Nevertheless, why does Jesus take all of humanity's sin on him? Why can't God just absolve you of sin?

I cannot say for certain why as I am not He, but my own understanding based on what I have gleaned from scripture is that it was the only way for any of us to have a chance of escaping spiritual usury because of what Adam and Eve did.
>Why can't God just absolve you of sin?
Oh, but he did, user! You just have to choose to accept it and believe! image related

Attached: redpill on christianity.jpg (1532x1956, 888K)

God bless you too, user.

religion=/= politics

Vatican and Islam both presently influence political and geo-political decisions. Ergo, religion is relevant to politics. Sorrynotsorry, user.

Here's some good additional information against the forever spammed "Jesus was a JEW!" broken record non argument some anons here make.

Attached: christianity101.jpg (1365x2185, 451K)

Indeed, user. This is great knowledge that you have dropped into this thread. Much appreciated, brother! Sorry for not responding to you sooner.

Attached: christianity and jesus christ the nice doctrine.jpg (1500x2057, 893K)

Blessed and redemptionpilled

Just doing my part. God bless.

I just realized that the way I phrased this may give off the impression that the image posted is my own work and that would be incorrect and a lie, so I just want to say that I saved this in 2016. I didn't make it.