Daily Reminder South Eastern Europeans and Portuguese are NOT white

"In the Balkans IQs are 94 for Romania, 92.5 (the average of the two stud ies) for Bulgaria, 90 for Croatia, 89 for Serbia, and 92.5 (the average of the four studies) for Greece. The probable explanation for this is that the Balkan peoples are a hybrid population or cline, comprising a genetic mix between the Europeans and South Asians in Turkey. Hybrid populations or clines arise in the borderlands between two races as a result of interbreeding. In the Balkans such a cline evolved because of the close geographical proximity between southeast Europe and Turkey, and the occupation of large territories in southeast Europe by Turkey for a number of centuries during the time of the Ottoman empire. This has brought about a mixing of Turkish and European genes with the result that contemporary Turks and Greeks are genetically quite similar. This has been shown by Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994) in their genetic linkage tree, in which Greeks are shown to be more closely related to Iranians and other southwest Asian peoples than to Italians, Danes, and English. This genetic similarity is also apparent for intelligence, for which the IQ of 90 in Turkey is closely similar to those in the range of 90 to 94 in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and Croatia in southeast Europe. Because the peoples of southeast Europe are a cline it is considered appropriate to exclude these in estimating the European IQ. The median IQ of the remaining countries is 99 and is considered the best estimate of the IQ of Europeans.

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(Contd)...The third country with a slightly depressed IQ is Portugal, for which the two results are IQs of 101 and 88, which can be averaged to 94.5. The depressed IQ in Portugal is consistent with its having the lowest per capita income in western Europe and its modest intellectual achievement. The Portugese have only won one Nobel Prize for science out of the 346 awarded during the period 1901-2003. This was awarded in 1949 to the neurosurgeon Antonio Moniz for the innovation of the operation of prefrontal leucotomy as a treatment for mental illness, and is not now considered a desirable therapy. It may be that intelligence in Portugal has been depressed by the admixture of sub-Saharan Africans in the population. Portugal was the only European country to import black slaves from the late fifteenth century onwards for agricultural and domestic work. According to Du Bois (1939, pp. 132-133), in the sixteenth century blacks outnumbered whites in Lisbon and in the plantations of the Algarve in the south of the country. This may be an exaggeration, and it may be that the proportion of blacks has declined in succeeding centuries. Nevertheless, if the present population of Portugal contains 20 percent of African descent and the IQ of the Africans is 70, this would be expected to produce a population with an IQ of 94."

-Lynn and Vanhanen.

>we wuzz white n sheit
come on, you aren't. We have scientific data to prove otherwise. White Americans have were little nigger admixture.

Portugal created South America, Anglo-Saxons created the United States. There's literally no comparison. They're slightly above than Muhammads and Pajeets.

Not sure how reliable Lynn and Vanhanen's research is but yes, Balkans deserve to get nuked.

It is over.

>inb4 someone calls me schlomo
I literally quoted from Lynn and Vanhanen, the study everybody here uses for average IQs.

Source: sunray22b.net/racial_differences_in_intelligence.htm

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>This has brought about a mixing of Turkish and European genes with the result that contemporary Turks and Greeks are genetically quite similar.
thats because modern turks are the actual rapebabies of the real turkic people of central asia (pic related) retard.
that is why roaches dont look centaral asian

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show us your flag dog

lol triggered diaspora living in an Anglo-Saxon country. I LITERALLY QUOTED FROM THE MOST RELIABLE STUDY ON RACES AND INTELLIGENCE.

Portugese and S.E. Europeans are way below the intellect of average Europeans. How hard is this to accept the fact. Heck, fucking sand niggers can reach that IQ of 88-92.

If Portuguese are white, so are North Africa, Arab and Levant Christians. There's literally no difference.

>mfw Turks weren't kidding about KARABOGA

Alexander was himself blue eyed and blonde haired, so were the ancient Romans. Meds are rapebabies and those lands need to be taken back.

Their leader can literally pass in Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, India, Turkey, North Africa as a local. Is this white? LOL.

The civilizations of South Europe were always unmixed populations of Europeans. Modern day Greeks, Portuguese Italians, and Spaniards are Muslim rapebabies. FACT!

These lands need to be repopulated with Nordics to be restored. Let's be real, South Europe and South-East Europe is the SHITHOLE of Europe.

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compare this to a syrian lol

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What dumb nigger, genetics prove otherwise. LOL Also, Portuguese global empire destroyed you low IQ niggs. Look at estado novo it was not long ago and was white as hell. The nigger population mix was not even close to the numbers you describe and Lynn and Vanhanen.is not most reliable. you are a fucking loser, you memflag faggot.

even a guy named abdullah is whiter than him lol

"saviour of western civilization"

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>we wuz kangz n sheit brother
>we wuz white
>Lynn and Vanhanen is not realiable
this is the same argument niggers give in response to these studies. just accept your subhumanity. You'll be allowed in the ethnostate on the basis of genetic testing, if you're white enough we'll let you pass.

LOl the nigger with the nigger flag calling others niggers. I see you don't like facts, here is another. Nordicks like in sweden are the most cucked places right now, you people are so filled with muslims that you will perish soon and meds will still be around. romans were not nordic. you literally using the we waz kangz.

Greek """"people"""""
Totally white. Pure Europeans right there in the picture.

Stop bumping this jew faggot's d&c dreck. Sage in all fields

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"For he had the hair of a lion and one eye was blue; the right one was heavy lidded and black, and the left one was blue; and his teeth were sharp as fangs, and he looked upon a defensive attack the same as a lion would."
>all those who discuss my subhumanity with facts are jews
lol absolute state. get out of an anglo-saxon country you med mutt.

IQ is a litteral meme. You first realize this when you live in a "high IQ"-society where people are supposed to be smart, or at the very least not stupid, and turn out to be very dumb at their core. IQ only helps in problem solving, it does not help you identify problems to be solved, or to reach a higher understanding of anything. This is the grim truth which the right fails to acknowledge because most Jow Forums-fags haven't relaly met high IQ-people or anyone outsude their internet circles. People are incredibly stupid whilst very high IQ.

The MED BVLL is the epitome of male superiority and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. The body of the MED BVLL is shaped in perfection, and the adjective used for the body of a male that is so perfectly put is "Greek God" - even in language, we are reminded of the superiority of the BMC against the Nerdic, whose only accomplishment is to be calling a "Viking" - i.e. - a bunch of savages, unlike the civilized & superior warfare tactics of the Roman Empire, lead by the SPQR.

His skin is olive, reminding us of the beautiful coast of the Mediterranean sea, and the history that has come to shape the entire world.

Unlike the Nerdic, Muslims don't scare the MED BVLL, for his ancestors have successfully driven out the Islamic filth from their homelands, and have fought against the Muslims for over a millennia. His arms have developed to suffocate every Muslim filth in 300 metres of his radius with his bare hands.

His eyes are sharp, and black, reminding us of the savagery that exists within the MED BVLL. He might act civilized with those who respect him, but he will not hesitate to activate his Negro mode and kill every threat to the MED UNION.

All this is the reason why the Nerdic is scared of the MED BVLL. (Like Chad Salvini)


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>you're not white thread

memeflag negro or JIDF larper trying to convince whites that they are not.

Shitest shill I've ever seen

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You are a nigger and you will still a nigger

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