Why are so many magapedes such fucking weebs?

why are so many magapedes such fucking weebs?

Attached: 1531214997277.webm (852x478, 2.9M)

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When your wife gets fucked a by a BASED BLACK MAN with a huge penis, sex with your dicklet becomes like a chore for her. That's why they have to resort to some jungle gook or radiated anime gook to satisfy their sexual needs

Who is Ben Shapiro kissing?

Why do people who like things that suck also like other things that suck?

Attached: eghas.jpg (454x330, 38K)

Why do normies like fat girls?

Attached: 1540941887013.jpg (415x518, 40K)

they literally don't.

Attached: 1524842212374.jpg (611x565, 143K)

I-Is that...Ben Shapiro?

Attached: C8xmsZ5XkAE8P1-.jpg (577x1024, 33K)

Says quite a bit about you. Learn not to project your insecurities.

>gibberish suit of buzzwords that mean nothing
>webm of a complete faggot who never fucked and transpire beta hormone
wew you sure you clicked on the good website ?


When I have my hookers over I just let them do what they do. I pay them to work

based. fpbp

Attached: 1515632682709.jpg (1024x1024, 120K)

his sister

No Abigail dirt.


I see nothing wrong here

Because it's easier to bag asian chicks if you're white. You can also punch above your weight and nail Asian 7's as a white 5/6. Asian chicks are really really into white guys. There is no yellow fever but there definitely IS vanilla fever in asian chicks. The 8-10 white dudes go almost exclusively for hot white girls while the 5-7 white dudes are getting heavily poached by Asian girls. Because white men don't like dark skin but don't really discriminate against feminine hairless asians with light skin and straight hair.


This shit is cringe, sounds like something SRS would come up with.

BASED Pajeet dropping the redpills. fpbp

Attached: Amerimutt versus Indian.jpg (1125x842, 72K)

I use it for that exact purpose. to trigger cuckboys.

sauce, shes got nice full lips der

Is he doing it right or is he being a pussy? Like should he be diddling her?

he’s building anticipation. you want her soaking wet before you go in for the kill

His wife is a doctor

No you didn't

t. triggered cuckboy

Lying is a sin user

Kek, now you say it.
But probably jewish indeed, fuck them

India = 100% dicklets though

It's a trap isn't it?

I really fucking hope so

t. tyrone BBC cuck

Stop pretending you’ve had sex

> mfw she didn't have a dick

Attached: sadfremma.png (542x548, 608K)

It's good that we're fighting fascism.
It's like the rebels standing up to the empire in star wars, lol.
And that big orange bully reminds me so much Voldemort.

Aww are you upset over facts? :^)

>File Deleted


Here it is

Why do Indians get so upset when their anatomical shortcomings are discussed?


Attached: Ben-shapiro.webm (852x478, 2.9M)


Nigga has good technique.