Deus Vult! We as human beings United under Christ the Messiah must protect all of the christians and other persecuted religious minorities all over the Middle East,Africa,Central Asia,and China. For so long,Many good Christian people in the past and present all throughout mankind's history have been horifically brutalized and persecuted by those who are blinded by their brainwashing leaders and communists. It's true ... The middle east,Africa,central Asia,( including most of Sinkiang)and China would have been more peaceful in history had it had Christianly governments and morals. A present day crusade to protect the Christian minorities From the filthy violent heathens and communists would help. Humanity needs to get back on it's feet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Bellagio Sampler has resurrected the
Templar Order and reinstalled GOD into it. Their past crimes rebuked. He flies his banner for Christ Jesus

Here is his pasta lately

Want to know the HISTORY of False flag events?? Dating back to ancient man???
These have been used throughout the history of mankind to subvert the course of time. To cause confusion and sow dissent!
>the history of false flags
Started with Grugs, longnose grug tribe would dress as blonde haired grugs and they cause problems for gentile grugs..
>problem reaction solution

Learn to cut through their bullshit facades, become sentient!
>remove your NPC shackles
False flag video

Also here is a bonus NPC MKultra video
Have fun!

Ingersoll Lockwood Spoopy Halloween vid MAGA Baron Bonus

Comfyness maximus

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Post yfw the next crusade happens

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Good luck getting your little jew cuck pope to declare a crusade, he's too busy licking nigger feet. Cuckstianity was a mistake

>butted maille

what is the only reason i want to retake the holy land is because Jerusalem has the most aesthetic ck2 flag?

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To be fair the maille is welded on the arms and aventail. The maille on the waist is butted because the cuisses and gambeson would give enough protection (also I didn't feel like spending an extra 40+ hours welding them all).

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Happy All Saints Day, anons.

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christ is a faggot

Crusading with a god damn rapier.....

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is this the LARP thread?

Kryžiuočiai, the enemy of the white man.

Fuck of shabbos guy.

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>tfw you don't have a sword and armor for the next crusade

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Deus vult

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