How have you, as a white personality, personally been discriminated against?

How have you, as a white personality, personally been discriminated against?

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nah, shit like that doesn't happen here unless you're in the shithole that's Oslo

sheesh. imagine having a job where you are required to be clever, but you are not.

My friend was mugged by niggers three times in two weeks.

>looked like a good kid
>looked like
were they wrong? apparently she thinks they were wrong and she is in fact NOT a good kid because she is guilty about being let go.

checked and sorry i didn't realize that was your friend. all you crackas look a like to me. i can't believed i mugged him three times.

If we live in a white supremacist state why don't non-whites want to get in and stay?

I've never broken a law that would require jail time. Just a speeding ticket once.


Oh wait, they do

If she had shoplifted in a non-white owned store that would not have been the same story at all

Maybe she wouldnt have done it in the first place if we didnt have such liberal crime laws and pussypass

Where are all of the tweets talking about how women have gotten off scot-free when they've been pulled over or charged with some sort of small crime? Everyone wants to bring up how racist police are but never want to bring up how sexist they are.

Sold drugs for awhile but never got caught cause im not stupid like some chimp nigger.


I was passed for the promotion I earned through decades of hard work because the other guy was brown.

I didn't get any decent scholarships and wasnt even allowed to apply for most of them.

I was lucky to get a good internship because of family connections. Most of my friends not so. All of them with great grades but not brown enough.

Was never charged because almost all white kids stop the rebellious law breaking once they are caught and get a serious talking down to.
If you catch and release a black shoplifter they will be back in your store stealing shit next day

>engineering major
>started classes in 2012
>become depressed because I realize companies only hire for diversity and I have no chance being hired as a white man because of the jews
>depression makes me fail all my classes and I have to drop out
>end up working as a janitor at a movie theater
>have to see all the jewish anti-white hollywood propaganda
>have to clean up the messes created by subhumans
>niggers have called me "cracker" and "white boy" in the theater before
>one day all this stuff the jews have done to me made me so depressed I started crying at work
>locked myself in a bathroom stall
>nigger manager catches me crying in the bathroom and fires me
Now I'm unemployed and will probably never get another job or become an engineer like I originally planned all because of the jews

>shit that never happened


Seriously. Why do these chimps have to be flashy and obnoxious? It’s so much easier to go under the radar.

I have actively sold drugs for more than a decade. My neighborhood loves me because I always mow yards with my free time. They think I am a small scale commission painter. I haven't touched the money I make from work in two years. I live on dope profits and drive an older subaru. Two of the people that work with me almost exclusively deal to nighers, I don't. The plan seems to be working. All you have to do is not act like a bigger and life goes along pretty nice.

Well i descend from a Hungarian minority in Croatia and we came to Germany fleeing war. Used to live in rural area where we were the only foreigners it pretty much sucked.
Later we moved into a city but I wasn't German enough to hang out with German kids and not foreign enough to hang out with any of the foreigner cliques.

I don't know what nighers are.

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I've never been in trouble with the law because I'm not a stupid nigger.

I’m white and I was arrested for possession of marijuana for having literally half a joint on me. Pled no contest and paid a fine. I’ve also been pulled over for doing 38 in a 35 mph zone. Add that to jobs I was qualified for and didn’t get and if I were a nigger I’d have plenty to blame on racism. But I’m white, so maybe the point is that sometimes shitty stuff happens when you do dumb shit and it’s not racism, it’s just bad luck or whatever.

I've talked with based hiring managers who pretty much said they prefer to hire white males because of the risk of lawsuit of firing incompetant females and poc

Pretty funny desu how the equality bullshit backfired on them

16 yr old black kid stole my car with his friends and totaled it in Philadelphia. he was caught red handed.

Black judge let him off the hook because there are too many black kids getting in trouble and he didn't want to add more. Lawlessness is black privilege.

Tons of times. Been called cracker, honky white boy. Been refused service because I am white. All these things don't bug me tho...because Im white.

What about the black judge who let the black home invader off because the little five year old girl said she was afraid of black people now? Fuck shitucky

If this is true, dead set come to Australia. Study civil engineering, and get hired to help build the infrastructure that is planned (we are building tunnels and more train tracks in our city over the next couple of years).
We only have a Sudanese, Chinese, and Indian problem (Abos the further north you go), no ex slave niggers though.

is she asking for whites to be treated worse as opposed to blacks to be treated better?

Sucker punch from behind by annice sudansese man in australia.

I remember when an obese maori (female) spat on my mother too, who has a thick english accent and got told to go back home (lived here since 1970s and had three boys, teacher, builder, me).

Its basically the ruled over subjects of different races who squabble day to day with racist shit and attacks. This grassroots division makes us so easy to control.

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I seriously hate pigs like this more than niggers and kikes. They at least fuck with whites for their own groups interest. White liberal pigs will fuck over their own people for a fleeting dopamine kick that makes their belly feel warm and fuzzy. There's nothing more self-indulgent and repulsive than a white liberal pig. Traitors get the bullet first.

Were they quick to admit they were behing discriminated against?

Affirmative action so blatant in keeping whites and asians out of high level jobs. You cant 'organize the organized' or influential, if your glorious mass of zombies have zero power.

Also I believe there is a racemixing angle on affirmative action. Artificially making groups successful to finally make them acceptble to white women, who arent very interested in broke ghetto ppls

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Where I live everyone is white so they're no one to make me look good.

Yes, by niggers and arabs, not by people of my own race.
Strange isn't it ?

Just don’t be belligerent to security/cops. Speak intelligibly and cooperate unless what they’re asking for is egregious/illegal. I lived in a fraternity house and I was the designated “explain shit if the cops show up” guy because of my seniority. I had to interact with the police a few dozen times, sometimes visibly drunk. I was never anything but polite and I always turned the music down, got the cars on the street moved, or whatever the hell it was they were asking for. And I wasn’t some choir but looking guy in slacks and a collared shirt, I was a ratty looking dude with a buzzcut and usually a few days worth of beard. Never had any problem.

People get their shit pushed in by the police because they were being dumbasses or straight up violent. It has nothing to do with race.

>Twitter nigger pretends to be poltard by posting retarded shit to see if we agree so he can tweet about us blaming jews for our personal issues
unironically kill yourself

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Thats it! Theyve been conditioned to get high of it like junkies

This whores cunt would have flooded the sidepath when she tweeted this

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>People get their shit pushed in by the police because they were being dumbasses or straight up violent. It has nothing to do with race.
Well it does correlate with race, but the other way

>I was lucky to get a good internship because of family connections



Yes, apply for a job or a scholarship moron.

since i was born, lilith tried to kill
me in the womb, lifes been shit
ever since, no joke.

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Whiteness is having your failings attributed to mental illness instead of society

Literally unqualified to clean toilets
Wants to be an engineer

A person can only be discriminated against in an area that is viewed by the observer as negative. No one thinks "this white dude is gonna rob me". But I bet some dindu thought "this white dude is probably racist". So in that way he discriminated against me, and he was correct, I am racist

I was harassed and accused of shoplifting twice as a teenager. Never committed a crime in my life. I was also pulled over, searched and threatened by a cop who had no rightful reason to even pull me over in the first place.

call me crazy but if this story is true i think it has more to do with her being a female rather than being white

I tried to pocket a candy bar at the checkout line when I was 7, and my mom told me to put it back.

I've been dealing with the unconstitutional Civil Rights Act and institutionalized racism and sexism since birth (Affirmative Action).
My own country has worked tirelessly to oppress me while benefiting illegal aliens instead. Now I want to kill all Jews and burn this country to the ground.