Woman finds needles in her children's Halloween candies

>The Clay County Sheriff's Office is investigating after a woman posted to Facebook saying that her niece's Halloween candy had needles in them after she trick-or-treated in Middleburg.
>Tina Cavender said they received the candy in the Pineridge Parkway Development off of Tynes Boulevard.
>She said her niece snapped a Kit-Kat in half and found a needle in the middle of it. She said they began going through all of the candy and opening them only to find another needle inside a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
>The post was reported to CCSO, who said they are now investigating. CCSO said the candy was not ingested.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/Pine Ridge Pkwy, Florida 32068/@30.1226124,-81.8533858,16.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88e5c291b53c7557:0xf585cf3553cab949!8m2!3d30.1240711!4d-81.8548449

good fuck those little shits

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1)never trust a thot
2)never trust a fat person

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What'cha doin', Tina?

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Gonna guess it's just your typical friendly homosexual with perfectly normal fantasies of infecting children with HIV.

One is a possibility, two, and it's obvious bullshit.

>Snapped it in half before eating it
Literally nobody does this the kid would has just bit into it

Where are u getting plantation from?

Clay county is predominately white, rural and redneck. Especially middleburg. If the woman isn't full of shit then it was probably a meth head. But i suspect 80% that the story is total BS. Regardless, kids shouldn't be eating that trash anyway.

Fake and gay. This roastie just wants attention.

Every Halloween there's a story about this and it's always proven fake a few days later.

google.com/maps/place/Pine Ridge Pkwy, Florida 32068/@30.1226124,-81.8533858,16.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88e5c291b53c7557:0xf585cf3553cab949!8m2!3d30.1240711!4d-81.8548449

Demographics are 93% white.

You could just as easily poison the candies. It's very unsafe to let your kids do that.

>attention whoring thot put needles into her binge eating candy to get extra free candy or start a gofundme, more news at 6.

>all the other candy is fine
>the ONE with a needle in it conveniently snaps in half exposing a needle


Tina must be a single mom if she's going to these lengths to get some attention.

this story fake as shit. That lady gonna get in big trouble

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This happens every year since the history of time.
Not ONCE has this ever gone anywhere past a facebook post

find the house with the token nigs

literally nobody snaps a kitkat in half like that. My horseshit senses are tingling

this right here. she should get arrested for inciting panic

no way
who the fuck breaks a mini kit kat in half before taking a bite?
if true tina cavenders child is both extremely lucky and extremely autistic

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This is a direct symptoms of the destruction of ethnic homogeneity. We used to have some of the highest trust levels in our society. Now people are bitter and malicious.

Gofundme coming soon...

you might do it with a king size kit kat but with a mini kit kat i agree no fucking way



>Snapping KitKat IN HALF before eating it

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Someone who has a Faceberg please message Tina Cavender and tell her she’s full of shit and probably going to be arrested when the cops find out she’s lying. Let me guess, she has a gofundzme set up? There has NEVER been a proven case of strangers tampering with candy, and only TWO instances where it was proven that the child’s family were the perpetrators. theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/strangers-poisoning-kids-halloween-candy-is-a-myth/


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I guess that's one way to steal your kid's candy.

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Thank God

Yep!! Fucking roastie thinks she’s smart and has a foolproof idea to prey on other Faceberg moms panicked emotions. Problem is these NPC moms will fall for it.

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her name is gonna be TINA CADAVERS when then cops find out she was lying

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munchausens by proxy (or candy in this case)

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If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably fake, and this woman will probably be in jail before the end of November. But at least she got attention on Facebook.

Why do you celebrate this nigger holiday anyway?!

Good thing the kid broke it in half. The mother and ajnt are fucking morons to let their kids have instant access to the candy.
When I was growing up in an all white christian town, my mother inspected every piece of candy anyway.

Probably fake then.

based pussyposter

fake and gay

This shit has been fake since the 70's. The only real case was some family member intentionally poisoning their relative.
I don't give a shit if people want to get off on being paranoid of life but don't drag me into the mental illness void with you.

It happens every year and its fake every year.

damn overkill, the candy itself is poison enough.

>Sher believing a woman

She did this herself for attention

Seems fake. She got a local news story though so good on her.

Why would a kid break a bite sized kit-kat in half?

>Pineridge Plantation Community
typical niggers

Undoubtedly this. How did she break the kit kat in half without pushing the needle out or smashing the bar? Kikes gonna kike

This is one of the oldest and dumbest urban legends about Halloween. How dumb would you have to be to spike the candy for all the kids in your own neighborhood? Every kid would bite it, cry, parents ask "where'd you get the kit-kat?". Answer: that house right over there, where the 20 dads with shotguns are marching.

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How does the needle get there? Why do these fags never show a picture of the entry hole of the needle? Obvious fakery.

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how gulible are you?

Sadly, probably this
False flag confirmed

I might have believed it if the kid hat bitten into the needle and hurt themselves, but snapping a kit-kat in half that way before eating seems odd.


guaranteed just desperate for attention and sympathy

This one is embedded in middle, so you'd have to push it in, then use another needle to push it in further without damaging the wrapper. Pretty sneaky...

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Bingo bango she's a lying leper

>kid snaps a kitkat instead of just biting into it
>found a needle
this bitch put them there herself and is attentionwhoring

Because the Jew wants you that way
>oh yeah there's not enough food or space you better kill each other goyim
>or is that holiday where you all dressed up and have fun that's racist and the other white people are going to poison your candy trust us goyim
>Oi it doesn't matter that crime against children is way down since the 1990s it's not safe outside anymore goyim
Fuck any NPC piece of shit buying into that narrative

That's terrible if true. Who could be so evil.

Why do kikes hate Halloween? It's not even remotely Christian you fucking piece of shit. You just hate white people having fun don't you?

3)never trust a Floridian
.t Floridian

>we threw out all the evidence, didn't call the cops and didn't ask the kids exactly where they got the candy from
oy vey

this but also inspiring copy kit kat cat needle candy.

Was about to say this. She really loves her kids and neighbors. If it were true, the police would have found the house the same night.

Another year, another Halloween candy hoax.

Here's another one.

Something tells me dear old mom and dad aren't on the wagon anymore.

>break kitkat
>insert needle into broken end
>mangle the bottom from gripping to hard
>muh kids
Watcha doin' there?

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>2)never trust a fat person
so why should i trust your post

Halloween sounds like Día de Muertos.

Say what you want about junkies, they sure are generous giving away free drugs all the time.


"shit in the candy" is the oldest fuckign wives tale in the book.
i honestly believe it was started by jews who dislike community gatherings and goodwill between neighbors

Did you miss the part about the parents of this little shit being "recovering" meth addicts?
Methinks little Johnny found mom and dad's little halloween bag of special treats.

this. fucking like jew whore


If that's who I think it is, that was some evil fucking shit.


> fat girl attempting to incite panic
> uses food
is she serious?

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Fake and gay. Every time in all of history there's been a "Halloween candy scare" it's been a hoax. Someone who found needles in their candy would immediately call 9-1-1, not make a kikebook post to soak in the likes.


Strange how everyone happens to find these needles in candy but no one accidentally bites one.

Bullshit. She put those in there herself so she can get attention on Facebook. That is why she posted it on Social media first. They are sewing needles


fake and gay just like it was in the 1980's

She's full of shit and she'll only get a slap on the wrist for this garbage. She probably left her fingerprints on the candy as well

>started by jews
this. jews hate anything no jew controlled like pagan holidays

>started by jews who dislike community gatherings and goodwill between neighbors
kikes hate our white holidays and will do anything to subvert and destroy them.

Deranged mother kept poisoning her own child in order to gain sympathy from others. Like people who insist on always being the victim, it makes it so that you never have to actually try

>kid snaps a mini kit kat in half (literally fucking nobody does this)
>needle i halfway through, which implies it needs to have been pushed in further than it is possible
>doesn't ask the kids who gave them the kit kat and beat the shit out of them/report to the police
>we are just gonna throw out all the evidence lol

things that didn't happen 101

How do you put a needle in a candy that's inside a wrapper?

insert it through the wrapper.
wrappers are not hardened tool steel.

you own the kitkat factory

Went a lot further than that. The bitch was fucking evil.

>My niece Ali

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this is always not true there was that one time with the poison candy but the guy was trying to kill his own kid

> given women an islamic male name

I guarantee you it was some white person

hello rabbis! up to your old tricks I see, gonna poison some wells tomorrow?

Damn that's dark

yes, niggers dont sew.

happened to me as a kid, covens of witches are no joke