Why aren't people donating to wikipedia

Why aren't people donating to wikipedia

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it is heavily edited and monitored by paid israelis

I want it to go bankrupt so I can buy it penny on the dollar and swap out the kike editor admins with nazi ones so it would be usable and worthy of donation again.

Because servers are cheap as shit and Wikipedia doesn't cost much to update the code if they didn't hire 100000 poojeets who spend most of the shitting and trying to get boob pics on faceberg

Literally biased as fuck.

Less than 2% of Wikipedia's revenue goes towards maintaining the website and paying hosting costs. The vast majority goes to "events" and "outreach"

Because it's shit. Retard kids can copy paste homework from anywhere. Why is wiki special?

>>Thanks for the donation. But you did not donate enough.

Fucking faggots

Attached: wikifu.jpg (674x401, 137K)

Rectally ravaged

Their autistic editors removed wrestling moves and finishers from the pages of all professional wrestlers. Fuck Wikipedia.

>donating to the world's #1 place for kike-controlled information
whoever came up with the site design and database structure is a real smart jew though

absolutely based

You should ask for your $3 back

>donating to wikipedia
in case you're a genuine newfag, lurk more you'll understand why nobody likes wikipedia
otherwise you're a shill, then go back to tel-aviv

look at their financials, they've got enough money to last a fucking decade

Well i do like the fact that i don't see black Mozart when reading or black Gyptian Kangz.
I'm gonna donate actually.

>donate to wikipedia
>go on the site
>get asked immediatly to donate again

>part of the 1%
>fewer than 1%
Pick one.

Wikipedia editors are too biased and are legit assholes. Fuck Wikipedia. I am not even talking about propaganda - things like music, sports, and movies are only edited to the whims of a stupid ass editor. You can literally SHOW them the scene of something happening, but they don't care because they hate to admit they're wrong.


Why should he only ask for his $6 back when he donated $12? If those motherfuckers want his $24 dollars then they're going to need to do a better job preventing bias. $48 dollars is a lot of money to just through away on nothing.

>you've been visited by the scheming jew
typical trick, shlomo

good goy