Are they really this crazy?

What is wrong with these people? Who just hands a random guy a note that says they believe they will shoot up the whole plane and kill everyone... And what's with those hearts all over the page, like she is a child?

Did she even hand the man that note, or is this just a publicity stunt? I just can't believe people actually think doing something like this is normal? The fact they try to make this about Trump when the shooter HATED Trump makes it even more weird.

Are these people NPC, or am I the out of touch one here?

Attached: crazy.png (1228x1908, 1.39M)

>she handed him a note
What the fuck?

My 2 year old saw this on twitter and asked me why Cheeto hitler approves of terrorism

Of course it is. You didnt think they would milk it and use it against the midterms while pushing an agenda against right wing assets? The entire show was about this!

>hands note
>still attached in the notebook
>nail polish
fake and gay
bitch wrote the note in her gay diary, took a pic, sent to her friends, the chambered echoed, and life continued on as normal.
she never gave anyone shit.

Virtue signaling for likes from the other NPC the more attention you give them the worst it gets, if you want to reply make it civil and make accurate arguments, the more insults they get, the more they get to harvest victim points and oh my god you are so brave...
That's part of the objective

Send her the navy seal pasta

Did you read the note? Imagine relaxing on a plane and this random women just hands you a note, it reads that she thinks you will shoot the whole plane and kill everyone on board, and that she pleads with you that you and Trump will not kill all the Jews.

>And what's with those hearts all over the page, like she is a child?
A failed attempt to make a hateful rant look like it's not a unhinged hateful rant.

if she did give him the note, why no selfie?
i love how we are expected to believe bullshit like this in this age of pure narcissism.
if she gave anyone to anything, there would be a selfie of her next to the man as he read her note.
or at LEAST a pic of him reading the note.

>like she is a child?
C'mon, Bruce. Have you ever met a woman? Of course she thinks and acts like a child, she's lived her whole life being the center of attention and told that she's smart and pretty and important.
She never thought any further than how she'd be showered with praise for standing up to someone to supports bad orange man.

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My newborn son said he can't believe the shit that Drumpf gets away with.

The left are insane. Trump has been the most pro-jewish, pro-Israel president in my lifetime. Literally moved the embassy to the capital in which identifies.

She was clearly attracted to him. I hope he smashed

It is insane. The killer literally called Trump a "jew lover".

So? What kind of a faggot gets that hurt over a note? Why even read it? Why is the hero of this fascinating tale taking notes from strangers on airplanes and reading them? Just put it in the garbage or give it to a flight attendant. Why are you white knighting this man? Can he not take care of himself?

9 years old is the popular age

That's what I'm thinking, it's fake and she never gave him the note. If someone handed me a note like that I'd loudly say say "WHAT THE FUCK".

The note doesn't matter, it's the fact that he's wearing a maga hat which leads her to assume that he's a typical far-right winger and thus handing the note to him.

>we survived the holocaust
I am... so tired of their shit.

I'm just now noticing how many left wingers are pointlessly verbose as fuck. I used to think it was a trait of some people but an awful lot of those people are lefties. They take an hour to explain something that should take 3 words to.

Who cares about the shit poke opinions of strange women on planes? Why are you so fired up about this note?

the aborted fetus i keep in a jar on my desk keeps asking my why trump is gassing all the jews, i generally ignore her because what with her being an aborted fetus i can't expect much in the way of critical thinking.
its to bad, back when obama was president we would always be joking around and having lively topical conversations.
trump real has ruined everything.

>substitute the hat for a taquiya

I'm not white-knighting the man you idiot. I'm talking about the social hysteria surrounding this and how everyone thinks it is normal to just hand notes to random people saying they think they will kill everyone on the plane! Try to keep up.

Attached: ButtPeep.png (1024x530, 315K)


The Jew cries out in pain as he

You're not complaining about the social hysteria, you idiot. You ARE the social hysteria. You are participating in it.

what kind of lazy ass countersignal faggotry is this? get good you dumb nigger, your posts aren't convincing in the slightest
>ooooh scared of a note, are u pussy?
this isn't highschool agent smith

Who’s jewing who?

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That's the most funny part of it. I'm so tired of hearing about far leftists preach against prejudice and bigotry, yet proudly display prejudice and bigotry. I'm so tired of their bullshit.

"Dear cunt.

I am wearing a hat.

I wish for my country to be great.

Man in Hat"

>yeah! We want to look on Facebook and see something one person wrote to another person that's got nothing to do with us

No one is pissed off or fired up, its all befuddlement and confusion. Also becoming tired of their pointless games.

>No one is pissed off or fired up,
You're kidding.

I'd love to wear a MAGA hat but I don't want to be ventilated by a nigger

>all of my family died in holobunga except for 5
“So how many died, exactly?”
>um, wow, how can you be so insensitive?
*checks genealogy records*
*russian Jews*

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It's as if, my god could it be, different people have different opinions and that we aren't all the same person... Holy shit how could this be!

I'm talking about on Jow Forums you fucking brainlet.

Puc related to (You)

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Is the goy is finally learning the D&C tactics of the jew?

>we survived the holocaust
Kek, sure. That handwriting belongs to someone born a significant time after 1945. Classic jewish tradition of trying to appropriate someone else's suffering.

Also, if the story is true, she made the photo before handing the letter over (as obviously she didn't have it in hee possession after that anymore, unless she asked it back, which would be very likely now that I think of it, her being a jew and all) so she is a confirmed attention whore. Which, again, is very typical.

Also, it should be noted that the shooter was vehemently anti-Trump because of his philosemitism. Very low punch to attribute it to Trump none the less, but again typical.

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Still not sure why all you people are in here discussing a trivial interaction between two people who mean nothing.

because its funny

I dont want to wear a maga hat because itd be embaressing but this makes it very tempting

I see a lot of people in here stressed and angry about it. Not a lot who think it's funny.

>writing a fucking note to some stranger on a plane
psychotic. although it probably didnt happen

youre the only one that seems butt rustled around here

I'm pointing out that you're not having fun, user.

i thought this tin foil hat i always wear was preventing people from reading my thoughts! well, back to the drawing board

according to her logic, all white christians should be terrified of socialists because of marx, stalin, trotsky and lenin. it works both ways.

>He read all of it

Lmao, how the fuck could he know this. Fuck them, fuck her. Why was she flying to LA if the shooting was in PA?

Also, my church has three armed guards every time we have a service. In this day and age every location where people gather in masses should have adequate security.

>or am I the out of touch one here?


Imagine being paid to act this retarded.

>In this day and age every location where people gather in masses should have adequate security.
lol, normal country

>she never gave anyone shit.

This is like when someone tells you not to do something and then it makes you want to do it even more. "You know, I didn't want to kill all the jews until you mentioned it."

After jerking off this morning, the smell of my dried wad made me realize it was talking to me. It said that Trump makes my expelled wad shiver to its core.

What do I want with his job, user? A woman handed a man a note and you're all going explosively insane over it.

Send her back a handwritten note that says “no.”

Oh neat another Twitter thread.
>flip over page
>write on back FREE PALESTINE
>make paper airplane (Xzibit.jpg)
>throw it to her
>turn 360 degrees and walk the dinosaur

Or put it in the garbage
Or give it to a flight attendant
Or put it aside and don't read it

My grandfather used to scream at the television, but nobody was allowed to shut it off. That's you.

youre the one with 11 posts my friend

are we officially part of right-wing death squads now?

And you read every single one.

This (((woman)) is insane

she just wanted that big goyim cock deep in her

Wearing that hat means you're going to kill Jews, goyim, so you'd better hate Trump, nationalism, and your own self-interests now or else Jews will tell you in public they're uncomfy and try to shame you.

why would i come on Jow Forums and then not read anything? that doesnt make sense

Idk my family is all eastern euro Jews mostly polish/Russian and are all super pro MAGA. I don’t know what to tell you about the costal Jewish culture it’s just insane, atheistic, hypocritical and totally Marxist.

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You'd better watch yourself or someone might hand you a note, causing your emotional collapse, user.

Maybe a JEW will hand you a note!

he should have written a note back:
"the goyim know"

>my family is all eastern euro Jews

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Dude should have scrawled "TL;DR LOL" on top and handed it back.

"the goyim know" would have scared the bitch off the plane

Nah, you try and day of the rope us you’ll be getting 7.62 through the fucking skull goy.

Plus you’d never even know we were Jews you fucking faggot

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>A lot of people
Fuck off, you mean 'ME!'

>We survived the Holocaust
She desperately needs to seek help.

>it thinks we can't tell who jews are
There were division in the SS whose job it was to pick up jews off of the street based on their features. Anyone who cares can easily learn what they are.
t. I can spot a jew like a needle in a haystack

Should have showed her his power level.

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We don’t look Semitic at all we would pass any aryan test you threw at us

we need a civil war. I'm so sick of this shit.

I think you should put this to the test. Go to your local aryan nation or neo nazi clubhouse and see where things go.

Blonde hair blue eyes straight hair normal sized nose.

I’m only genetically like 8% ashkanaz

You probably don't even realize how easy it it to spot you - eyes, hair, nose, ears, lip, posture, voice- its all very very distinct.
Trust me, unless you are you are very mixed with non jews then you don't look white. None of you do. I have never not been right but I also know this shit very well.
Only to the untrained eye you blend in.

>I’m only genetically like 8% ashkanaz
so you aren't even a jew then. You are a larger who is a useful goy.


This is virtue signalling, plain and simple, if it wasn't she would not have put it online for anyone to see.

Also, it's pretty easy to survive something that might not have ever happened.

>my whole family died in the holocaust
>my whole family
>except the ones that werent killed
>im a survivor

>two ligns in
>*austitically screech in jew york kikesse style*
>PS : pay fo' dem shoah

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My grandma was killed by nazis when she was 5 years old - she got better.

This is gold. I love how the left is now generalizing people and assuming that we want them dead. It takes a true dumbass to write a letter to some stranger you don't know .

>still attached in the notebook
Good observation.

yea but its not really to the stranger (in fact this might have never even happened) its for virtue points and shekel sympathy from NPCs as said

>family is Jews and does Jewish shit
>raised in general Jewish tradition
>even go on a birthright trip
>find out at 30 that I’m only 8% genetically Jewish

Idk we still are religiously Jewish so go fuck off

Apparently they are jewing themselves at this point.

Who the fuck will this convince?
>you're wearing a trump hat
>renember the HOLOCAUST? that was bad
muh 6billion is fucking annoying

I'd draw a big smiley face on the back of the note with a speech bubble that says "I love America" and pass it back

Guy didn't get hurt. Or idicate that he was hurt.
Guy is pointing out how insane the Left is.
Apparently how they jump to conclusions - kind of what you seem to be doing.
If you read that batshit insane note you would logically come to the conclusion that the woman was bat shit insane.

Use what you KNOW and discard what you DON'T KNOW.

> As my father says, we were born woth anguish.

They are fed fear and anxiety from birth, and see annihilation everywherre. If you go around treating the world like its about to take you out, you’re gonna be interacting from an state of extremes at all times. Then normal peoplego wtf is wrong with you, and why do so many of you behaving this way? Treating people you don’t know like demons who have to prove to you that they aren’t.

Tl:dr: OP’s pic is a perfect example of the all too common chicken little neuroticism that takes normal situations to the level 10 crisis imminent zone and pisses people off.

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Yeah pretty much. They’re fucking nuts