I'm here to make it official. Reddit and the kike media revived it, but this zombie meme is now dead. Good riddance.
The NPC meme has officially died its second and hopefully final death
Other urls found in this thread:
>meme is dead
>posts the meme
You're a real fucking retard aren't you?
The whole thing was artificial to begin with
I made a youtube meme video about NPCs 2 weeks ago, if anything it's getting stronger and stronger, even lefty cucks can't ignore it
>I made a youtube meme video about NPCs 2 weeks ago
>if anything it's getting stronger and stronger
>even lefty cucks can't ignore it
This is perfect satire
10/10, nice job
Bitter Juice ^^
MFW you post
I'm surprised this thing ever took off the way it had. Even the best ones are only worth a few chuckles.
It's basically on par with the Judenhut and that one never even left pol.
Every night, npcs go to bed praying this meme will die.
I believe the media needed a new boogeyman, nothing more, similar to pepe but this one was far less organic
It was dead as soon as people started thinking that is about SJW and not the husks. Look at the fuckin Paul Jude Watson video, a NPC bragging about other NPCs. Trolling libtards ebin stylr
It is time for the golem meme.
A meme never dies as long as at least one person remembers and can rekindle it.
You can't kill an idea, no matter how much you wish you could.
fuck you
Memes die so fast these days. Trollface lasted many years. These days a good meme lasts two weeks. Where will it end?
It was astro turfed from the start then the useful idiots joined in to *trigger the libs*
>Where will it end?
Nowhere dummy, the ride never ends.
Yeah okay Matt Fury you insignificant cuckold.
It’s all about IOTBW today so just move along, and we’ll carry on having a good time.
Soon we will have 1 new meme every day. Posting yesterday's meme will be cringy and embarrassing.
Inb4 meme of zoomer boomer posting monster drinking boomer
A year later memes will last only hours
Hard to keep up with this shit. All these drawings and racism flying at you from every which way.Are we winning is what I wanna know.
>good riddance
triggered NPC
And did it not *trigger the libs* because it looks like it’s still triggering them to me.
It’s perfect and the synergy of our efforts towards acceleration-ism is winning this war for us.
We just do not have their resources (infinite fiat money), we are weak they are strong. We must use their own strength against them. Enrage them. Have them punch normies and scream ‘nazi’. Watch them charge headlong into the kill box. So ends your first lesson, Grasshopper.
Want to know the HISTORY of False flag events?? Dating back to ancient man???
These have been used throughout the history of mankind to subvert the course of time. To cause confusion and sow dissent!
>the history of false flags
Started with Grugs, longnose grug tribe would dress as blonde haired grugs and they cause problems for gentile grugs..
>problem reaction solution
Learn to cut through their bullshit facades, become sentient!
>remove your NPC shackles
False flag video
Also here is a bonus NPC MKultra video
Have fun!
Ingersoll Lockwood Spoopy Halloween vid MAGA Baron Bonus
Comfyness maximus
Save the NPCs
no matter how much these discord trannies spam their shit memes, they're always dead on arrival
feel sorry for the reddits who exposed themselves posting this shit
Almonds self activated
Thank you Kek. PRAISE!
It hasn't died retard. Faggots tried to remove it. Didn't work. They tried to appropriate it. Didn't work. Now they huddle in their corner keeping their mouth shut because they lost.
Surely it makes more sense NOT to be 'playable'. retarded meme from start to finish
I am sure the NPC meme started as a psyop to try to make Pol anons become detached with reality. But that sure backfired on who ever started it.
>implying it's any less true.
It's fulfilled its purpose
Memes dying off fast is a Reddit trait. Good memes should last forever and be infinitely reusable like pepe and wojak. The current fast half-life of memes is because there has been a deluge of reddit newfags that dont understand memes.
you got me brother
The meme is dead
long live the meme
It struck a nerve with people, so much so that NPCs were getting b& en masse
posting in a kike thread on cuckchan
Make em Mad
>being this triggered by a meme
The 56% meme really grew on me.