Attached: Dq7Uv4yXgAAYdLq.jpg (688x659, 94K)

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>The boys from Brazil

Attached: rare pic of young bolsonaro.jpg (700x422, 13K)

Dis nigga knows how to LOCK HER UP.

Absolutely kek lads

oh fuck, Brazil politics sure is getting corrupt.

Here's a list of people jailed by the operation the judge headed, it's the biggest anti-corruption investigation in world history.

wtf I love corruption now?

The judge is the face of anti-corruption of this country you silly billies, he's a national hero.

is portuguese to spanish like pidgin is to english?

>not quintessentially huemonkey's culture

watch people fall for the corruption meme en mass

the media salt with right things will never stop? they never said a thing when PT put former terrorists in these positions
we don't give a shit anyways

Dumbass memeflagger.

i love brazil
why can't canada get a based leader like Bolsonaro

because you sold your freedom for dudeweedlmao

Meanwhile if Trump tried that people would be angry for a week and then forget about it, I wish I lived in Brazil

i never voted for this fag and i dont smoke weed

Attached: trud1532745484961.jpg (510x360, 46K)

Fucking based.

I still don't understand why Brazil elected a dictator.

Because we're sick of communists in power.
I kid you not, in 2006 his Economy minister used the Weimar Republic as an example to what happens after leftists take power and crash a nation - the guy knew a man like Bolsonaro was coming, 12 years ago.

Attached: 1540880430585.png (996x874, 710K)

Considering how shit their country has been for the last few years I can't really blame them. Desperate times call for desperate, stupid measures.

Based and redpilled

How the fuck is he a dictator? Why do people post stupid shit before even reading the least bit about it?

>half of all the names there are arabic

Why are Arabs the Jews of Brazil? With semites you can never do right.

Did his rival buy the stabber?

You Brazilians remind of the Mexicans on here after their elections
>bunch of emotional faggots

Someone who puts the rule of law above feefees, and the interests of his own country above that of the international community.

No. Portuguese is a beautiful language, but is wasted on Portuguese and Brazilian people.

Some of them are reddit-tier shitposters that think every rightwinger that doesn't let leftists get away with crime is a dictator and some of them are Jow Forumsacks who genuinely want Bolsonaro to institute eugenics policies to make Brazilians the natsoc master race

The investigation is still ongoing but the stabber seems to have connections with PCC which is the largest criminal organization here.


Attached: adolf_hitler.jpg (560x381, 129K)

Written portuguese looks like spanish written by a dyslexic person

And Spanish is just retarded Italian

That is quintessentially liberal democracy itself.

And Italian is just retarded latin

You strayas remind of the WW2 POW that were used as slaves by their asian masters.

It probably has something to do with all those times he talked about how much he loved the military dictatorship in Brazil.

A language isn't just its writing form. It's also the musicality, and the three languages are very differing on that. Spanish is a richer language than English, able to convey feelings you'll never experience for lack of their concept. English hacks believe their language is rich because its millions of loan words adapted from other languages that nobody uses, and that only gather dust in their dictionaries.

That must be why you guys like socialism.

What does this mean?

It means communists on twitter are on full reeee mode.

That's nonsense. English is the most rich language in the world as proven by google translate.

I have entered two differently worded English sentences that have subtly different meaning, and they both come out the same in Spanish.

Spanish has much fewer expressions and subtleties from all my experiences.

>oh look it's another far right Latin American dictator wannabe

Hail Bolsonaro, Fuhrer of Brazil!

it means this is a misleading headline that implies corruption but is actually the opposite the real story is the judge locked up a scumbag and is being put in a position to lock more scumbags up


Attached: chadnaro.jpg (513x696, 69K)

Kek. Google translate is what happens when you hire women and minorities.