How many Romanians are there in Kosovo in 2018

Asking for a friend.

Attached: 7E4EB5BC-34EE-46A3-B3F8-203C2F9BFB26.jpg (1200x1800, 226K)

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lana sit on my faaace

doesn't matter, it's rightfully romanian clay

Kosovo is, was and always will be legitimate Romanian clay

Attached: MV5BMjgyYTIxZjAtNWQxOS00ZDc0LThmZDktMGViMTYwNzNjN2E3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUzOTQ5MjY@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,67 (675x1000, 91K)

Same with Canada.

Dacia Mare by 2050.

Fuck yassss VEE

Attached: 1FFFDA23-1ED2-4258-8A80-1A86C9514909.jpg (1080x740, 136K)

Must be a negligible amount because they don't even show up on the census.
Just look it up, I don't even know why you asked.

Attached: Kosovo Pop.gif (916x465, 134K)

Clearly fake. Even if it were true it doesn't matter cuz the clay is Romanian.

Ah yes of course. More Balkan revisionism.

too many

kosovo is legitimate ancient Macedonian clay

I see the Bozgor's living on romanian land are at it again.
Hello there istvan. Liking my lands?Because you are never geting autonomy.

a lot actually

Attached: romanian.jpg (303x166, 13K)

>Bulgaria making fun of anyone for being a gypsy
M-m-m8. You guys are even more gypsified then us. Not to mention prety much being turks. You are the last people who should be making fun of us on these grounds.
Go listen to Aziz or something now.

A meager autonomy? I will establish the first homonationalist party of Romania and rule it all.

Attached: 6D2F98E6-3BDB-4EF7-8B2F-C8059DE4CFD2.jpg (1313x702, 64K)

Soros, the Hungarian butthurt master, is trying his damnest to kill Romania again.

89 didn’t do it
18 won’t either

Zi din ce sector esti ca sa stiu unde vin cu toporu sa iti dau in cap.

Vorbe grei, creier de loc. Foarte incitant.

>vorbe grei
Watchu saying bozgor?Showing your true collors now are we.

E din bihor daca nu ma insel,
Asta e el, un bozgor cu probleme

Destul de trist sfs

Ai polițist sau jurist în familie?