Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech thee, of thy great goodness, to consign to powerlessness the immoderate and immoral politicians with which our nation had to contend. Help our voices rise above those who would rather we be silent. Graciously hearken to us as a people who call upon thee that armed with thy will, we may advance from victory to victory in order to crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish thy justice within our nation. Amen.
/ptg/ I am so upset. I walked in on my parents having sex last night. They got back from a holloween party around 2am. I was playing fortnite (won three matches) and got hungry, I went to ask my mom if she could heat something up. I should have knocked, but when I opened the door I could see them in the dim light doing anal. They know I am a huge trump supporter and they are nice to let me stay while I am between jobs, but they didn't even stop when I opened the door. I reaaly need a red wave to cheer me up. This is the 4th time I have walked in on them having sex in the past year. I hope we win the midterms bros, I need it.
So I've watched Daredevil because I have too much time to waste and I've noticed they couldn't stop themselves from making a drumpf analogy. He's basically attacking the media for having lied about him because they serve higher powers, they target him because he is fighting the system, then he's attacking an innocent man and put all his crimes unto him. I could the "this is like in daredevil" tweet that will inevitably come after one of Trump attack against the lugenpresse or Hillary
>raining >can't work >trying to sell shit on armslist >normalfag cubicucks don't get off work until 4 >can't get fucked up because I have to drive and meet them in parking lots
I just want to drink bourbon,read eroge and shitpost on ptg during a comfy, rainy day off.
Here's how you can tell he already knows its over;
>no specific prediction at all Same thing happened when Alabama flipped, which I was the only one to predict. Portugal posted nothing at all as a reply to predict otherwise.
Yeah he'll post the early vote etc, but will not commit to any calls in swing districts, because he knows the vast majority will go D
Xavier Peterson
>EV doesn't matter! >Only trust our polls goy! Nate Tin you have no credibility anymore, go and stay go.
You predicted a sexual assault allegation with no basis would tank Alabama? Congrats. So did everyone else
Jordan Johnson
>Same thing happened when Alabama flipped, which I was the only one to predict. You also said AZ06 and OH12 would flip. I said the opposite. I ended up being right. >Yeah he'll post the early vote etc, but will not commit to any calls in swing districts, because he knows the vast majority will go D Most will go Republican.
Ryan Hernandez
Contrast that with Portugal always predicting a Red PA, which did end up happening
Now he ISN'T saying >Red AZ or >Red NV Only "yeah... maybe Red..."
Justin Morris
>Stormy weather >Seeing communists "REEEEEEEEing" on regular social media >Seeing communists "REEEING" on our Senate and House >Bolsonaro basically picking RWDS sort of guys to make his team >MSM spinning out of control and shitting themselves thinking he will cut their taxpayer gibs I just put a couple beers on the freezer
>THEY'RE POLLED TO BREAK D Not nationwide. Not in every state. Not in every district. Depends heavily on locality.
Grayson Wright
Your mom has a red wave between her legs.
Jacob Perez
Could we use this to bring down Shia's flag? After the midterms ofc
Xavier Cooper
>keeping guns you don't want anymore >keeping accessories you don't want anymore >being a hoarder >not selling shit and buying other shit you want to play with
The showrunner admitted it's a Trump proxy. Check Razorfist's review of season 3. He still says it's well-made, but the propaganda is heavy.
Daniel Ward
constuation says right in it no nazis or drumpfs allowed
Isaiah Mitchell
>Contrast that with Portugal always predicting a Red PA, which did end up happening But he didn't. He said here's how Trump could win PA.
Elijah Wilson
In Swing Districts.
Thomas Davis
>The ND Democratic Party is buying Facebook ads claiming that voting could jeopardize your hunting license
Noah Richardson
Bullshit poll and you know it. Trump doesn't have 40% approval among blacks.
Tyler Johnson
Where is Portugal? I want to read about how good the numbers are.
Nolan Jackson
I did not find video of Bolton Speech but here is an article on it. From the article: "He called the leaders of those countries “clowns” and said the United States “looks forward to watching” their governments fall."
These people are making some big league mistakes in their desperation
Kayden Wilson
>IDF uses this as an excuse to snipe children Jesus, that's harsh. As a Jew, it hurts to hear that we're stooping to what the Nazis did to us. We Jews need to set a better example of the love and tolerance we want to bring into the world.
Jace Phillips
Which swing district? There are a bunch where Republicans have a big registration advantage where Independents are breaking Democrat. But in others where that isn't the case they are breaking Republican. What matters is the share.
Grayson Long
High approval and strong economy are very helpful down the ballot.
No he didn't, he always said confidently "Explain to me why this wouldn't happen? PA will go Red with these numbers" etc
Same with other R breaking swing states in 2016. He also DIDN'T say NV would break R in 2016, he always was timid about it then too
The rule is >if Portugal timid, the race is already over, Ds win
Luis Wright
at least its not doctor who, the last episode was "DrUmPf HaTeS sPiDeRs"
Dominic Sanders
But facebook doesn't care about that kind of fake news..
Jaxon Watson
can we stop with this god damn awoo shit awoo is a subversive botted forced shit to destroy pepe, our true mascot >b-b-but muh hate symbol dont care awoo posters = loser basedboy faggots pepe posters = oldfags, cool chads
That's a single poll, and we don't know how many of those are voters. It's definitely encouraging, but I don't expect to see numbers like that in the actual vote. Plus, the media is pushing hard with the narrative that Kanye turned on Trump, so that may swing some of that back.