>tfw I got my son suspended from school because I redpilled him
Tfw I got my son suspended from school because I redpilled him
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What's that? You spread your meme'd brainwashing to your gullible offspring and now their mind is filled with absolute bullshit that contradicts reality at nearly every turn? Golly!
Time to man up and spend the big bucks sending him to private school.
>Don’t forget to set the school’s lawn on fire.
You should get him expelled.
>i told my son jews are evil and niggers are out to kill him
So home school him and do a proper job of it.
not redpilled enough if you didn't tell him to hide his powerlevel
This. If you can't afford to send your kid to private school then you can't afford to have kids.
>not homeschooling
Youre not redpilled OP
Ok, but that attitude if adopted by every white person guarantees we get niggered to death.
Now you must rape him
Asking for future reference, what did you tell him?
I remember once my nephew had to get disciplined because he asked a black teacher why was her skin so dirty
They are actually quite rare in my region, the teacher had come from the pacific coast running away from guerrillas or something, probably first nigger the kid had seen in his life. Now he knows better and speaks shit behind their backs
I spent so long assumin that was a given I forgot to tell him that.
>son is in fifth grade
>he came home one day and told me they started learning about the holocaust (brainwashing starts earlier and earlier, plus his teacher is jewish)
>talks about how sad it was and how mean Hitler was, typical bluepilled stuff
>my spawn will be no such thing
>told him it never happened. Simply explain the inconsistencies like gas chambers, census reports, doctored photos, etc.
>explain Hitler was a great leader, show him a speech
>told him (((they))) lie about it to maintain power
>never told him to hide his powerlevel, he must have took it upon himself to correct the record
>next time they talked about it, he basically repeated what I said
>can only imagine the teacher must have went 'oy vey!'
>he came home, suspended for 1 week and now the school wants to talk to me
Fuck me.
so he got two redpills and faces to go along with it. good job, man. dont let those sadists fuck up your kid
Not necessarily, ~conservatives are the highest breeding population (probably driven by mormons)
This. Goddamn you people are stupid
>teaching your child anti-culture
>not teaching him how to hide his views to maintain social status
You can't redpill your son because that's called BRAINWASHING.
>"Listen son, THIS is the truth!"
>Sends his son to a day time prison.
1 post by this ID. Fuck.
We need a final solution to the brainlet problem
The best behaved kids I know are homeschooled. Spare them the indoctrination and sin.
you needn't worry OP- any spawn borne of your seed was doomed to a life of failure no matter what
Holy fuck. People who post here shouldn't be having kids. What are you doing?
>Holocaust happened
2nd grader - no it didn't
>Ah sheet off to the office with you cause I cant prove you wrong.
tasty as fuck bait right here
Sue the school... use the most Jewish looking lawyer you can find. Personally name each person in lawsuit... make the pay with real money to back up their indoctrination. As crazy as shit is now it’ll probably make the news. Go after damages for them ruining your sons future aspirations of being a brain surgeon. Go for future lost wages.
Take him hunting while he's suspended. Let him know that the school is shit and that you support him being redpilled
Is this even a thing in 2018?
>suspended for that
Make the school show you the policy. Threaten to sue them.
You fucked up, he wasnt prepared to wield such power.
>best behaved kids
aka future mgtow. good kids make bad grown-ups
>sues school
>loses and gets exposed publicly as an anti-semite, losing what is undoubtedly a shitty job
you know what, maybe he should sue. these people need to be outed
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Hate speech in the United States is much less regulated when compared to that of most other liberal democracies.[1] The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that hate speech is legally protected free speech under the First Amendment, except where such speech is directed to inciting imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action. The most recent Supreme Court case on the issue was in 2017, when the justices unanimously reaffirmed that there is effectively no "hate speech" exception to the free speech rights protected by the First Amendment.
fucking moron, theres no law about the Holocaust in the USA. When you talk to them just dont flinch, if you appologise to those SJW types they will rip you appart, stand your ground without getting too autistic
Tell them your Boy can have his opinions, and tell him that he shouldnt bring it up again
You mean like what they do to children in schools?
You can't beat a Jew teacher just take him out of that school or class.
>absolute state of absurdistan
Who else knew this was a mutt thread before opening it?
Finish the job
Take them to court and ask them to prove the holocaust happened
How did you get him suspended? What were you teaching him?
Why would you fucking do that? Letting your children enjoy their childhood away from politics is for 1st worlders. The time for red pilling comes later in their high school years.
Fake and gay. Teacher would've never given him a chance to present evidence
this is how coping autists would describe their bullying classmates these days
Good Homeschool your kid wtf are you doing sending him to public brainwashing camp where they expose the kids (pun intended) to all sorts of falsehoods and degeneracy
No shit.. kid is in public school, nothing to lose
Please OP
We need a Surpreme Court case on this
You don't homeschool?
>sending your spawn to cuckschool
>not home-schooling
>blame yourself not the school
Mate as a homeschooled neet I think you know what to do now
I get suspended more than once because of fatherly advice. He told me to punch back. I still thank him to this day for it.
>t. homeschooled based somalian
>Surpreme Court
lmao he is more likely to be arrested himself than for this to reach even the lowest court
are all 1 posts by this id shills? Surely you are overreacting.
Don't send your kids to school unless you hate them:
Here are the relevant parts of what school is doing to your kid by doing this to him:
> 1) The adjustive or adaptive function. Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. This, of course, precludes critical judgment completely. It also pretty much destroys the idea that useful or interesting material should be taught, because you can't test for reflexive obedience until you know whether you can make kids learn, and do, foolish and boring things.
> 5) The selective function. This refers not to human choice at all but to Darwin's theory of natural selection as applied to what he called "the favored races." In short, the idea is to help things along by consciously attempting to improve the breeding stock. Schools are meant to tag the unfit - with poor grades, remedial placement, and other punishments - clearly enough that their peers will accept them as inferior and effectively bar them from the reproductive sweepstakes. That's what all those little humiliations from first grade onward were intended to do: wash the dirt down the drain.
dumbass, should have showed him how to stay out of the radar, valuable skill in those times we living
Just don't act like a pussy about it. Calmly tell them you disagree and as the child's father you have a right parent him as you wish.
One time my kid didn't want to eat the breakfast I made for her. I told her fine, then go to school without breakfast if you don't like it. She told her teacher about it and they had me come in to meet with them about it. They started to tell me what is and isn't appropriate punishments. I cut them off right in the middle of their lecture and said " I'm sorry, is it my kid or the state's kid"? You could see they were taken back by it. They seemed a little stunned and didn't answer so I said "hmmm"? And the one kinda stammered "well it's you're kid obvi..."
"Then leave the discipline to me" and walked out. These people are so used to being authority figures to children I think they forget who the fuck they think they're talking to.
What did you mean by this?
Teach him embarrassing Hebrew insults... the teacher will have to explain the insults to her supervisor, superiors will laugh.
Yes. Quite a thing.
Having done it for a few years, I think you'd have to work harder to give your kids a worse education than public schools. You could literally throw a math book at them and tell them to read it and improve their education at this point.
Leaving public schools to rot was a good decision.
Good idea, have him tell his kids school that he's being raised by a Nazi.
Congrats on regular CPS visits
I always double down, when pressured by people about the Holohoax, and mention Jesus and how scripture shows that the church was grafted into the tree of God's people. In addition to historical reasons, I cite religions as well to deny the Holocaust narrative and my inclination toward counter-semitism. I make it clear to them that if they want to fight me, it will be on three fronts: Historical, free speech and religious. That shuts just about everyone up.
He doesn't have to go full autism about. You are allowed to have different opinions.
About the existence of the holocaust?
Get the fuck outta here kid, you say that didn't happen, you paint a bigass target on your back. Everyone in the room is going to assume you're a nazi.
> redpilled
> doesn't homeschool kid
fuck off faggot
Holocaust Denial is Love Speech
Holy shit man you are pretty fucked. Your only option now is to stick to your guns and stand your ground. Above all do not apologize or express any regret for your actions.
Would he get suspended if he claimed that christopher columbus didnt discover america? Racism is power + privilage which jews have. We must stop this #jewishprivilage
Lmao good.
womp womp
The funny thing is that theyll tell you in school that the winning side writes history but if you question it theyll demonize you.
Absolutely based
US schools have their own rules
Are you really redpilled? Then why the fuck do you want him to stay at (((school))) anyway.
Schools weren't cool even before the internets, which made schools completely unnecessary.
Can we rangeban commiefornia please?
good thing you live in the usa LOL I would unironically be jailed for that
>1 post by this id
Why being a nazi is a bad thing? After all nazi is how netherlanders pronounce NATION.
t. Schlomo schnozenstein
bullshit 1 post thread.
There is nothing illegal about being a nazi or anti semitic
Welcome newfag. Leave now or be prepared to join us
>An uneducated conservative
>1 post by this ID
well done brother
Congratulate them on being spectacular role models for resorting to coercion against a 10 year old for having a stupid opinion because they're too stupid themselves to form a valid counter argument. Shame them for claiming to call themselves educators.
also claim to believe the holocaust happened. claim to be a staunch supporter of israel and that you are an enemy to all anti semites. Accuse them of trying to turn your kid into an anti-semite. Claim the only reason you told him those things (if this comes up) is because you were interested to see whether or not his history teacher was competent for the job.
make sure to bring a "holocaust did happen" counter argument to use as an example. make sure its a good one, bring "Facts"
if your kid is present make sure he's on the level, make sure he acts like his mind has been changed, that your counter argument makes sense.
Then threaten to sue.
make sure you turn this into a good lesson for your kid on how to hide your power level and why its ok to lie to these fucking people.
You'd get your child taken away if you did something similar here
This would be wonderful, get the lefties best muzzy friends onboard with you and create some chaos
This post got so many replies because it struck a nerve with so many faggots. Hilarious.
Absolute retard.