Tfw I got my son suspended from school because I redpilled him

>tfw I got my son suspended from school because I redpilled him

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What's that? You spread your meme'd brainwashing to your gullible offspring and now their mind is filled with absolute bullshit that contradicts reality at nearly every turn? Golly!

Time to man up and spend the big bucks sending him to private school.
>Don’t forget to set the school’s lawn on fire.

You should get him expelled.

>i told my son jews are evil and niggers are out to kill him

So home school him and do a proper job of it.

not redpilled enough if you didn't tell him to hide his powerlevel


This. If you can't afford to send your kid to private school then you can't afford to have kids.

>not homeschooling
Youre not redpilled OP