Just found out you have to be 21 to purchase a hangun in the US of A. Additionally...

Just found out you have to be 21 to purchase a hangun in the US of A. Additionally, apparently automatic weapons are banned?
I thought this was the land of the free.

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you, you have the right to bear arms....
as long as you are of age
and not in prison
and not blind
and not retarded....not sure about that one

Machine guns are not strictly banned, but you have to pay $200 for a tax stamp, and it has to have been made prior to May 1986.

>you have to be 21 to purchase a hangun

And you need to be 18 to use this board
OP is a faggot, sage goes in the options field.

Yea I know
See why we're so mad?

You can thank that fucker George Bush senior for the automatic weapons ban. Then thank urban youths for 21 age restriction on handguns.

Says the memeflag

>land of the free.
you literally get executed by the state for failing random surprise games of simon says at gunpoint. north korea has more freedom then that country .

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What would be the cheapest automatic to buy?

Purchase of new automatic weapons are banned. There are about 200k legal fully automatic firearms available because they were registered before May 1986 following the adoption of the Firearm Owners Protection Act through a part of the act known as the Hughes Amendment. This places a lot of heavy restrictions on the sale, transfer, and overall acquisition of full autos by the average citizen.

A tl;dr of the Hughes Amendment is a 6 month background check, a 200 dollar stamp & transfer fee, the transfer process through a licensed dealer, and whatever the fee the dealer asks you to pay. Plus you need to find someone looking to sell their FA plus pay whatever they're asking for which can easily be hiked up into the 5 digits because it's an artificially limited supply since the registry was closed over 30 years ago.

>urban youths

>meme flag

Mac 10s and Mac 11s.

>niggers stop being niggers after 21

American logic, everyone.

FOPA was written and passed into law during Reagan's administration. Fuck him. Fuck GB Senior too but especially fuck Reagan.

You have zero grammar and punctuation skills because you're a low IQ nigger, and that's why you're a BLM member.

Private party sales allows for handguns at 18?

Can a handgun be gifted to a minor?

Asking for a friend..

Reminder that you can make incendiary weapons at any age. Incendiary weapons are cheap and easy to make and if used correctly can cause massive damage.

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Probably depends on the specific state. If you know someone who wants to buy their son or nephew a handgun for Christmas I would just tell them to buy it and be quiet about who you're buying it for. It could easily be misidentified as a straw purchase and then you'll get anal raped by the ATF if they're inclined to rape that day.

This is not correct.

Then what u gotta do

Then what is, nugget? Name the law that makes us pay for tax stamps.

I was 19 years old when I bought my 1911 in a starbucks parking lot. I could have done it when I was 18.
This is in GA

He's missing a lot of other points but the points he brought up are technically correct.

Democrat logic

Fucking phone. I meant nigger, but you're a fucking nugget too.



>I thought this was the land of the free.
u thought shit, burger for brains

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Scratch that. Fucking American Boomer logic.

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all automatic, suppressors, short barrel rifles, short shotguns, large bore 40mm and over and the like are class 3 weapons and you need to file a class 3 application for the guns and a 200 dollar tax stamp to the atf

It depends. Like in Texas you don't need any kind of permit to carry a handgun but in D.C. no weapons allowed. In some cities there are ordinances that keep people from open carrying in the city limits like in the west. It depends on a lot of things what weapons and such you can buy and operate. There are also licenses that you can get through military service that allow you to posses military weapons, same for some military historians.

Yeah the fucking commies have made slow consistent progress why do you think we aren’t swinging so hard right finally

Not if you intend to make any of those. You can make machine guns if you're an SOT FFL.

he’s right but he’s still a faggot because his tldr is longer than his original statement

>urban jews

The tl;dr was for the provisions of the Hughes Amendment. There's a shit ton of legal mumbo jumbo.