what a dumb nigress, literally may have cost Rs seats in the mid terms
What a dumb nigress, literally may have cost Rs seats in the mid terms
I don't like alt-centrists but some of them were spot on when calling her out for her bullshit. She saw dollar signs on the right.
Candace Owens is one dumb motherfucker
Even Joe Rogan makes her look stupid.
She just repeats buzz phrases and can't back them up with any substance.
Never trust niggers. Ever. Only ONE black I have ever seen in public live who didn’t revert to “race first” at some point is Larry Elder
I would however fuck her in the nostril
Lots of concern trolling today
thanks for that bit of information, very cool
her left yes?
Getting niggers off the Dem plantation is a good thing but this bitch is otherwise worthless
Joe Rogan kept asking her about climate change after she said she didnt know. That was a shitshow.
Id bareback her all night long tho
what did she do
i'd like to think blacks are smarter than needing some bumbling THOT that probably had 10 abortions telling them what to think.
shes not a fuckin scientist
bandwagoning is a logical fallacy, dip
Didn't she say felons should have the right to vote?
yeah got my dick soft permanently for Joan Rogan
that was her plan all along
This is what you get for being a civnat cuck and pandering to niggers
They arent. Negroes are very low iq
Yup all because her familly is full of them (of course it is)
>see candace owens
>engage Jow Forums simulator
>not one fucking clue as to what she did
Cancer thread, probably shills.
>literally may have cost Rs seats in the mid terms
Must have missed it. What did she do?
What did she do? I know she used Kanye's name for Blexit, but did she do something else?
red pill black
Tough af on shitter.
What did she do this time?
what did she do one poster? attention seeker?
I think OP meant to type "Ds".
haha NO! Also despite Kanye, Blexit is just as popular as ever.
Must have. Candice is awesome. D's hate her. Black, strong, mosting people to the other side.
That and I'd fuck her bare & give her cremapies
she's not stupid. Listen to her talk about negro history. But yeah, probably her mind got clouded with unexpected fame. Sad. Many such a cases.
She shouldnt do politics. No woman should
She tried to ride Kanye's coattails by claiming that he designed the logo for some merch that she was selling and he got pissed off and said he doesn't want to do anything political anymore.
He later said that he was specifically renouncing any ties to Candace Owens and not Trump, but it was spun by the media as Kanye cutting ties with Trump.
Basically, the damage was done to the Kanye/Trump story arc and it was all Candace Owen's fault for being a coattail riding con-game whore.
Reminder to you morons that niggers have been, are now, and will be forever the political property of the Democrat party.
Why the hate, she's a cool chick.
A niggers a nigger
lmao the entire republican media was basically implying blacks are slaves on dems "plantation" and postering kanye as a "free thinker" and other blacks should follow - but then you make it more direct and associate him with tacky designs he "walks away
>but then you make it more direct and associate him with tacky designs he "walks away
I think he just resented Candace Owens lying about him being directly involved in something that he wasn't directly involved in. Any sensible person would resent that.
concern trolling
my favorite part was when she infiltrated the conservatives to destroy them from within
The Republicans are so fucking goddamn stupid to think any niggers would honestly and legitimately support their cause.
Where's the lie?