WOKE Candy Theft

Family leaves out a "take 1" bowl
Melanated WOKE mini-Kang and Quan take all the candy.
1 Hour later an evil fucking white male neighbor refills the candy bowl.
Really makes u think.

Attached: Takes all candy, leaves all candy.png (773x821, 1.14M)

woah, two screenshots, no video, no link to story
thanks for sharing your blog post

>Give neighbor candy
OP you're fucking retarded.

bruh the nigger literally looks like a gorilla
crazy how nature do dat

They don't know how to NOT steal when given the chance.

Attached: HitlerRocks.gif (81x100, 51K)

I know that guy. He always offers candy to the kids in the neighborhood

It's a costume you racist.

Why do they wear it all year round lol

Woah fuck yall dont kangz us on this. If I see a bowl full of good candy just sitting out in the open imma take it. Only virgin onions boys leave some for others on Halloween the holiday for devious behavior

>leaving a take 1 bowl out

Asking for someone to just take it all

Hoping for people to be virtuous and decent may be naive, but it's not bad.

Wow. Niggers stealing and generally being anti-social. What a surprise...
Next at 9, Water is WET!

>flew completely over your head
user I....

>virtuous and decent

Attached: abigaillaugh.webm (742x718, 2.8M)

It didn't fly over my head idiot. It's just not funny, or clever.

>public trust vs. diversity.XLS

>mfw this is not a costume

Attached: 1539757046099.jpg (500x375, 25K)

>leave empty bowl out
>neighborhood blames all the blacks


They forgot to leave the guy dressed as a ghost / KKK member by the bowl.

t. spic or nigger

needs a weather stone

Notice the meme flags who are either mutts or Jews can't understand white values of decency and respect. Their cultures don't have it because the people don't, including them

it's reparitionz n shiet for slavery whyte boi

Don’t throw rocks in glass houses

every house ive ever been at during halloween has been subject to vanloads of niggers and spics from the ghetto who come to get dat sswwwwweeeet sssswwweeett white manns candy

I see a black person putting candy back, and a white person hovering over his crime scene, enjoying what he had just done.

But seriously, the white person didn't want kids to be disappointed or for the neighbor to get their house egged because of no candy.

White people really are the best people, even if some whites are shitty

>trick or treating
>in the middle of the day

I knew this would be on Jow Forums the moment I saw it on Reddit. You retards are so obsessed and easily triggered by anything black people do that it's pathetic.

>a nog is nigging and chastising it makes you had
Rope is on the tree in the back, stool is ready too, you know what to do, instructions are nailed to the tree if you need help