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is this number three of six ways that crocodile tears Schumer warned of?
MSM will tell

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please be real

8 hours old, damaged a car. its nothing

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It was just chiaotzu guys don’t worry

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Why does the weirdest shit happen around here?

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Press g for MORE GORE

They built the real Pentagon below the Puget Sound in the 70s

Inb4 white man

>20 hours ago

Well anything weird about the car? Was it "toasted" maybe

Maybe the Jews got it right this time

“As alleged, Paul M. Rosenfeld concocted a twisted plan to draw attention to his political ideology by killing himself on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. risking harm to many others in the process,” said U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman.

When FBI agent searched his home after getting a tip from a concerned citizen, they found “what appeared to be a functional explosive device weighing approximately 200 pounds.”

American Goyim should arm themselves against Jewish Terror in the US

The "dark-skinned white" strikes again.

this happened yesterday you nigger

yay multicultural bomb

Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah!

Thread theme

isn't bremerton a shitty dockyard town?

>Police said the final determination of the type of explosive would be determined by a laboratory, but reported evidence was consistent with "low explosive powder."
>According to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives' website, black powder and most display fireworks are considered "low explosives."

Since when do the police call the FBI for every little incident, FBI has been real active over trivial shit lately

my guess its either:
A crazy spic
or a redneck messing around with fireworks.
Likelyhood of those also in that order.
T. PNW fag

snack bar !!!!!!

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Probably another Trump supporter, I was going to vote Red but now its Blue wave for me

Consider suicide


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It's all coming apart. I love this timeline.

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Taking all bets!

> 1) Aloha Snackbar
> 2) Bernie Bro/AntiFa
> 3) ((((TRUMP SUPPORTER))))
> 4) "Undocumented American"

We all know the FBI will catch him tomorrow for the weekend news cycle. Who will they grab to hold onto till after the election is the big question. It has to be a WHITE SUPREMACIST though no matter what race, religion, or politics. Otherwise the media won't talk about it.

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Boomerton, Washington

Move to Bremerton the song says...

Please be white, please be white, please be white

That's why we're Taking Back Sunday

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I live in bremerton it was some kids being stupid.

Its not happening

> Washington
> Washington State

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Nah, probs this beast.

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no injuries and in an alleyway, lammmmmmme

probably just some kid

On Halloween night it was probably a sparkler bomb.

Built right and with enough sparklers they can definitely cause some property damage or so I have heard.

>When you Brrrraapppp so hard the FBI has to investigate

10 bucks

>looks like those fake bombs we sent did nothing
>guess we need to make them real this time, goyim

So this is what making America great looks like...

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No idea.

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Holy shit I live 25 min from bremerton, but was born there and grew up there for 16 years. ask me anything.

Kitsap county here
it was some nigger kids with a sparkler bomb outside the 711 down on 6th
the 711 shares a parking lot with the kitsap rescue mission and is on the same block as salvation army soup kitchen
tldr:ghetto niggers gonna ghetto nigger

>Police released a description of a possible suspect, describing him as a white male, wearing a green jacket and dark colored ball cap with a possible tattoo under one eye.


Is there lots of nigs?

They're saying it was a "white" male.

When “peaceful” liberals commit terrorism, it’s always great!


Is that whale a Gojira reference?
Based if true.

That’s just a helicopter light goy. Nothing strange you conspiracy theorist

In bremeton? You wouldn't belive it. Mexicans and blacks everywhere. It's also a navy town, so that should also say a lot. And a common conception was that everyone in bremerton is high. It's not a good place to live

kitsap has blacks but not as many as a lot of other place
a lot of our ghetto niggers have white skin
don't let it fool you they're still niggers

>5) Glow in the dark nigger
Their stupid gay ops never work. The republicans are still going to do well in the midterms.

Yes. It's a filthy depressing city that survives completely off the shipyard except everyone that works at the shipyard lives in the woods outside the city and the only people that live there are the drug addicts and plebs that work at fast food.

breaking911 are as bad as zerohedge now, they used to be good

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Because the Bremerton shipyard is where the navy does the majority of Pacific fleet nuke refueling and is the most important ship yard in the entire pacific.

dude, wow


>Investigators from the scene have been provided a suspect description of; a white male, wearing a green jacket, and dark colored ball cap with a possible tattoo under one of his eyes (unknown design). No age range, height or weight was provided to officers.

Q-Lemon predicted this


Whoa, somebody seems to be kvetching too much just before the elections.

Why do people still fall for this shit?

Big time naval yard. Used to be a bit scary but is actually getting gentrified recently.

Wow, deep

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>tfw live in niggerton


Bremerton is a shit hole filled with bremelows. Nobody cares


What was his stance, though? Was he a lefty? Was he a righty? WHAT? WHY? I need the informational gibs, my brother!