Currently on vacation in Texas
Can someone redpill me on this state
Currently on vacation in Texas
here's your redpill: it's full of fucking retards and knuckle dragging morons.
get whataburger.
wait a few days.
realize you now need whataburger.
What part?
This, go to buccees too
Yeah it is over and done, any talk of Texas glory is simply referencing a past that no longer exists.
It is now just a spic, indian, asian, nigger colony.
I cannot believe I am buying a house here.
it was lost the moment we let the Katrina niggers in, we just haven't realized it yet.
Im like 15 minutes away from Austin, my aunt has a really big house so its pretty comfy
Hispanics have always lived in Texas. Texas was once a territory of Mexico.
Blacks have always lived in Texas as well. Have you never heard of slavery?
God fucking damn it.
Texas was 80% white just a short time ago.
Stop pretending whites were ever a fucking minority you spic faggot.
It’s unironically the best place to live in the world
South and west of Austin are comfy
every day i dream about leaving texas and moving to idaho or utah
get me out of this third worlder infested hell hole
>dream about leaving texas
nobody does that.
While your there do forget to vote for Beto
i do. leaved here my entire life. once i graduate, i'm packing my shit and moving as far north as humanly possible.
you cannot be european and enjoy this weather. you cannot be sane and enjoy being a minority. maybe you like to live around third worlders. i dont.
sure you can pay a hefty premium and live in a nice suburban enclave, a few fmiles away from the govenment subsidized housing and apartments where the third worlders live.
you know like in south africa. i'd rather just move to a 90+% white county in idaho, though.
We have an Irish man Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke running for senator as a communist and pretend beaner.
And hes running against the incumbent Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz an island beaner republican who is pretending to be white.
And every day more Mexicans, Guatemalans, Salvadorians, Hondurans, and Nicaraguans. It's over in 10 years max.
Theres a bunch of German towns here too.
>Austin is a liberal shithole, California-esq, overly regulated, overhyped, and overpriced, it has a Jewish mayor.
>San Antonio, also has a Jewish mayor, and is filled with spics.
>Dallas leans liberal, it has tons of niggers who take public transportation, high crime, new york style jerks, etc.some areas like uptown are nice but attract tons of minority trash/jews.
>Houston leans liberals but is surprisingly split for a city that size, it has tons of spics, chinks, etc. It's a decent city
>Fort Worth is the largest based city in the state, it's republican, holds its historic western culture, and is down to earth/ comfy
>West Texas = oil and overpriced
>El Paso= Mexico
>based towns everywhere arundel major cities, but the free masons have a heavy presence in historical areas since they did build a lot of it, the stockyards, grapevine, etc. Have masonic imagery
The whites there are massive cucks who would open their assholes for spics as long as they “legally” come here. I’ve unironically met leftists who have more balls than a texan. Any white who isn’t a retard should get out of that state before it becomes Paraguay.
Dude, I was the same. I moved to Montana and have never regretted it. I lived in Houston, and it was just a hot, mosquito-ridden hellscape with seas of houses only broken up by a commercial pad with the same 11 stores every mile or two. Fuck Utah, though. Do Montana, Wyoming (stay out of Jackson Hole), or Idaho (you want the northern half of Idaho, trust me).
Have you not been to towns? There's tons if German towns, and Texas is prosperous you retard.
Limp-wristed LARP'ing faggots who talk mountains of shit but sit on their fat asses while California colonizes the entire west.
Hit me up bro. Grendelwig on kik. Let's go shooting.
“German” towns are now filled with spics and 1/16th Bavarian mutts. You’re more likely to find German-American culture in Pennsylvania and the Midwest.
>maybe you like to live around third worlders. i dont.
Then start killing them
My grandparents live here, always have. Its the only chance I have at ever owning a house.
Stay away from Dallas, it's full of nigs, and the suburbs like Plano are full of fucking pajeets and ragheads, they've been flooding the place since 2014, now they're everywhere.
I got a house for rent up in Utah. Look in this thread for my contact info. [Its grendelwig on kik]
Source? The only thing I can find is Wikipedia that shows Texas being 80% white in the 1970s, but that doesn't differentiate Caucasians from Hispanics.
U Jelly. What happened? Did you chicken shit parents let your state get taken over by commies?
Let me guess, smoke are $11 a pack where you live.
Read this
They may have been German seventy something years ago. But now they’re completely browned. It’s hard to find any town, city or even area that isn’t filled with beaners. Race-mixing with hispanics is also growing largely there. It won’t be long until the whites who remain there become brown mongrels who vaguely look like their ancestors. There was a time when Texas was at least 75% white not including mestizos. Now it’s 42% and dropping rapidly. Add that with the white flight towards states like Montana. The Southwest will basically become a spic hellhole again.
Good goy, leave Texas and help it deteoriate faster, you fucking retards are part of the reason why the state is going to be lost. It isn't hard to reproduce you dimwits.
>herr derp let's all move to a white utopia
>10 years later, minorities move there because it's attractive
>herr derp let's move from this shithole
You can only run away from the problem for so long. You need to help fix the problem not run away from it.
Major cities are becoming hives of brown people and white Democrat transplants are making living prices soar
Get your grandparents out of there and move to a whiter state. Hopefully whites in the Southwest that are self-aware will start leaving in droves in favor of northern states.
If whites mass immigrated to blue northern states. We could easily replace Texas. Face it, your state is utterly destroyed due to spics.
Yeah, thanks for answering the question, that's a no.
>hasn't been to Fredericksburg
Keep avoiding the problem you idiot.
are u dumb or just retarded
Checked... sadly. Plano used to be so fucking white it hurt your eyes. Whites are now the minority due to corporation H1Bing their whole staff. When I went to high school before the turn of the century it was a great place... now... fuck.
what the fuck is wrong with you? i only want to move away from here and vote for stronger immigration policies. i do not condone your hateful rhetoric.
Go to a football game on Friday night. Ask around so you find a good one. Go to whataburger. Visit a Buc-Ees.
>14% of the population speaks spanish
>17% of residents are spics
That’s pretty cucked
>If whites mass immigrated to blue northern states. We could easily replace Texas
That isn't how it works you imbicile. You have to contribute to higher white birth rates. Yes go the the Jewish states you goyim, leave all the southern states because they are trash. Again, you are part of the problem.
It is one of the prettiest cities.
I grew up in Texas and feel like I was robbed of the seasons and winter.
Fuck that shit. They ain't moving. My grandpa built half of this town and owns shiiiiit loads of property. I am just trying to play good grandson until he passes. All that shit he bought for pennies in the 50's are worth millions now. I ain't moving, I am going to reshape this hellhole or die trying.
>are u dumb or just retarded
The irony. I would look in the mirror if I were you.
you picked a complete shit place to vacation, bro.
I tried but came back because everywhere else sucks even worse
Boycott buccees. I think they are pajeet or beaner owned. I could be wrong g.
only half of it, though
Yeah, I remember that, wasn't their a group of Pajeets wanting the schools to celebrate a Hindu holiday? Also, I think it's near Arlington where there's a large Muslim community. Arlington has always been shit, but it's gotten worst. Dallas' side of the metroplex is going downhill, but Northern Fort Worth/ Alliance area, Keller, Saginaw, etc. Are still majority white and comfy.
I don't see bucees lasting with there current business model. Hardly anyone buys stuff their even with the volume it doesn't seem like they make up for all their facilities and payroll
>Fort Worth is based
Last time I was there, there was just as many Beta Beto signs as the gay part of Dallas.
Fucking people need to come out and VOTE or we are gonna become California 2.0.
Honestly, I've been thinking of moving to a whiter state down the line.
Yeah, I see what you mean. Instead of maintaining the 83% white populations, all the whites in that town should migrate to northern Jewish states, and allow Fredericksburg to become spic and nigger infested, thanks for enlightening me.
what is the irony. please explain it to my pea sized brain, i really need a high iq chancellor of intelligence who thinks thinks texas was always a mexican colony to explain it to me
>Northern states are jewish
>Doesn’t realize the Midwest and Northwest has virtually no kikes
Signs are representative of votes, like tons of people said, if signs won an election, then Beto would win. Ted's campaign hasn't been focusing on signs, so it's difficult to attain them even if you want to. I know there's a lot of Beto signs, but there's even more places with no signs at all. Fort Worth is still based, it's the largest republican city in the USA, and it maintains its western heritage.
Feel free to move, just don't complain when Texas falls further down hill. You are doing more harm than good by avoiding the issue instead of addressing it by repopulating. Also, I noticed many Caucasian white Catholics in affluent areas are voting for Beto, I'm assuming it's because of his Irish heritage? I've been noticing trends with catholics voting for catholics, regardless of political affiliation.
Lol what? Some are still 97+% white. You don't know Texas apparently. Still have people speaking German even too. Although its evolved to include some Texan slang. You can look it all up yourself before you post next time.
even in texas, people are hesitant to openly support republians. putting up a cruz sign in your yard means exposing yourself to potential vandalism. because leftists are deranged.
>Illinois doesn't have kikes
>Minnesota doest have a somali problem
>Dearborn, Michigan borders to an Islamic Caliphate
>Detroit is nigger infested
>herr derp I'm unfamiliar with kike politicians
Again, you keep ignoring that by whites moving, you are ruining this country faster. Keep on with your fantasy of escaping the issue instead of fighting it. You morons are really narrow minded, demographic issues are fixable through reproduction and strong communities.
>farmersville blocks Muslim cemetery
>garland hosts draw Mohammad contest
>Irving blocks sharia law courts
It's only state willing to take a last stand. As other anons have mentioned there has been a mass influx of Indians and Mexicans over the years. I almost wish there were more "stupid rednecks" as the rest of the U.S. refers to them. They're the only ones putting up a fight.
I took a vacation in New Braunfels, TX and instead of taking I-35, we went through the roads that go inside of various towns. You can tell that like is lying and has probably have only been to shitholes like Houston
>herr derp I live in a kike controlled city with tons of minorities so all of Texas is like that
>look this German town is 1% spic, cuck!
>goyim move to whites states and abandon the south, let's make the south Democrat strongholds, less white, and let's screw the country even more by handing power to the dems
When I passed through the various towns, almost all had German flags beside American flags. It wasn't uncommon. Hell, I live I'm Fort Worth, and there's two German flags on my street, and tons of American flags.
>Caucasian white Catholics in affluent areas are voting for Beto
That's because Catholics are fucking liberals now. I use to be one and they all support Democrats because of honestly, they're fucking idiots.
That's why I never purchase signs too, it's better to just donate. Although I don't donate to Ted because he supports Israel. I would vote for a republican over a Democrat, but if presented with the choice to choose a person who doesn't worship Israel/ is a republican, then I would vote for them instead and support them.
This I can see honestly.
This, they also reproduce tons.
Saginaw is comfy, but Obama gave all of those section 8 handouts to developers.
Low taxes, but....
The evangelical crowd is cringey.
People are extremely materialistic and shallow.
Lack of natural beauty.
It’s virtually a hell hole
>People are extremely materialistic and shallow.
What city?
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>>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
That hasn't been true since JFK's time. Catholics are split between liberal and conservative. Catholics who actually attend church and observe their religion are more likely to be republican than democrat.
It is over now.
Does it matter?
You believe what you believe and nothing is going to change that.
Have you seen any Texas hotties?
Shut up memeflag, we all know Jow Forums became the new /b/ after the old one fell to ruin.
Was in the Dallas airport and saw shoe-shining chairs everywhere. Didn't know that was a popular thing
Which part North South East or West?
If you go west of Gurene, yes the state looks like crap until you get to Big Bend.
Then you are out of the state.
The beaches all the way to Matagorda are clean but the water looks like mud. It's actually run off from the Mississippi River.
The further south you go the clearer it gets.
The Hill country is beautiful.
Austin isn't nearly as Hippie as they like to think they are.
People are friendly.
We have a low cost of living so people from states like California are coming here in droves.
The problem is they try to institute the same politics they are running from.
6th Street is for degenerates. Visit Towns like Lockhart good bbq, Brastop was a comfy night life in downtown. Go west to fredricksburg.
Franklin BBQ over rated
Go to Luling City Market for the best BBQ.
Steers and queers
>a few thousand Muslim is comparable to 11 million spics
When your descendants end up being shitskins, you’ll know I’m right.
What, are you poor?
OP, where the fuck are you going?
Drive out in the country, get some BBQ, and go hunting.
If you're around Houston, to to NASA, it's pretty cool.
If you're around Austin, downtown is kinda fun on the weekends.
Go to a football game.
Go to a range and shoot some guns.
If you're in/around Dallas, stay away from the SE side. You'll get into a shot out (one-sided, because you're probably a liberal cuck).
The state is already lost. The future of white civilization is in the North, which is where we belong anyway. There is no winter here, without it we become soft.
>Boomer who is mad that they don’t like anyone over the age of 30 in the restaurant.
17% Hispanic is not a big deal, it’s like 17% Italian
Considering that spics breed like rats, that number will double in just a few short years.
The entire United States is dead guys...
>spics breed like rats
The conservative ones don't.
The liberal ones kill each other.
see if you can get over to Penshorn's in Marion TX. Get some of their smoked knackwurst. Instantly addictive.
That is only true with recent immigrants, which are not the kind of Hispanics that Fredericksburg has. Once they integrate into white culture they breed just as much as white liberals
also, since you are in the Austin area, check out The Little Longhorn on Burnett. Sunday nights they have chicken shit Bingo as well as live music.
Spics shouldn’t be in a place that’s suppose to be made up of Germans. They’re spanish rapebabies with no distinct culture. In the Midwest, we tell any type of spic to fuck off.
The air in Luling is poison
dirty beaners who like having 6 babies, say it's the white man's fault and won't learn english
yeah we need DOTR