White man bad

White man bad

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isn't that the cunt the has fucked a shit ton of dudes, then said it was to be a role model for her daughter?

I'm just going to my daughters my wife and finally kill myself. Fuck this.

>imagine being paid to conduct yourself in such a manner
do you honestly think you'll get out unscathed?

so youre finally getting the point.
wish you would take more of your family with you.

same goes for you, are you paid by post or hourly?

>IOTBW originates from a web board that praises Hitler
>Act surprised when people associate IOTBW with nazis
You stupid assholes.

>>IOTBW originates from a web board that praises Hitler
Prove it.

She sounds like an exceptional individual. Good work down under anons

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just kys retard

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Adelaide you say?

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I don't understand the mentality of shills on this board. Do you not understand the nature of the "work" you do on this board? Have you not considered repercussions?
>despair work
>psychological warfare
>on sovereign citizens of multiple nations
What measures of justifications does one need to quiet their conscience? Do you believe this is all legal?

>originates from aboriginal knitting forum
Whatever happened to analyzing the message? Who's been convincing us that only the messenger matters?

This is great though. Only NPC retards can justify the openly hostile anti-white racism that the left and media are spewing out

Its just such good bait... these people will never know there own ignorance.

Attached: 1524626528911.gif (306x205, 2.97M)

>guilt by association
>assuming motive (mind reading)
Not an argument.

>imagine posting here and not having a desire to kill yourself
Do you really think you belong here? Go back to r*ddit, leaf.

>Activism started by an online image board largely populated by Nazis
>Acts confused when activism gets called out as Nazi propaganda


Australians are actually pretty sharp about that whole "Act like a cunt and say 'What?' routine"
It's not going to do very well, keep it in the States, where people are afraid to smack each other in the teeth due to all the gun-toting.

Greens are internationally always total cucks.


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There's nothing to analyze. IOTBW is just insecure whites catcalling each other.

>imagine posting here and not having a desire to kill yourself
I've been on this site since the spring of 2007. I'm not stupid and anyone that's been here for a measure of time is witness to the attempted disruption. Do you believe shilling of this nature is not apparent?
Do you believe it is legal?

its cuz its not even humans anymore its bots

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That doesn't make it any better. Bots always have handlers, it's akin to using drones instead of spears. The human element is still very much in play, and human shills are still employed in conjunction with the more automated aspects.

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(((World Economic Forum)))

you wiggers know damn well what the point of ioktbw is. stop being queers.

You're misinterpreting posts. My posts are in response to the demoralization shilling evident here.

Should just make posters that read, in the same font and same presentation, "WHITE MAN BAD"

See how many people jump on that because it's what they all believe anyway.

I know what the purpose is, I just think it sucks at executing it.

you talk like a fag

of course some weeaboo has to ruin the fun

How come these stupid NPCs dont understand that "white supremacists" win when they bitch about a stupid piece of white paper. If they ignored this, the "nazis" would be seething. It's trolling 101 and they are so fucking stupid they are feeding the trolls bigly.

It's not nazi propaganda, it's to expose the left's blatant hypocrisy, you dumb cunt.

What a glorious timeline to be alive!

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>nothing to analyze
Not even the reaction fucktard?
You're a deep thinker aren't (((you)))?

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University of Delaware endorses celebrating white identity!

Attached: UD endoreses IOTBW.jpg (1106x1084, 355K)

Image if the NPC's come and end up on /po/ by accident then start shitting up the origami board instead

So what? The term "racist" was invented by Trotsky, a jewish bolshevik who caused the deaths of millions of whites, should anyone who uses it be attacked?

>because they wouldnt make the comparison anyway.....


Poor you

you go girl!


>muh insecurities

More projection

>muh harry potter

At least youve switched it up

I love this. So much to unpack, particularly "..should be named and shamed". In what universe would someone be ashamed of saying "it's ok to be white?" It's like she spewed every NPC Opinion (condition} parameter she has been implanted with all at once.

She needs to go make her man a sandwich.

Can't believe this has to be explained to the infestation of normalfags.
Knowing that Hitler did nothing wrong does not make someone a Nazi. We're Republicans, not Natsocs, you dense motherfuckers.


Missing your point homo, What happens when a person sees an A4 sheet of paper with the words "it's ok to be white?" and I am talking before they have loaded up on the correct pretext and descriptors from the ABC and guardian.

S.H.Y fat cow

>"go back to the rock you crawled out from."

I may not be a native speaker but I've read enough to tell that this girl has no business being a senator. Jesus H Christ

They all react in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY. What the fuck can we even do? If they all agree on the same petty bullshit, then it becomes NPC reality. I'm legit terrified right now.

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Why so it not ok to be white?


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>these people will never know there own ignorance
the irony of people writing sentences like this never fails to amuse me

that happened last year or the year before, shit was hilarious

They can't help themselves.
Their anti white racism is now obvious for normies to see.

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Her husband should be reported for committing bestiality.

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it really is doing a good job of exposing who the real foaming anti-white bigots are. racism against white people is still fucking racism. the fact that they can't see that lends a lot to the "liberalism is mental illness" hypothesis

This really isn't a Nazi-heavy place, despite the logo

cucked and redpilled

Your going to have to speak human and not cunternomics faggot

The only reason this stupid cunt is a politician and not barefoot & pregnant in a kitchen, chained up in a sex dungeon, nor tossed down a well minutes after birth is because of white men.

shit dude, at least it is a meme that could reach into the normie sphere and isn't leftist fucking garbage

I think you are a kike.

Wonder who made this post

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She herself is white. It's like the dumb cunt is admitting it's not okay to be herself and she wishes she was a nigger.

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>you're not allowed to associate slogans with certain groups


based delawinians

Who else?

one of you Aussies needs to take one for the team and dick that pig down. cock slap her into submission.

it would be great if some of /ournigs/ could intentionally get caught putting up the signs to show it's not just whites and it isn't a white supremacist thing

Pleass explain user, I haven’t heard this one.

Consider it a rock

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>women in politics
You've been whining about it all day, yet here you are.

>being this new
poor spelling and grammar is the patrician's choice

>tfw you realize straya bantz are really just compensation for living in a thot hell hole
Look at this sluts face along with all the parentheses for professional credit. This is just a thot on steroids, she gets 5x uglier without make up and suicidal without attention. I am so shocked she has a hyphenated last name, so completely shocked this moron did what she thought was the cool in thing to do. So completely shocked she has a role in a government known for being China's little anglo bitch. Did not see this coming.... ever, never ever.

>no fbi crime statistics
>no statistics or links to back up claims

this is a shit tier meme that doesn't solve anything; sure all the information is true but this right here is just circlejerking

my mother did that
last I heard she was closing in on 200
it didn't work
one sister is an incel (single mother living with our parents, mutt child, no sex for last 15 years because she has "standards")
the other married young, had 5 kids, and obeys her christian husband while running the home
fucked me and my bro up though...being raised by a woman like that
divorce rape is real, anons, don't marry roasties



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But it is you stupid fuck. Most people aren't retards like you think they are and realize nothing exists in a vacuum. With all the relevant context and history and all that stuff it's within reason to assume solely someone with a fucked up view on race would do something stupid like this.

Jews are here.
Must be trying to make the first of the month quota.

Attached: jew bird.jpg (710x512, 82K)

t. faggot virgin incel. kys anyway you racist retard.

Goddamn, Delaware. I forgot you are a state. I guess not all of you New Englanders are faggots.

The response has been pants on head retarded though. Literally the only reaction which doesn't play directly into this campaign's hands is , which should be the default.

I think both responses are valid but obvious the response you're alluding is a better way to handle it.

im glad you are amused faggot user

That's not an incel dumbass.

>mrw IOTBW was supposed to "redpill normies"

Attached: full retard.png (466x466, 479K)

>New England

user I...

>Nazis say the sky is blue
>"Sky is blue" is now a Nazi phrase
Eat shit. Its okay to be white.

The OK sign became a recognized Nazi symbol overnight without one single Nazi or Nazi supporter using it

>these people will never know there own ignorance.
>there own ignorance

OK Cletus