Should pro-lifers be mandated to adopt at least one child?

Should pro-lifers be mandated to adopt at least one child?

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Let them pay for the retarded ones, let's see how quickly they change their minds.

Yes, one white child from the Norse regions

no, that is empirically ineffective. the foster system is hyper effective.

The same can be said the other way around

Yes if anti-lifers be mandated to be sterilized.
Check mate faggot.

plenty of them do but then pro choicers chimp the fuck out because apparently super Christian people raising kids is abuse. look at the pushback michelle bachmann got

As long as anti-rape girls are mandated to fuck incels.

Let's just kill the poor kids and keep the white fetuses

>the foster system is hyper effective.
Charmander faints. Choose another pokeman?

This. Plus it's a false dichotomy.
Like everything from the "left", it's a fabricated scenario to ridicule a point of view due to a lack of arguments.
You don't need to point at other wrongs to prove your point if you're right.
And I don't really care about abortion, really. A lot of people should be culled. But in my opinion if the woman got pregnant for being a thot she should die with the baby (and the "dad" probably too).
Still, that argument in the OP's pic is retarded.

They don't care about the woman before conception. They don't care about the baby after it's out. They don't care about the mother after it's out. Logic = 0

I've heard too many stories of kids being taken away from legitimate parents (must've sworn too much in front of the agent) and then raped and/or murdered by their foster families.

We want more abortion for niggers. Otherwise we have to build more jail cells. This can be accomplished. Take a dumb nigger like Kanye, and other jew pets for instance. They can hardly string together two sentences to express a thought. The reason is that the nigger is low IQ. On average in US they come in at 85 which is to say, that the lowest third or fourth of niggers are technically defined as mentally retarded. There's not much of any place in the modern world for retarded niggers. So millions of them will never be productive. There's simply nothing for them to do in the modern age that they are capable to do. Kanye is a one in a million that made money on his nigger rants and stupid rhymes. So just abort as many of them as possible please, for the love of g0d.

Should pro-choicers commit suicide to be ideologically sound?

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>We want more abortion for niggers
speak for yourself
no child should be murdered, nigger or not

Just because I think it’s wrong to walk up to a homeless person and shoot them in the head doesn’t mean im a hypocrit because I also won’t take them into my apartment and feed them and take care of them


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yeah i'm somewhat pro choice but it's kind of a dumb argument

hold on Schlomo, you don't speak for Jow Forums .And you failed to give any argument for your view as I did with evidence and premises. You just shoot from the him with your judgments. We can at least agree that white abortion is morally offensive.

this is the reason we need abortion. this faggot should have been killed a long time ago.

>I created a human without meaning too, can I kill it?

No that’s abhorrent.

>then will you take it?

No. You made it you take care of it

>okay we’ll surely you’ll help pay for it?

What? No. Look you fucking retard actions have consequences. It’s not MY problem you sexually “liberated” deviant.

the foster system is miles better than orphanages. it is a community burden system. foster care, most that I have seen use a rotation system, you don't stay with anyone for very long, often jumping from household to house hold. anything you have heard is possible and preferable to murder, a life lived is better than a life never given.

typo, meant shoot from the hip, in case you failed to figure that out.

False equivalence.

I condemn murder, does that mean that I should be taking care of the homeless? That's basically what you're saying when you imply that people who condemn abortion should be taking care of other children.

No, that's retarded. I'm not even pro-life, but I think implicit in the argument that everyone has a right to life or whatever is that you have to take responsability for it if you helped create it.

Should anti-murderers be mandated to take in at least one dependent?

>if you oppose murder you ahould take in a homeless person

stop spending useless millions to artificially impregnate barren women and they'll adopt the kids

pro-lifers are exactly the kind of christcucks who donate heavily to feed/innoculate/etc africans

bringing poor trash into your country increases the cost to take care of them. less than a dollar a day can get you a good education and a balanced diet in africa.


>player needs context, game disconnected
try again, game over.

Should pro-choicers be mandated to kill at least one newborn?

>argument not valid

no, that's still murder, showing them their unborn child is more effective.

do you eat meat or fish? somebody killed them. So one presumes you mean murder of humans. Alright. So can you establish other than hearsay that niggers are fully human. I am not sure of that. Seriously, it is not established that niggers are fully human. And btw I am a vegan and do not consume animal products as a rule because it is morally offensive to me to murder animals when I have a choice. But nigger abortion is A-ok. I see no conflict there.


that is what the child services was made for, (((those))) people.

Or you could grow some balls and be open about wanting abortion illegal for whites only to your friends, family, and social media.

No, we shouldn't. A lot of Pro Lifers don't even have kids.

murder is contextual. Kill a soldier shoot at you in a war between nations that makes you a hero not a murderer. Kill an animal outside that is not hurting you for your emotional thrill of it all called "hunting" and no intention to eat it for dinner, then that's probably murder and morally offensive. But killing a niglet fetus that's 1000 cells total, well how is that murder? It is not. But to kill a white fetus or neonate, oh boy, I think you cannot justify it to me. Nobody wants to adopt stinky niglet babies. White babies have people standing in long lines to get them via adoption.

Don't need to, we have children ourselves

white people should have children. good for them and you.

>I demand mothers look after their children.

>Look after my child then!


They should be mandated to pay for one nigger abortion.

>does this mean the government is handing out free niggas?

is it murder to flush a turd down the toilet? Of course not, Silly. Ditto for niglet abortion. It's not murder. In fact we should incentivise nigger mamies by giving them a few months of their monthly payments in cash up front to abort the stinky niglet. You can throw in a month of antibiotics and a 9pc KFC with two sides. We would save a fortune. The jews who collect the rents will not like it. But who cares about them.

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I love that retarded
>pro-lifers do not care for kids
>largest pro-life group
>also massive supporter of adoption, runs most orphanages, huge in the foster child channel
FFS, Planned Parenthood tried to shut down their free clinics for newborns and new moms all the time!
Also tries to force them to give kids to faggots.
Of course, fuckwit faggots like OP know this, but lie

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Charity hospitals and free clinics
>run by pro-lifers
>abortionists try to force them to do abortion
Pregnancy centers to give free pre-natal and newborn care to moms and infants
>run by pro-lifers
>abortionists try to shut them down and post free ads for Planned Parenthood
Abortion and foster care services
>run by pro-lifers
>abortionists try to shut them down or force them to give kids to faggots
Run along, child, and read a book

>be christian conservative
>hold the most fucked up, socipathic beliefs as far as my fellow citizens are concerned
>just the most selfish shit imaginable
>I'm entitled to everything I make, no matter what I did to earn it, fuck off, die in a ditch

Christians are the children of politics

They also tend to give more to Charity than atheists. The Catholic church gives out billions of charity around the world.

Pretty sure most adopters are pro lifers. Most childless "Ihate children" are pro choice libtards who horde cats and pokemon.

No, parents should be forced to raise their own kids.

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wtf I wanna tax churches fairly now

LOOk at the commie retard
>but I repeat myself
Christian charities give hundreds of billions of donations to everything from pre-natal care to vaccines to entire schools & libraries AND donate millions of free hours of labor to help others
But to a Commie retard
>but I repeat myself
Not giving 90% of your income to the government = being selfish.
When is the last time you worked Habitant for Humanity or in a soup kitchen, Commie faggot?

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Should anti abortion proponents be forced to kill themselves?

right, because the government is so much more trustworthy than the church


I'm pro-choice but not pro tax funded abortions. We also need to stop welfare stating Africa.

>Should pro-lifers be mandated to adopt at least one child?
Should those in favor of open borders be mandated to house an immigrant?

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Religion should really be brought up more when people talk about the United States not being a socialist state. It fucking is. The government is actively giving scam organisation tax breaks and funding as long as they fulfil specific needs for specific aspects of the population. It's despicable. They are socializing the worst aspects of society.


Btw, I just told one on twatter that exact thing, and she said “my taxes take care of them”

>Should pro-lifers be mandated to adopt at least one child?
Absolutely. Abortion is the best tool available to rid the world of the unwanted trash before it is even born. Imagine rather than having caravans of brown trash from the Central/South America marching on the border they would have been aborted and they would have not even existed.

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I'm going to have to agree with the communist on this one. You're hyper inflating your sense of morality on the basis that solutions are offered, but don't evaluate the feasibility of anything you actually offer as a solution, or the consequences of it thereof.

I.e., how much of that charity money and volunteer work goes to helping impoverished white, asian, and american families, and how much of it goes to subsidizing the 3rd world?

Pic related.

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>hyperinflating your sense of morality
Fuck the fuck off, kike. OP, Commie faggot, and your fucktarded self are al peddling falsehoods.
Pointing that retards are retarded has nothing to do with my morality, retard.
Where the fuck is your wrangler?

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>Let them pay for the retarded ones, let's see how quickly they change their minds.
Why are there retarded ones if abortion is supposed to take care of them? Your solution to retards obviously isn't a solution.

>adopts kid

Ok cool, now stop all abortions.

I operate a food bank and volunteer over 300 hours a year to help hungry kids and families struggling to get by. I don't see leftist doing jack shit besides possibly handing out toothbrushes and talking to the female clients about how they can flee from domestic abuse. Shit they don't care about. Liberals love to fantasize about everyone getting hit on and raped for some reason.

should someone who is pro-refugee be mandated to house at least one migrant?

>the foster system is hyper effective
You are flat out wrong. DCF are terrible at their job and rip the wrong families apart. I would know, my parents were neglectful drug addicts that were investigated several times yet it went nowhere. Also the system is notoriously known for being a cash cow for abusive parents looking for quick cash from the government

>yes if pro-choices be mandated to sit in prison for 25 to life for murder 1

is not foster care, that is child services.

You're a retard or this is bait. Christians give much more to charity than atheists. Sage

>advocating for being responsible for the consequences of your sexual activity means you should also be responsible for others lack of it

No, I think we should create a new institution though for orphans, where they are all raised to special opps troops and/or spies. If they are pacifist or unfit for such roles, they should receive training for support roles as abilities allow.

If they are no man or woman's child, then they are the nations child.

from the conservative side of the right, people genuinely care about abortion and children in need, but from the Libertarian side of the right...well, pretty much "libertarian" is the political euphemism for being a complete soulless jerk who does not give a fuck about anything but himself. Therefore this huge contradiction on the right and a very flawed point when it comes consistency.

I was what you would call a liberal, until they became the anti-white man party. I am still pro labor laws and effective social programs, and buy the Keynesian approach. I am ok with shit like affirmative action and special categories of violence though I believe there are probably better solutions.

I also am an absolutist on free speech and think the 2nd A is fundamental to our existence as a free state that is also a global hegemon. Further, I believe we should strive to find the laffer curve sweet spot, which is something I believe we will be able to achieve with modern or future analytics.

So which party do I join? Do I pick "when does life begin/when does a person obtain rights" as the philosophical line to hold?

pro-lifers adopt kids in addition to their own all the time. my pro life family adopted 2 from ukraine and one from Honduras


We do. We even have superior foster care centers... but for some reason, the ((gubmint)) hates anything successful that invalidates their dichotomy.

>See Lester Roloff

it's not your problem and it's also not your business. though i think the entire cost should be straight out of the parents pocket, not covered by taxpayers.

OK but oppositely anti-lifers should be mandated to drown.

>Should pro-lifers be mandated to adopt at least one child?
I understand the argument. Quid pro quo. As long as those who give up kids for adoption are sterilized. Your move, Clarice.