How long before the muslims whack her?
O'Connor is now an apostate
>convert to religion that demands you fully submit to God
>"yea im cool wit dat :-)"
>find out you can't drink
>"wtf thats not cool :(((("
>convert to another religion that doesn't even recognize the God you just vowed to submit to as a real deity
Women have the mental capacity of children...
I genuinely thought she was dead
good for her I guess
What a fucking joke. This just goes to show that these liberals just see Islam as a trendy fashion statement
So did I lol, suppose it won't make much difference in the coming weeks, she'll end up dead.
did this really happen or is that a satire site?
>I'll embrace the religion that fits my tastes
satire. never happened.
>all these dipshits eating up this bait
Looks like her own grandmother, fuckin`hell.
She's probably closer to an heroing herself, shes a fucking mentalcase.
does that mean that she must get killed now for apostasy under islam?
It's legit.
It’s a satire article, she’s still Muslim.
That’s the Irish equivalent of The Onion
>Treating religion like shopping
It's all so tiresome
I wasn't aware. My apologies.
pic related. the irish equivalent of the potato
>leftist Women have the mental capacity of children...
Hell I forgot she was even a thing after the whole ripping up a pope photo thing. Also she is a prime example of roastie women curdling like milk in the sun. Also those tats once again proving that only degenerate retards have tats.
It's not real you retards
wrong chick, Cranberries girl is ded.
fake and gay
No need to apologise.
Not an obvious satire site at first glance.
I hope her and Lindsay Lohan get the proper apostate treatment according to the Quran so it can redpill some empty-headed cunts.
jesus christ. just a few fucking years ago everyone would be calling op a shill and nobody would have fallen for this.
the absolute state of Jow Forums.
lindsay lohan would look good again if she got her disgusting freckles bleached out
But wasn't Sinhead o'Connor the singer of The Cranberries ?
If not, who is this woman then ?
Different Irish but they both aren’t white so I can understand
No, that was Dolores O'Riordan.
It was Dolores O'Riordan that died recently. The difference between the two is that the Cranberries were actually a fairly good band.
Why she isnt satanist yet?
She worship herself like any other leftist.
What a dumb cunt.
They should manacle her to Bono and throw them both off a pier.
>Finds out she has to shit in the street.
I bet she's ok with this.
This is the problem with liberals
They are completely clueless to what Muslims believe in
haha same
>stupid mick doesn't realize mudslimes don't drink alcohol
>stupid mick can't go 24 hours without an alcoholic drink
>stupid mick is now a Hindu
i hope soon
Dumbest post on Jow Forums I’ve seen in a while.
Is this real, because if real that is one dumb fuckin bitch.
Wrong mic.
>believing that some women don't have the mental capacity of children
>calling other people degenerate
Women are children you tard.
>Picking up and dropping religion like some trending t-shirt design, all to virtue signal
This is why women should never be given any position of power. EVER
fucking kek OP is not a faggot today
Mental illness is no joke. Neither is the media giving any of these people a platform or spotlight.
It's fake news you brainlet, but at least it's funny
She's always been mentally ill, anyone reporting on her or giving her attention is just taking advantage of someone who should have been institutionalized a long time ago
To women religion is just like shopping, or trying on clothes.
Jow Forums hasnt changed.
The level of madness in society has.
>leaving Islam on a whim
nope, pretty sure you can't do that unless you want to be stoned
I'm starting to think that Muslims really do hate us for our freedom. I'm also starting to think that this hate is completely justified.
well that's muslims problem now, they let liberals in and now they shit on their religion kek
this kook reminds me of rose mcgowan
>implying they would think of her as anything other than a sex slave
noooooooothing compares.. no-thing compares... 2 U
Perhaps it is then. But I still see it all the time from lefty women. There is this SJW chick at my college in Houston. White, huge fucking glasses, colored hair, claims to hate America. "Converts" to Islam to virtue signal. Wears American flag hijab. Quite literally neither whites or non-whites take her seriously or want anything to do with her, especially the actual Muslim girls and the westernized ones. Just sits alone and carries a rolling case because she is physically too frail to even wear a backpack.
My point is, lefty women are the niggers of gender as they have no sense of loyalty to anything.
I think most of you are too young to remember where all her awesome mental instability was first put on full display (please excuse Huffpo link)
It has firmly embedded the term "difficult brown" into my memory forever.
Who is this faggot and how is this politics?
then you must not come here very often.
freckles on face = cute
freckles on shoulder, arms, tits, and everywhere else = smallpox patient