Wake up, user. Wake up!

Wake up, user. Wake up!
Were you having a nightmare? You looked upset...what? The Allies won? The jews? Niggers everywhere? What are you saying, dear? Oh that must have been horrible.
Don't worry, it was all just a bad dream: we are safe here. See, our beautiful house, just right there.
We were picking up apples for the next harvest festival and you decided to take a nap instead, you scoundrel *giggle*!
Come on now, get up, I've got a wonderful idea: what if you, me and the children go for a walk out in the woods? You know how much they like it when you teach them about plants and animals! Let me go call them and we are ready, user.
We are so happy here: you are a wonderful hurband and father, you know?
Maybe tonight we can try for the sixth, mh? *wink*

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My wife would have a dick

>implying I'd settle for 3DPD in any timeline
Unhand me thot.

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that Giethoorn shit

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plz be true

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based and moat pilled

Fucking cringe


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I want a 6th kid so I can hammer smash the faces of 7 family members the night of the Happening

Given the fact I don't want to have kids, waking up and realizing I have 5 of them might be the actual nightmare.
What's the quickest way to kick oneself back into slumber?

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filthy mutt.

And then the kikes presented themselves.


But thanks for making me sad. At least I have a White wife and 2 White sons.

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Don't do this to me...

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>14 in ID

the devil take you



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This embarrassing. The hole raising kids multiple kids won’t event dent the demographics and most of you mongoloids are going to home school them and fill them with your autistic ideas so when they grow up no one will take them seriously. “Trad women” are crypto sluts and you all products of modernity you would never survive living on the land. Ever nationalist movement has ended in complete FAILURE take the deep black pill.

If only hitler made Germany great and productive, without attacking until the nuke were fully functional...

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>the woods

Had hitler won, that would be a reality for many of us. And the women would be beautiful and angelic looking.

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>Come on now, get up, I've got a wonderful idea: what if you, me and the children go for a walk out in the woods? You know how much they like it when you teach them about plants and animals!
why the hell would i wanna do that stupid shit

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>Wake up, user. Wake up!
Not even last night's storm could wake you

hitla killed 30 million white christcucks OMEGALUL

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Ah kikes can't me, I see.
Thanks for making that clear.

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those are facts retard,
not a meme!

Shhh it will be okay sweet boy

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Can we not?

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based af

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I wish it was all a nightmare

N.Z. mongrelised with the Maoris, user.

why would you want someone so ditsy for a life partner

Nice picture of Giethoorn