Government creates ministry of truth

To decide what news is real, and what news is "fake" on a legal level.

I know it's old, but I barely found out about it and want other to know

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Please for the love of your fucking country learn about the:
>Smith-Mundt Act
then the
>National Defense Authorization Act
and within it the
>Smith-Mund Modernization Act

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>Smith-Mund Modernization Act
Doesn't that just undo Smith-Munt of 1948, which would then allow propaganda?

it was bundled up into the NDAA so it wouldn't be obvious, and the State Department could pay MSM to spread propaganda with taxes. It also allows MSM to lie without recourse

Operation Mockingbird.
This has been happening for half a century. I think you might be a bit more behind the times than you thought.

...Reagan dispatched CIA Director William Casey in January 1983 to set up a "public diplomacy' machine that journalists Robert Parry and Peter Kornbluh describe as "America's first peace time propaganda ministry . . . a set of domestic political operations comparable to what the CIA conducts against hostile forces abroad. Only this time they were turned against the three key institutions of American democracy: Congress, the press, and an informed electorate.... Employing the scientific methods of modern public relations and the war-tested techniques of psychological operations, the administration built an unprecedented bureaucracy in the [National Security Council] and the State Department designed to keep the news media in line and to restrict conflicting information from reaching the American public."

As head of the operation, Casey appointed Walter Raymond, Jr. a 20-year veteran of the CIA's clandestine overseas media operations-described by one US government source as the CIA's leading propaganda expert. According to Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee, Raymond's involvement in the campaign symbolized "the wholesale integration of intelligence and PR at the National Security Council." During the Iran/Contra scandal, Congress investigated the Reagan administration's domestic propaganda operations and found that Raymond's name appeared on Oliver North's calendar more than that of any other White House staff member or government employee. A chapter detailing these domestic activities was drafted for the investigating committee's Iran/Contra report, but House and Senate Republicans successfully blocked even a paragraph of the draft from being included in the committee's final report. As a result the CIA's domestic propaganda activities in violation of its charter have received almost no public scrutiny.

Mockingbird is the MKUltra programming tool for the people who work in the media.
NDAA/Smith-Mundt allowed for the Ministry of Truth to exist

How did you find out about all this? I just googled when you told me

pardon NDAA/Smith-Mundt Modernization*

back in 2013 I recall hearing about the NDAA spending up to 500m a year on domestic propaganda, but I knew about Smith-Mundt from learning about Edward Bernays and public relations so I went digging and found the Sm-M Mod act within it


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why are you sliding this thread?

Taxpayer funded Ministry of Truth

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anti-sage bump

This is absolutely entry level shit. How are there anons that are unaware of a single detail of this stuff? You niggers need to put more effort into your own researching. Never, ever, rely on anyone to provide you with the truth. The real utility of Jow Forums, aside from meme creation, is that it serves as a meeting ground to dispense with what we may find along the way,, How do you think it is that we discovered exactly how memes work? There were massive digs into cointelpro manuals and thinktank reports that were then synthesized with digging that took place into esoteric metaphysical philosophy. None of it was the result of any one anons digging but, rather, the result of millions of man hours worth of research being compiled in real time. Think about that and then think about the fact that you didnt even look into the most babby tier of shit. This isnt even the fucking rabbit hole.. You just found rabbit droppings in the woods, now go find his fucking hole, crawl down into it and keep going until you have his lifeless corpse hanging from your belt.

>This is absolutely entry level shit.
agreed, and I've been trying to raise awareness for years now, but it seems to be one of those topics that many shy away from due to the scope of the problem

California dodged this bullet in the primary earlier this year. The same faggot politician who forced mandatory vaccinations was pushing for a State Ministry of Truth. Government control of body and mind. I hate fucking commies.

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>How do you think it is that we discovered exactly how memes work?

>see funny joke
>lol let make my own version of it
come on, man

I believe Texas was the first state to start the ball rolling

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What do you expect, considering the current state of the education system?
I looked at a common-core thread the other day and my head literally hurt after 20 posts, and I'm good at math. Imagine that times 100 for political propaganda now that its sanctioned. People have to start somewhere and now is a good a time as any.

I know, but the irony is everyone has access to a device that can teach them all they need to know but why aren't people taking that initiative?
I did, and I'm not a smart man by any stretch of the imagination

Unless you have a distinct interest in political conspiracies chances are you'll never have heard of anything here.

I know exactly what you mean, and the only solution I can come up with is create similar threads at least weekly. It took me 26 years to find Operation Mockingbird and only off of a whim. A big help is No Agenda. But people won't even look for the information until they're ready to digest it. The real question is how do we stop people from voting Warren 1/2020th when they will regret it in 4 years?

Not like knowing this shit will make a difference