What is tradition to eat in your country? In spain ‘huesos de santo’ (only old ppl eat them though)
What is tradition to eat on this day?
leftover Halloween candy
why do you make so many different types of fleshlights?
What are those? Fleshlights?
Literally dead's bread
hey pablo why don't u eat this chorizo instead
*unzips dick*
Freakin bread you fucking rich capitalists!
Spreading communism since 1848.
Post image!
Se ve rico güey
mang we be eatun chiggum up heyar in da united states of africa yo
Hahaha. We are so spoiled, even have sugar.
the american dream
Haha we never have enough
ye, it's very sweet and spongy, goes well with hot chocolate
Enviando amor desde alemania.
I don't speak much spanish, so excuse if there's major mistakes. ;)
Actually there's nothing traditional for me today, since I was raised a protestant, leaving the church at 18 and not having any non-christian "cultural food" for 1st of November.
Though, I had some great pizza and noodles today.
This, Pan de Muerto with hot chocolate while you mount the altar
Only mexico can be funny about death lol
Wow i want to try all of that!
I just ate a mcchicken and half of a Hershey bar.
eine Umarmung auch von hier :)
Quite a lovely evening
leftover candy out of a plastic pumpkin shaped bucket
Mc Donald’s this morning