Are we too fragile, pol?
So this is how we people see us
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Your Photoshop is really poor
i bet you could pop 1 bubble for every dick that's been inside her
That's who's famous for being easily offended in today's political climate? What fucking news channel is she watching?
*for every black dick (corrected for accuracy)
These are the same people who call the suicide hotline every time Trump tweets
it's projection, like it always is. I don't think this actually offends anybody on the right lmao
So the people with all the real-world survival skills and firearms are the fragile ones?
Interesting. Remind me which side of the political spectrum has been throwing a nonstop tantrum since Nov 2016
You don't inject it, you smoke it.
*slams fist on to desk* that stupid BITCH. How much of a half-breed cumdumpster does one have to be to not see the irony if that statement? Fucking retarded whore. If she wore that in front of me I'd slam her head into the pavement until it was a pink pulp.
Why are white people such snowflakes over racial identity?
T. Chinaman in Burgerland
jesus fucking cringe.
Why so fragile bro?
>being this retarded
Have you been shooting marijuanas since the third grade? That's probably why you're still in grade two.
>"Daddy is really going to regret not buying me that pony!"
Opinion discarded
hey schlomo whatcha doin?
It's projection. All left wing "humor" is basically NO U!
Even though that is not what the sign on the pic said I will answer your question.
Even though you are certainly a shill/dataminer
Nobody see Republicans like this. People on the right wing would make fun of millennials, and people on the left for being snowflakes, and wanting safe spaces blah blah blah
This hurt the lefts feelings, because it was true. So they turned it around, and said "NO U GUYS ARE FRAGILE"
It's the exact same thing that happened with the NPC meme.
>left gets triggered and throws tantrums over shit
>right plays by their rules probably in the hope that the left has some self awareness and realises how dumb they're being
It's all so tiring.
This. It was clearly millenial under the the shop.
>NPC appropriates a meme, the picture.
What the fuck are you talking about.
>being this new
go back to rebbit bro, try not to inject any marijuanas on your way there
Oh Jesus, he doesn't even understand creole anymore
>left gets offended by words
>right defends even leftist's rights to saying anything they want
>right are the ones who get offended easily!
could be a shop but I doubt it
Why would you think that?
>He doesn't inject his weed
lol look at this loser
Quite the opposite actually, fellow retarded nigger faggot
i like how she specified "white" republican. i guess based black men are still oppressed enough that they aren't allowed to be criticized by white girls
They are.
Say one thing against Jow Forums beliefs and they go berserk.
Wtf? Smoke it? I would accuse you of being on drugs user but apparently you don’t know how they work!
You inject marijuana.
your posts are first grade queerness. why is this?
that's because real african-american republicans don't exist
this. and she probs eats black dick every day.
I do faggot
>that man face
>clearly angry about it
girls like that make you hate white people
That's bold statement considering she's going to be bitching and crying all over reddit less than a week later. She just link her to all her own tear filled comments next weds.
But I only need to say one word ''nigger'' to offend democratic amerimutts.
Political gaslighting tactics. She's attacking a fragile minority by the way and that's just awful.
Oh really, who are the one crying about Don lemon hurting muh white fee fees cuse he said White men are the biggest threat to the US. The Right are just hypocrites because they cry as much if not more than the Left, only the Left is at least built on SJWing for everyone while the Right act like they are invulnerable to criticism all while bitching about everything from muh white genocide, anti-white rhetoric to why you say mean thing about muh Donald
>he smoke his marijuana
i bet you also smoke cocks, dont you faggot?
That's me on the right.
They're fucking pussy-ass crackas that forgot their place under the boot of superior black genetics.
Ah yes, leftist intellectual memery at its finest. The classic "no u".
We complained that he was a hypocrite. I guess because we complained he was a hypocrite, that makes us the real hypocrites. Or something
say that he looks like a tranny and watch him lose his shit about how offensive your speech is
>people that will go out of there way to ruin your life over using the wrong gender pronouns calling anyone else easily offended
>Thick eyeliner on bottom lid
Why am I supposed to care what some lustful whore says again?
>using Microsoft paint
No, leftists can't be offended, nor can they be racist. That is how they win. They make up the rules and then new science definitions back it up.
He's not a hypocrite because he's fighting fire with fire using the Rights own racist rhetoric against them. Meanwhile the right doesn't get to us Left virtues of muh racism when all they do is bash Leftist virtue
Let's start by asking why you're so readily able and willing to identify children as being homosexuality? Or is that just the default over there?
You can see for yourself how right she is by how much butthurt is in this thread.
based irony poster
>He's not a hypocrite because he's fighting fire with fire using the Rights own racist rhetoric against them
So he's a moron not a hypocrite? I guess I can't understand as a non-American how important Don Lemon is to you guys but everyone seems to be pulling out all the stops to cover for his incredibly poorly timed gaffe.
I got a great idea... let's taunt the people who make all the shit, keep all the shit running and who own all the bullets! Right, guys?! Guys?
I don't think she understands the full extent of what some white republicans are about.
For example, pushing her into slavery akin to Sharia law.
No voting, no rights for her own body.
Not sure how that would come off as fragile.
It's technically more fascist, which is not fragile.
>mentally ill lady thinks huwite republicans are fragile
She works at a pawn shop so she needs to pander to the nigger and mestizo thieves that keep her in business.
its a copied costume but now it says white republican
>easily offended
oh yes please tell me fucking more
yeah and i bet you don't eye drop your heroin either fucking faggot
Are dems ever capable of coming up with an original idea?
i was wondering what the original costume said
>The White race is being ethnically cleansed.
>Somehow being opposed to this makes you "fragile".
Nice try, Rabbi. Now fuck off back to Shareblue or Correct the Record.
6 million wasnt enough.
Nice image projection guy
You write movie scripts?
>So this is how we people see us
Really? They see us as a somewhat attractive blonde female in nerdy bondage gear.
I call that a win
the offended thing is essentially their own bullshit thrown back at them. at some point during the endless bitching and complaining the right started asking "well what about this related thing that you are ignoring?" and that caught on and sjw responded to that by accusing republicans of being fragile.
just ignore it, it really doesn't make sense to dwell on it too much. it was always going to happen because the right tried to listen to sjw and be reasonable while the shit they are saying was unreasonable and the reply essentially became "no u".
it is the argumentative equivalent of making crying face, rubbing your fists next to your eyes and asking "who a wittle baby waa waa baby need a nappy change".
fuck em
I'm not sure how talking about gassing Jews is fragile, but whatever lie gets you through the day.
it's bad stuff anyway you cut it
>a thousand people had this same costume portraying leftsits
>this retarded cunt copies it and thinks she can flip it
The left can neither meme, nor costume.
>they really dont know how to smile
Everything about that face is just off.
She just took the offended millennial costume and changed the words. Typical left stealing memes.
So in your mind how should we dance for you?
At first I thought this was the forward from grandma but it's actually the type of dipshit that posts there
Also, if were putting reddit screenshots on here. Didn't even have to dig for these gems.
Imagine if her sticker said "nigger."
Nah he injects them
>I'm rubber, you're glue
>if you make a meme about me, I'll put a maga hat on it
>now the jokes on you
>you say it's okay to be white
>your parents must be so disappointed in you
>muh online nazis
kek how do people get this deranged?
>women's studies degree
>works in a pawn shop
the costume
LOL she is so right too! Just look at this thread.
Well, yes. I mean okay. This board calls people niggers and spics left and right, while screaming about needing to gas the kikes, while half of you pretend this is satire and provide cover for the other half who are busy wanking off to it. Then some Korean SJW bitch says she hates white people, or some black sportsball players take a knee, and you all chimp out like it's the worst crime in human history, and how could any of these people ever be so hateful, hurtful, bigoted, and spiteful to their beneficent providers of civilization? Really, it's seriously pathetic.