Bolsonaro BTFO
So tell me Jow Forums, why do you still support this American-Capitalist puppet?
Bolsonaro BTFO
So tell me Jow Forums, why do you still support this American-Capitalist puppet?
>i will call bolsanaro a puppet with absolutely zero evidence to suppot my claim
>surely that will work
Literallly whomst?
He is a puppet. He will bend to the will of America and globalization. He will sell the people out.
>He hasn't heard of /ourguy/ Aleksandr Dugin
>My opinion is...
>My opinion is...
>My opinion is...
How about some facts, logic, or reason. Or is everyone now like U.S. Millennials with their "Muh Feelings is all that matters."
Brazil was already somebody’s puppet. I’d rather be a puppet to USA than China.
>a full paragraph saying a bunch of nothing other than repeats of leftist propaganda he probably saw on NYT
Yeah, truly BTFO.
>An American millennial
Looks like it's amateur hour
>USA dominance
that's the problem with Dugin and the Jewish trick: he never exposes Israel.
Not /ourguy/ but his overall conclusion on the three branches of liberalism is correct.
Oh the irony.
>of leftist propaganda he probably saw on NYT
Dugin is antiliberal. You would have known that if you read that in the first place.
They have a strong position in Latin America. They could be independent and stable but decided to be someone else's lapdog. Sad!
Is Jow Forums pro-Israel now?
Paul Joseph Watson weighs in on the situation.
I love how he avoids saying anything substantial as much as possible because he doesn't know shit about Bolsonaro or Brazillian politics. All he knows about is the "omg bolsonaro is a self-declared nazi wanting to establish a dictatorship" commie propaganda.
Imagine being so much of a cuck you declare yourself "antiglobalist" but your primary source of news is globalist media.
I agree. The problem with Jow Forums and Trumpists supporting Bolsonaro is that they don't realize how Bolsonaro and Trump are nothing alike. Bolsonaro wants to put Brazil under a military dictatorship and he has a precedent to do it, Trump is just an orange meme president. If "military dictatorship" is the new standard for conservatism, then it's time to burn conservatism to the ground. The fact that they can't see how it's extremist proves they are disconnected from reality and can't tell the difference between centrist, conservative and far right whatsoever. I genuinely can't believe the amount of complete clueless morons saying Bolsonaro is "just a conservative" and bringing out the "durrr the left thinks everyone is a fascist now" talking point. It just demonstrates they have zero grasp on actual politics and will just choose whatever right wing shit is available regardless of details as long as it owns the libs. One day this approach will come back to bite them when they idiotically elect someone who drafts them into a war or genocides them based on footnotes in their genetic history. Also they better hope in a future election it doesn't result in a far left result with a huge amount of precedent for oppression the other way.
What the fuck has Israel go to do with whether he is a fascist or not?
Is Little Pauly retarded?
>Bolsonaro wants to put Brazil under a military dictatorship [citation needed]
Stopped reading. Suck my cock, commie shit. He defended the military dictatorship we went through because it was a good government that did a lot of good to the country, but that keeps getting shitted on by commie shits like you because you were (rightfully) persecuted during it for being subhuman terrorists. He never said he wants to put Brazil under a military dictatorship, you absolute retard.
>Former US ambassador Thomas Shannon said earlier that the US could support Brazil's entry into NATO.
>The Antagonist has learned that the establishment of a US military base in the Northeast and the signing of an agreement for the reconstruction and use of the Alcantara launch base are at the negotiating table.
>Brazil giving up the best strategic point in the world to launch missiles (Rio Grande do Norte) to the USA
>Brazil entering NATO
>Brazil picking a fight with Palestine, that buys 2/3 of our red meat, all so we can move our embassy there and help defend Israel
>Brazil giving the northwestern to Israel so they can help build desalinization plants and thus own the place
Dugin is not our guy, and neither is Putin. go back to /sg/
Not to mention that the base US wants is right next to Venezuela.
Nazism was never inherently about 'fuck le jews hehe"
It was about the people taking control of their land, instating their traditional culture as the dominate force, removing outside influences and corruptions, and cleaning up the streets from degeneracy by any means necessary.
The outside corruptors in Nazi Germany just happened to be Jews.
Israel is a Nazi country, and Mudslimes are the degenerate corruptors of Israel.
>just happened to be
Yeah, nice cucking, user.
Who else promotes degeneracy, faggots, cunts and niggers?
white women
I think Alexandr Dugin is starting to lean more and more towards the Varg camp of Traditional Environmental Tribalism, and a rejection of ((capitalism)) in all its forms.. in the long term a rejection of ((civilization)) itself maybe.
Best ideologist of our time.
For one thing Dugin is not a Traditionalist, he calling himself such is a lie and he knows it. Second the hallmark of Dugins though it tactical over theoretical. The 4th political theory boils down to whatever is good for Russia do. He will champion left or right regardless in any country just as so long as they are good for Russia he will support.
Fuck him and his dime store discount philosophy.
>I think Alexandr Dugin is starting to lean more and more towards the Varg camp of Traditional Environmental Tribalism, and a rejection of ((capitalism)) in all its forms.. in the long term a rejection of ((civilization)) itself maybe.
Honestly there are merits do the idea. Technology through capitalism has given us amazing things, but it's also taken away a lot from humanity. I mean the majority of the population used to live in tribes, hunt, be around others 24/7 and develop deep bonds and have a sense of purpose. life was very harsh, but rewarding.
Now most people slave away at a job they hate and come to a spouse who resents them with kids who are unruly, and they're too physically or mentally exhausted to do anything but eat food with chemicals made in a lab and watch brainless TV for the next 5 hours before they have a bad sleep and do it all over again the next day. And now because life has gotten so easy we have crazy liberals literally creating problems so they have SOMETHING to give their life meaning and to fight for, claiming we're in a massively oppressed society.
Being in small communities, each with their members living there deciding what values and work ethic is important to them, is the future IMO. Don't want to live in a small community where they value religion and family? There's a small community a little ways away that has values complete freedom in doing what you want as long as it hurts nobody else, that may align more with your ideals. And as long as you're willing to completely accept and follow the communities ideals, you'll be welcome. Some will follow the ideas of capitalism, some communism. Some will be only white, others only black. It'll be the personification of tribalism, except there will be an agreement among all not to interfere with other tribes, which will be the governments overarching job (and to defend from foreign intervention.)
Also this way we will discover which societies work and which dont