>I tried to register for the 2016 election, but it was beyond the deadline by the time I tried to do it. I hate mailing stuff; it gives me anxiety.
HOLY SHIT. The absolute state of millennials
>I tried to register for the 2016 election, but it was beyond the deadline by the time I tried to do it. I hate mailing stuff; it gives me anxiety.
HOLY SHIT. The absolute state of millennials
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What is wrong with the shape of their heads? It's making me nauseous.
Yeah it's the nice thing about liberal millennial's, they bark and scream real loud, but when it comes to being productive, they aren't. I'm hoping liberalism is mostly genetically influenced so that they will all die off from having a bunch of cats and dogs with no kids.
Their heads look like a boobly-bee baglywog bepeddlous beep boop
Why would they? They've got to tweet about the latest (insert whatever bright light is attracting normie bugmen at the moment)
>I hate mailing stuff; it gives me anxiety.
Lol how. Registering to vote is so easy. I have had to change my registration a few times now because of moving to different places and it's so simple. In my state they will mail you the registration form if you just fill out a thing online. You mail that back in, give it a month because the government is slow, and boom you are registered. Hell if you stay in the same county you can do it all online. You don't have to talk to anyone. You don't have to go anywhere. It takes probably a grand total of ten minutes of your time.
I understand that some people get actual anxiety in certain situations but there's really no reason to get anxiety from the mail. I hate the overusage of actual disorders.
>lol I have anxiety I can't mail that
>lol I am so OCD that I just had to fold my laundry
>lol I am just so depressed right now because starbucks messed up my order
I agree with you that it's very easy, but I can't believe you would ever trust the state to fairly sort and count your vote with that much time ahead of the elections for inside kikery. i vote the day of, like a fucking american, not a lazy piece of garbage.
What the fuck is so hard about registering? It's so goddamn easy. Are people just becoming even dumber? What the fuck is going to happen when these young retards get older and make up the majority of leaders in industry and government?
same its off as fuck fucking freaks fix your fucking country m8
Modern american heads are fucking weird. I have noted this before. That must be what you get when you mix italians, englishmen, french, germans, mexicans and poles together.