Economic difficulties?
Class inequalities?
Barrista at Starbucks spills coffee on your iPhone.
Why replace the whole system when you can just fix something the part that's broken? I don't get it.
Why is the Communist/Marxist answer for everything... REVOLUTION?
Other urls found in this thread:
They want to keep overthrowing governments until they find a unicorn government that doesn't require them to work for a living
Revolution is fun. So why not.
The only people who are against revolution are sissy liberal humanitarian virtue signaling leftists.
Bolsheviks were 80-85% Jewish
They cant produce, so they destroy.
Natural selection requires violence and death. Any effective government will turn the population into sheep.
These are the type of people calling for a """revolution"""
Not a threat at all I say
Is that in UVA? The background looks familiar
Because it's easier to blame the government when it's really your fault
I respectfully disagree. These two fags are harmless by themselves but multiply them by 6 million and they are pulling property owners out of their homes and slaughtering them in the streets. I would never underestimate the power of idiots in large groups.