Just took a picture of some warehouse pricing of Parmesan cheese. Is this a good price?
Canada Economic Collapse? No way, Oy Vey!
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Based leaf.
So thats why your mom had a special on blowjobs for $13.79.
Hope your having a good spaghetti thursday OP
Maximum cheese. Let’s compare more products prices!
>Post prices and weights 90% of this board don’t understand
>thinking he is making a point
Go to sleep , friend
My mate in the UK tells me ASDA is like the most expensive.
they're paying like twice what we pay in the States for the same food, what's causing this?
Nah, it’s basically Walmart. Infact it’s owned by them. It’s not exactly the cheapest but it’s kind of joint cheapest with 3-4 other shops, most supermarkets have similar prices except the ‘posh’ ones like marks and Spencer’s or Sainsbury’s who add maybe 10-20% to the price.
Is it to hard to convert it? Sucks to be you.
I think the same when I see American prices ;)
>9 euros
>A shitty industrial pasta condiment
Top fucking kek
>what's causing this?
Some countries have farm subsidies, yours for instance gives out billions to farmers every year. Canada has none of this welfare for farmers.
That's because you don't understand exchange rates
>median british income is literally HALF of median american income
Another one of those pedo freaks, why do Truedue or w/e, and Macron both look the same?
And yet you're crying about dairy cartels...
dude how many layers of economic crisis are you on?
idk like 5 or 6 my dude
your like a little baby, watch this
>here it costs like 50$ of our local currency lol
That’s bollocks. Nobody I know who works earns that little. They are probably counting all the immigrants on gibs ;)
Anyway, even if that is true, our food is half the price of yours so it evens out I guess. Still, those leafs hey? Kek.
So 500g of Parm is 10 GBP? That's 17 CAD, more then OP's price.
I think it's the same price in store, we buy another brand though.
>muh ancedotes mean your statistics are wrong
Good thing we more than make up the difference on utilities, gas, and taxes.
Not that I give a shit, since I make 2.5x what the average brit household makes
>It is not only groceries where consumers have noticed relatively higher prices in Canadian stores compared to US stores. According to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) statistics measuring equivalent Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), the Canadian dollar price of goods Canadians buy on a regular basis was 22 percent lower than in the US in 2002 (9 percent lower for food). Canadian prices were generally lower than US prices from the mid-1990s to mid-2000s. But, by 2012, the cost for a similar set of goods was 27 percent higher in Canadian stores (57 percent higher for food).
>57% for food
The cost of selling goods in Canada is much higher because of
a) weak Canadian dollar
b) massive tariffs on outside supplies of food
c) supply-management policies that induce artificial scarcity locally
d) heavy and punitive duties for Canadians bringing in outside sources of food individually
e) the retail tax
f) the Goods and Services Tax
g) the Provincial Sales Tax
you don't buy food do you? there is no e,f, or g in canada
Also, why does my dual citizen cousin from britain always wait until he visits the us to buy electronics? Could it be because they cost 1.5x more over there?
think again
>and the demon looked back and said "no john, you are the grocery poster"
think about what retard ? what did your pick prove?
there is no tax on groceries in canada
>the only food cheaper for Canadians is dog food and olives
getting scared now...
>dog food and olives
Kek, the corner stones of any healthy diet