Keep pushing: And take a hint from the Fuhrer

Gentlemen I've come tonight to offer something of a progress report: As a TA in both History and Polysci classes at a major leftist university I can tell you for certain that the common person is at their wits fucking end with the left, even people that once knew to be fiercely liberal students 3 years ago are absolutely done with what the gender studies gulags are offering, I mean fuck you made me silently muse about natsoc, HOWEVER, I need you fuckers to smarten up and play a gambit for 5 minutes:

I know kike hatred is your life blood but focus it toward the LGBT dogma. Your common man can't stand these people anymore, and it would benefit you to read the crowd as one Hitler did in becoming a political chameleon. Godspeed.

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optics bump

actually based & redpilled

bumping for more input from OP

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I mean I'm just sayin boyos, gotta play like a shifty jew to beat the shifty jew

>abortion is great
>divorce is glorified
>normies everywhere
>degenerates literally mutilating their bodies
>open borders are amazing
>accepting illiterates from the 3rd world because they're future doctors who self combust every now and then is totally safe and okay
>trucks of peace

this is fine
this is normal

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fuck the "lgbt community" of slut faggots and them trying to represent/mind control gay people

reminder that most extreme rhetoric here is done by shills looking to taint the board of peace
reminder that the shills strategy is cranking open the overton window much more than it's discrediting that which has always been discredited
is this being done by design?