Why does Pol not want James to win

Literally every reference to John James on a thread gets a popup comment that, well I am not going to vote for him because he said x. Without stating support of Stabecow. Is this the dem machine scared of this blackman

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Because of his skin color.

I'm pulling for him.

Good luck


Tiny dicked Jow Forumstards can't compete against his BBC

Dude, really.

Guy shoots rockets at jihadis and u wanna back this bitch who doesn't even live in Michigan.

Her hubby got caught up in human trafficking ring by the state police

Dems are scurred of based black man

Is it that? I’m not convinced user. I think that the INTJ’s here can get behind an Afrikaans like him. I think more likely is that lefties don’t want the Trump phenom to occur that Jow Forums has the ability to create. That they are here

Michigan voter here voting for based helicopter man straight ticket red for my first time ever

Wignats don't actually care about doing anything. If they did they wouldn't be wignats.

fuck stabenow

Ive got a big dick im in michigan im voting jj in fuck debbie



someone w better graphic skills than me help meme BASED HELICOPTER MAN into office

>Why don't you support the commie Jow Forums are you racist or something?

I haven't seen much of what you're talking about desu.

I'll vote for him, but he won't win, and the way he played the race card to get the edge against Pensler in the primary was pretty dirty of him. Wishing him the best though, unseating Stabenow would be an insane upset.

How do you play the race card in a republican primary?

He's black, but he's NOT a nigger, big difference.

this is true

primary is over
get on board
we can do this

cmon, just look at his campaign logo

We just need pepe flying it

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Even stabecows long term farmer following is turning

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Someone shop a commie being thrown out.

his campaign signs are all over mid and northern mich, not so much for her

Dude I don't know, there could be a huge upset here. Black people will vote for a fellow negro over a "stoopit white ho" any day, regardless of party. If nigs put their loves of gibs aside, Wayne County might go red

Polls were dead even between the two until very late.

You know, I looked around and can't actually find a source for what I remember, but just before James pulled ahead I recall him basically accusing Pensler of being racists.

At the very least, he did lie about Pensler broadcasting James' home address in attacks ads.

It doesn't really matter though. He's the republican and we'd be better off with him in the senate than Stabenow.

He used to be heavily liberal, closed a successful company with hundreds of workers and ran off with the money, and played the race card in the primary.

In the primary he wasn't supported by any of the 100+ chamber of commerce chapters in the state.

He has no experience in politics, none. Trump didn't either, but the Presidency is an administration office, so Trump had the qualifications for it. Senators should have public service experience, JJ has none.

A 2 minute campaign ad of him on YouTube was the worst one I've ever seen. He just dwells on the fact that he was in the army once and he's pro-life. There was NO other subjects covered and he mentioned being pro life just briefly, the rest of the two minute ad was him going on about his army history.

I'm a member of a few republican clubs. They've all reached out to him. None have heard back from him, none have even heard from a staffer on his campaign team. That's unheard of for me.

He's bad. He's shady. He's running his campaign sheerly on his skin color. Less than a year into his term he'll stab Trump in the back and the MSM will make a pariah of him, he'll be the new John McCain.

I'm not voting for him. I'm not voting for Pelosi. Me not voting for either=/=voting for Pelosi.

>based helicopter Nan

he's the Apache nigger with his finger on the trigger. Can't wait to vote for him. LET'S FLY

go KYS on the might mack

are you so narrow minded that you don't think a true man can be change his mind?

why do you comment on threads you know nothing about?

Fuck off you worthless faggot

>fighting for Israel is kewl now
>blaming someone for something someone else did

Lol- only fucker on /Pol in weeks that brings up John McCain- that tells me exactly who you are


Paw Paw voting for him.

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Public service experience? West Point and the military. Interesting how you interchanged Stabenow with Pelosi. Your extreme details about John James and no knowledge of his opponent shows you clearly for the operative that you are. And literally none of that is true about the closing of businesses other than some regular course business dealings. The guy has tripled the size of the business in the last 8 years. Stabenow did nothing in the same time period or the last 18 years.

What's a /Pol?

fuck niggers

I actually live in this state and my vote counts, so go away and glow in the dark

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>Beating your dick over 2 years working on a helicopter, not in combat
>beating your dick over having no political experience
>beating your dick over how your skin color brings diversity to something

I believe you can change your mind, but if you're going to change your mind then you'll have to do a good job at convincing others you've changed your mind. JJ isn't even attempting to convince anyone, it's literally nothing but muh military, muh abortion, muh outsider status, muh skin.

>assuming you know where I do and don't live
>supporting a literal nigger over any white person
t. blacked fetishist

I be /pollack from hamtramick

so ur voting for stabenow because?

Glowing operatives, terrified of the Based Helicopter Man. They have evolved and learned how to look like anons

what up exit 60

velvet touch still open?

>g-goyim! vote for a jew or a nigger!!
woahhh... so this is the power of (((democracy))). glad im fascist lmao

Welcome moshe, there are two other operatives here already

1. nigger
2. race-mixer
3. literally quoted the Jewish graffiti on the Statue of Liberty in defense of beaner invasion

yeah because a jew would shill for fascism (and the extermination of all kikes that it will produce), ok retard.

Yes he would. Your mind virus is strong. It is easier and easier to see you operatives for what you are

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you made a thread on Jow Forums shilling for a racemixing nigger, you arent fooling anybody kushner.

Sure thing moshe, the soap doth protest too much

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top kek

If the niggers in Detroit would vote for another nigger. The nigger would win.....But the niggers won;t. And it is very sad indeed.

These operatives truly are chimping out over the possibility of a black Republican Senator. No way they are anons much less MI anons


Bump. Only an idiot would vote for that woman.

never trust a nigger, traitor.

hes Pro Daca and pro mass migration. enough said.

Riiiiight, Stabenow is definitely your candidate. She has the I hate niggers constituency all locked up. You guys have the nogs on the plantation, you think anons are the same

ITT we let glow in the dark fags and operatives dictate who the electorate in Mich should vote for


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never ever trust a nigger, traitor

these anons aren't Michigandsrs, bet ur Bitcoin


The leaf has none, just a stabecow staffer banging roasties in the gold room in Windsor

no atheist in a fox hole
no racist in a fox hole

there's a difference between blacks and niggers and any user from the mitten knows this

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The stupid leaf heard shit about the other Michigan John James.

TRUST? no. BUT you CAN expect him to behave within predictible margins and plan ahead accordingly. MI saw what happened with Kwame (another inexperienced young black man) but we've had our fill of the democratic establishment lying and ripping us off. Baby steps, anons. Hold it down until based user runs for the office and then let slip the frogs of war.

>there's a difference between blacks and niggers
there is none. keep cucking

>trump supporter here

I'd rather vote for a woman democrat than a nigger. Keep the USA white, vote for Debbie!

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he doesn't even support the damn wall!


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He's a race mixer. Fuck him.

Are you saying vote for James?

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Larp fag


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>there's a difference between blacks and niggers

Aside from stormfront fags, everyone wants JJ to win.
America is about merit, hard work and universal values. This guy seems to fit the bill.

>debbie stabenow
>keeping USA white
wut? she imports millions of arabs into her state


This is exactly what I am getting at. These operatives and their smoking of the issues. Wait, don’t vote now. We will have a based user in office. Painting as Kwame. Young and inexperienced. Frogs of war. It is like Bannon went to work for stabecow. An operative. I truly believe that the dem machine is here on Jow Forums

>cucks will ignore this

The Chaldean hive is nesting in all of the Detroit suburbs

Because a leaf posted it like a reddit fag

this is true

>niggerlovers are this stupid

>a fuckin coon

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Those who don't want John James to win, are actually afraid of black people who are capable of thinking freely and have the ability to form their own opinions. They are so used to see the scars on the back of the black population because it shows as a mark of pride for their success as an oppressor. They also don't like it when black people get "uppity" so they fight back with whips and mace to subdue the black population but now this one, John James is out of their control, therefore the hate toward a successful black politician.

I wish these out of state shit posters really knew how bad the Chaldeans are up here

Only a true-threaded Michigander knows this

That's literally the same position as Trump.

Wonder if that's why Trump hasn't even bothered to campaign for the guy

for all the piss and vinegar that was spit out on this thread it sure got quiet quick.

next post is glow in the dark , watch

"m saying to vote for him NOW and see how it polays out and if necessary get him OUT. Maybe he's just saying shit now to get the leftie/race vote to get IN.
And YES I mentioned Kwame, becasue those traits were exactly WHY he was elected in lieu of a more experienced and qualified Freemen Hendricks. I'm just point this out for reference to take into consideration.
It's not like EITHER side is putting out thier start top players in this election cycle. It's all low-hanging fruit for what they percieve as easy win / minimal fallout from losses.

I'm rooting for him.


As far as I'm concerned this man is qualified to do absolutely anything. I hope he runs for president one day.

Anybody that says anything bad about this guy is a shill. A bought and paid for shill.

He has sent Pence in several times and messages support

like I said

way to walk it back

"he's just not ready yet"

so obvious

you get it user

I have to vote absentee in PA but I got like 10 of my friends in MI to register and they are voting for JJ