Post one white achievement that matches this

i bet you can't

Attached: pyramid.jpg (300x168, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Everything except that

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But the pyramids were built by ancient super advanced humans that are still watching us user. They are far more intelligent and technologically advanced than us.

Pyramids are an easy structure.

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>White accomplishments
Literally everything you see in your house and when you walk around human civilizations all over the world.

>Shitskin accomplishments
Stacking some rocks on top of each other and building gloriously efficient mud huts.

Can you take some pictures, please?


>They are far more intelligent and technologically advanced than us.
and they are white.

the earth is flat but you still can fly to the moon

Please be bait

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The moon is a luminary and is a translucent disc

Attached: Lunar Wave 7-9-17, Filmed at 200fps.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Exactly this
It's because of the space program that you can even use the internet to post this shit.


Whites built the pyramids you fucking faggot.

Nah mane, you'd never get through the mile thicc crystal spheres to traverse the fluid aether.

How did they get the stone on top?


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North Africans are "white" by US definitions on demographics, so yeh......

if they were super advanced they wouldn't have wasted their time building pyramids.

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Wow what a pretty 3D triangle. No one has ever made anything more amazing than a giant shape. Sage

Microchips far surpass the pyramids.


Sand niggets cannot into whitness.

>White achievement.

There has never been a project that was enacted as a collaborative effort by every Europid ethnicity at the same time.

Same for the "Black Race" or any other shallow skin-colour based notion of peopledom you may care to trot out.

You fuckin' racist.


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why not at least build that shit out of something magnetic?


Maybe the technology housed inside the pyramids has long since disappeared


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>le skin colour [sic]
Nuke Britain.

Sure, maybe. Post evidence or cut your dick off.

habitrail hamster cage
aquarium filter
gasoline engine
bush hog
Gibson Les Paul
Kickback Jacks Honey BBQ sauce
Cherry Coke.


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A pile of rocks. Hard to beat. But I think modern medicine would easily beat it.

North Africa and West Mediterranean was originally European. In fact, there are plenty of 'Egyptians that are mostly European by DNA including North. Most of the exhumed mummies have blond, blondish or red hair. Many of their paintings depict such blonde haired people. Fuck, there is a huge body of evidence that proved the Arabs or nig nogs had nothing to do with those things other than wash white penises.

okay, so how did they use that to improve their society?

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people that are saying the moon landing

we wouldn't of got there if it wasn't for black women, check out a movie called hidden figures

You posted the white achievement, but where's the shitskin one?

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its concrete. They poured it.

>Y-you can't match moving stones around
How about putting a giant metal object in the sky and keeping it there?

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That shit was built by an alien race. The leader was a preying mantis looking creature that was female and had maternal instincts. The workers were identical and more or less grown in vials and had no souls. The blocks were lifted into place using acoustics and the top was cased in gold. This would send out amazing and beautiful light. And it was all done to get God's attention.

building the internet from scratch

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>i bet you can't

How do you know it wasn't whites who built this?

That is a white achievement. They enslaved niggers to build it.

the internet you mongoloid its greater and more useful than any pyramid AND its invisible like wtf

uh huh...right

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So, as the universe is actually electromagnetic... i.e. mass is actually energy arrays that resonate and what we see is best described as a hologram it's obvious to white people that the great pyramid was actually a communication device.

That is a white achievement.

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>Niggers didn't go to college before 1969
>Nigger women learned advanced mathematics as home makers (when black men actually stuck around with their families)
Makes complete sense.

"CAN focus"...doesnt say it does...says it "can", like a nigger "can" go to work.


A bunch of rock piles, and not one piece of steel.
Really makes you think.

Where was this found?

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>if it wasn't for black women
yea, cuz in 2018, all the stories of black accomplishments are so true and full of accuracy, just like their alibis, right?

Yes they did

Welll... re-agglomerated limestone. Good proof of this and undoubtedly this is true.

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>a VERY large pile of rocks
Versus... I don't know... space travel?

I watched a 3 hour special on the discovery channel a few years ago that was live, they had a robot with a camera because they found a shaft inside it, they sent the robot down into the shaft, at the end of the 3 hour suspense- it showed a copper bar on the block. No idea what it was for, but I was pissed it wasted my 3 hours on a piece of copper they had no idea what it was.

You already posted it

nah it's true

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Newgrange. It has a central chamber that only receives sunlight at the winter solstice. Through a narrow fucking doorway all the way down a little hallway. Built by pagan Irish.

>It was built during the Neolithic period, around 3200 BC, making it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.


Everything possible is happening at once.

Ever heard of the Titan of Branau? He put it there

Look what Elon Musk just posted.


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Kek! How fucked up are you right now? It's not even 2:30 pm Aussie time.

where do you even start? I'll go with the Parthenon

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That is a white achievement, all pharaohs were white.

Even in Egypt niggers were the slaves HAHAHA!!!

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How would Egyptians get blonde hair when that's primarily a Nordic trait?

I don't think Egyptians were white, nor were they black. Just Arabs

Alright. Carry on, Ausbro.

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GO AWAy!!!!

The first Egyptian dynasties were white. Khufu was white. Only the latest Dynasties were shitskins and the Egypt failed.

Turning sands into a pyramid lol.

We transformed sand into microprocessors.

The great pyramid is very very old. It's predynastic (older than 3100BC) and only records of it building works on it were actually renovation work to cap stones. Great pyramid is old as fuck and those silly Arabs took away it's secret and stripped that fucked of it's capping stones to build their shitty city. Fucking assholes.

>muh blonde, blue-eyed Ancient Egyptians


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Oof. Discovery channel is unwatchable anymore, it's almost History-tier. Anything important will be more widely reported, so anything that only gets hyped on some history or science channel is guaranteed not worth getting excited about.

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Pyramids are cool but thats not really an achievement, its a building project. Skyscrapers are tall and more efficient both in space, but also in material costs and manpower required to build.

We can put up a skyscraper up pretty quickly, it took a little over a year to put up the 102 stories of the Empire State Building back in 1931

There's no real evidence that the Berbers of North Africa built the pyramids or the sphinx. It's quite possible that it was the Neolithic Europeans who were active in the area 10k+ years ago.

Arabs are cousins of Jews, there were no Arabs back then.

I'm English.
I don't have to reduce my ethno-nationality to a fucking colour just because leftie Mutt academics are totally out of touch with their cultural heritage.

Get on my level, you people-less wolfshead.

How do you think nords got so far north, by Odins magic. Blonde white people come from middle east believe it or not.

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im convinced all flat-earthers are just chinks and shitskins that are mad as fuck about America being better than them

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>that slow as fuck refresh rate
nigga wtf are you smoking

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