90% of the people living in absolute trash and the rest 10% enjoying all the privileges under control of jewish overlord
California is the future that elites want
California has the highest poverty rate in the entire US, and also has the #1 WORST quality of life in the entire US.
This is exactly the prototype state they want to turn the entire US into.
California is permissiveness run rampant. It's what happens when you don't have a line for people to cross where you say it's their fault that their life is shit.
this would imply that someone was in control. CA is just a keep producing mass density housing to collect more wasted tax dollars and allow more illegals to drive real estate from the bottom up keeping the whole state afloat on one big real estate balloon.
Meanwhile 50 years ago
if racist white people would just stfu everything would be fine
do people actually think California is poor? for real?
Yep. Either you are poor or fucking rich. The middle class is dead here. Let the chaos come.